
Chapter 22

I shrug my shoulders, maybe they've changed. Jake helped me sit on the sofa.

Sadash served me Almond milk. "But there is turmeric in it this time" I frowned, Sadash you know I hate it when you add turmeric to the milk. It for your own good dear,it very healthy and medicinal. "But I don't want to have it"

Aurora...Jake deep voice echoed in my ears.

He shot me a look that says finish the glass up. I gave him pleading eyes but his look was the same. "Okay fine I will have it.

Thats my girl. I squeezed my face while gulping it in. Mom I think she needs another glass. "Hey no no I'm okay with this. Jake laughed at her actions.

Sir,l want to take Aurora to my house, it just a week. I want to take care of her personally.

And what makes you think that I will allow that to happen.. Dad shouted. My daughter is no whore,she is not yet married to you.

What do you think people will say about her and us. There is no way Im allowing you take her out of this house.

Sir there is no need to listen to the talks of society, she is my girlfriend I have the same right on her as you have. She is going with me with or without your permission, I can't

risk her life while I know she stays with people like you. Mom is not enough for her.

Her mental health is at risk here. You people abuse her mentaly and emotionally.

All she needs is to be loved by her parents, but what you guys know is to torture her emotionally and be the hypocrites that you are when you present her before the world.

Jake walked up to Aurora, listen sweetie I know mom is here but her affection is not the only one you need,the people around you are included but it seems they dont

have the decency to act like caring parents.

Jake glared at dad with gritted teeth.

Over my dead body, I won't allow her to go with you". "That's Enough Charles,Jake is right, how much do we care for her, you are acting like a caring and jealous dad who

can't live without his daughter. Jake dear you have my permission you can take her to your house.

For the first time I hugged mom willingly and wholeheartedly. Thank you Mom. "It okay dear I know very well that you want to go

with him. I will ask the maids to pack you bags.

That wont be necessary maam, I've gotten her new clothes. That great Jake, you are free to take her along. "Don't come crying to me if this fool hurts you. "That's won't be

necessary dad cause Jake will never hurt me.

He nodded"

Shall we?" Yes, I entwined my hands in his ,and we walked out of the house. Sadash escorted us to the car. Take care of her please, don't trouble my girl.

Remember to give her the pills on time and yes every evening make sure she takes in milk, what again..ha massage her head with

Argan oil