
Loving you was a mistake- Steve Johnson and Margaret Smith

"Loving You Was a Mistake" is a captivating tale of love, revenge, and redemption that follows the tumultuous journey of Margaret Smith and Steve Johnson. Forced into a contract marriage orchestrated by Steve out of a misguided belief that Margaret was involved with his sister's husband, Margaret finds herself bewildered by Steve's sudden animosity towards her. The narrative unfolds from their wedding day, where Steve's plan to enact revenge on Margaret begins. As Steve deliberately orchestrates circumstances to make Margaret fall for him, his initial intentions blur as he witnesses Margaret's genuine affection. However, his resolve wavers, and he decides to abandon her, only to realize his true feelings too late. Through a series of flashbacks, the story delves into the origins of the misunderstanding, unraveling the intricate web of deceit and betrayal that led to their strained relationship. As Steve comes to terms with his mistakes, he embarks on a quest to win back Margaret's trust and affection. The novel explores themes of fake love, revenge, drama, and forgiveness as Margaret grapples with the decision to forgive Steve or sever ties with him permanently. Ultimately, "Loving You Was a Mistake" is a poignant tale of love's power to overcome even the deepest wounds, leaving readers questioning whether love can truly conquer all.

mehravatsala · 现代言情
22 Chs

Chapter 17 Shattered Dreams: Margaret's Unexpected Rustication

On her way to the college, Margaret's excitement bubbled up as she thought about reuniting with Kylie and Shreya. It had been too long since they last met, and she couldn't wait to catch up with them. Arriving at the college, she made her way to the admin office, eager to get her business done quickly.

However, her excitement turned to apprehension as she was made to wait for an hour by the receptionist. Margaret anxiously glanced at her watch, her mind racing with the fear of Steve finding out her whereabouts. When she finally approached the receptionist again, she was told that Mr. Willson would meet her shortly.

Another agonizing hour passed before Margaret was finally called into Mr. Willson's office. Her heart sank as she received the shocking news of her scholarship cancellation and rustication from college due to alleged misbehavior during an exchange program in Singapore.

Tears welled up in Margaret's eyes as she pleaded with Mr. Willson, insisting that there had been a misunderstanding and that she hadn't done anything wrong. She begged for another chance, citing her past performance and dedication.

But Mr. Willson remained firm, explaining that the decision was made by the college's managing director, and only he had the authority to reverse it. Determined to fight for her future, Margaret thanked Mr. Willson and made her way towards the MD's office, her mind racing with a mix of fear and determination.

As Margaret reached the MD's office, she was met with resistance from the receptionist who refused to let her go inside. Desperate to plead her case, Margaret begged and pleaded with the receptionist, explaining that her future was at stake. After much persuasion, the receptionist relented and called the MD to seek permission.

To Margaret's dismay, the MD agreed to see her but instructed the receptionist to make her wait for two hours before allowing her entry. As Margaret anxiously waited, the minutes seemed to drag on endlessly. She glanced at the clock, growing increasingly worried about the time. She knew she had to get home before Steve returned, or she would face his wrath once again.

As her patience wore thin, Margaret decided to take matters into her own hands. Ignoring the receptionist's warnings, she stormed into the MD's cabin, finding his chair turned away from her. Without hesitation, she spoke up, pleading her case and demanding answers for the sudden cancellation of her scholarship and her rustication from college. She insisted that she had earned her scholarship based on merit and had done nothing wrong during her time in Singapore. She implored the MD to reconsider his decision and give her a chance to clear her name.

As Andrew handed over the papers to Margaret, she glanced at them without fully comprehending their contents. Assuming it was the exchange program agreement form, she questioned why she was being shown the document. However, Andrew's harsh tone caught her off guard as he pointed out a clause that she had apparently overlooked.

With a sense of disbelief, Margaret scanned the papers again, her eyes widening in shock as she read the clause Andrew had pointed out. According to the agreement, if there were any issues from her side or if the college decided to cancel her participation in the exchange program, her scholarship would be automatically revoked.

Struggling to process this new information, Margaret insisted that the form had been altered. She argued that such a clause had not been present when the papers were initially distributed in her class. Her mind raced as she tried to understand the implications of this revelation.