
An Unfortunate Coincidence

The days went by smoothy and quietly. After two days Adam finally let Elle get out of bed and roam around the house. After another day she began slowly seeing to the work that had been pilling up in her absence. After another few days of working only a few hours a day Adam finally relented and consented to Elle's insistence of returning to work.

Adam's only conditions were that he would drop her off and pick her up every day and Elle had no objection to that. On the contrary, they were some of the most peaceful days she had had in the year. There was only one thing missing from her schedule.

"I want to go back to set." Elle said to Adam as they ate dinner one night.

Adam looked up at her for a moment, weighing the determination in her eyes before setting down his fork.

"And if I say I don't think you should?" He asked casually, as if he were testing her.

Elle gave no response, she only continued to stare at him determinedly.

After a moment Adam sighed. "I won't tell you what you can and can't do but you only just recovered. Can we at least agree that you'll only go twice a week for now, and that you'll leave the set before nine on nights when filming goes late?"

"Agreed." Elle said quickly, they were better terms than she had anticipated. She quickly held out her hand and with a laugh, Adam reached out and shook it. "It's a deal."

Elle wasted no time in returning to set as soon as Adam had agreed. The next day, after her work had finished she rushed over to the filming set. As busy as it had made her she enjoyed it. The excitement, the feeling of pride. Over the two weeks she spent away from set, recovering her energy, she had come to realize exactly how much she missed it.

"Make sure you call me as soon as you're done here. I'll come pick you up again." Adam reminded her as they pulled up at the filming location.

"Yes, yes. All I really do is sit and watch here." Elle admitted. "It isn't as tiring as you might think."

In fact wasn't tiring at all. Elle sat through a few hours of filming with eager and attentive eyes before the crew finally wrapped up for the night. Elle was about to gather her things when she noticed Christopher walking off set, directly towards her.

He approached her with a smile, "It's good to see you back here." Chris commented lightly.

"It's good to be back. Good work today."

"Good work to you too."

Elle smiled. "I don't really do much. I just watch and occasionally comment on things."

"That doesn't sound like nothing to me. You improve the production. It's good work."

Elle felt her cheeks flush lightly at the compliment. "You're praising me too much." She murmured shyly.

"You haven't been on set for quite a while. Was your work at Tae busy?"

"Hmm, something like that." Elle didn't want to admit that she had been sick. After all the care she had received from Adam she didn't want or need another person's sympathy. She didn't want to be treated as if she were fragile.

"Well I'm glad you're back now. Things are more fun when you're here. You may not know it but I'm in your debt."

"You're being too much now. You're the one who brings my silly 2D story to life with such good care. I'm the one who's grateful to you."

"If you're that grateful you should treat me to dinner again." Chris teased lightly.

"Should I?" Elle asked.

"Would you?" Christopher asked in return. "I was only teasing, I don't want to bother you."

"It wouldn't bother me at all, I would love to. Do you have time this week?"

"I have time tonight."

"Perfect! Let me just make a quick call, you can pick the restaurant." Elle instructed before walking away to find a quiet area.

"Hi Adam, have you eaten dinner yet?"

"Not yet." Adam's steady voice replied.

"I'm sorry but can you go ahead and eat without me tonight? I'm going to go have dinner with the actor, Christopher."

There was silence for only a brief moment before Adam replied, "Alright. Try not to stay out too late."

"I won't! I'll see you later."

Elle hung up and gathered her things before quickly rushing to where Christopher had been waiting for her.

"Ready?" He asked with a warm smile.

"Yes, did you decide on where you want to go?"

They decided on a nearby restaurant. The food was good and the atmosphere was nice. Most of all, having dinner with someone whom Elle considered a friend was fun. They ate, and laughed, and talked about things other than work for once.

Neither Elle nor Christopher noticed, but sitting only a few tables away from them was Amelia who was having dinner along with her manager. Her own amusement grew as she spotted Elle and Chris having dinner together alone.

"What a funny coincidence." Amelia murmured in a light voice .

It truly was a coincidence. Because of the filming schedule, Amelia had finished shooting much earlier than Christopher had. She had already left set by the time Elle arrived, and yet they had all ended up at the same restaurant within a few feet of each other.

"It must be a chance from God." Amelia said to herself with a sly smile.

Her manager had gone to the restroom, leaving Amelia alone at her table. She had waited patiently for so long and now she had finally received her chance.

She couldn't hear the conversation between Elle and Chris amidst the murmur of the crowded restaurant, but Amelia could see two young people having a meal together. She also saw how intimate they both looked when Chris leaned over to take a piece of gust out of Elle's hair. She saw it very clearly, through the camera of her phone.