

The cloud was gradually swallowing the moon and now, Langy Daves knew he was running late. The thought of checking on Stephnie came strong within him. He hoped to pass the night with his family, and as he glanced at his wristwatch, it was 10 pm already. He thought for a while and then decided to go see Stephnie first before driving home.

He was eager to hear what was on her mind.

He drove quickly, and a few minutes later; he parked in the car park area and off his engine. He alighted and walked straight towards the entrance door. He hit it hard to get the attention of Stephnie who he felt may be sleeping. He waited for a response.

A few seconds later, he could hear footsteps, then a voice. It was hers, her voice was like a nightingale and he loves hearing it

“Coming, who is that?” Stephnie hurried towards the door.