
loving is pain

Maria smith a lovely lady with unknown identity raised in the orphanage .She is beautiful and intelligent and that is a good thing ,but not again because that is the route of all the problems in Maria's life .caught up in teen conflicts,becoming a single mother of triplets for a billionaire which has no good in her life but brings more hurt and pain . Luther Jones billionaire married but childless caught and driven by love and obsession to his wife . Read the novel to know More.

cynthia_memo · 现代言情
15 Chs

Eva secret Eva jones

hearing Luther talk about how many kids he would like to have with a sad face makes me feel guilty terribly bad and it makes me feel assured that he is buying the fact that he is the reason why we don't have children in our marriage.

Eva Jones the highest paying model in the country A,the most beautiful woman,the lucky lady married to the most handsome and Rochester man our country,i mean all this ,managing to get all this in my life was not something easy like a cup of coffee i had to work hard to get a name for myself being Eva Jones is not easy and getting to be the Eva jones this country and the all world want us not easy ,i have to do some super shitty stuff to gain and to not loss at the same time.

i do remember the first time i was in auditions to be a model we were in so many contests and all the judges were from abroad and even if i come from a powerful family in country A there was no way my parents could pull some strings to get me in .Back then my modelling skills were not as good as now i was still an amateur then i knew i will not be picked for sure ,because some of the contestants were so perfect and definitely they were be picked leaving with nothing and my reputation of always getting what i want Eu old be ruined .

i had to use the Eva ways to get in and save my future and my career ,my beauty is always a weapon and back then that was my last option,i had to seduce one of the judges who was an old man trust it was disgusting I know that but i had no other option i had to sleep with that man according to my plan to work.i had to take a video of him having sex with me and later on use it to blackmail him to get me too win the contest for him to save is reputation and his family.

That was the most horrible sex i have ever had with any man in my life No one else knows apart from me and him I curse that day everyday of my life i was just a naive girl trying to be successful but little did i know that one decision and action of that fateful day will be the cause of my unhappy life i thought i will be happy after the plan was successful but no it made miserable mess .

That one night cost me a whole lifetime of happiness The man made things easy for me ,at least that's what i thought back then.He made me a deal that there need for me taking any videos of us and that i can what i want only if i satisfy him in bed and that was a easy task for me its not that i was a virgin i was not .The only thing that made everything go wrong was the fact that we did not use protection.

After we had done it so many times till the old man judge was satisfied and only i only the other side was feeling disgusted by my own body ,the man assured me that i will get and go big not only in country A but also globally that assurance made me happy that moment.

Just like the man had promised me he made sure was shortlisted in the list of the chosen female model going international I was very happy and my parents were happy for me too i was the perfect daughter one wished for and my parents were always proud but why would they not i am their only daughter and child they a spoiled me like a princess.princess that what my parents call me they say i am their parents.

At that time my parents threw up a party to celebrate my achievement being a professional international model .

My mom and dad threw the most expensive and elegant party for me All rich and powerful people in the business world were invited. owning a fashion company ,the Hudson family is powerful and rich my parents have contacts with wealthy people from our country and other countries .All the people in there were gripped elegantly and stylist All through the party i was drinking like crazy thinking of all the things i did to achieve what these people are celebrating i feel bad i feel like I am a cheater and a fraud.

My mom and dad kept introducing me to their business associates and i was getting bored already i hate parties The only thing I love about these parties is how the people in it will complement my beauty and some worship like a goddess the paparazi especially.

Mom and dad introduced me to the most powerful family in country A, the Jones family and there the one and only heir of the jones building cooperation and owner of the Luther dairies.

At that moment i swore to myself that I would get him to be mine I fell in love with him at first sight Surprised I think he likes me and that will be easy for me i will only have to convince my parents to arrange my marriage with Luther.

That night i went to bed thinking of all the ways i have to do to convince my parents for the arrangement of the arranged marriage.

something i have been doubting for a month now i decided to confirm my doubts i went out and bought a pregnant testing kit i had these signs of being pregnant, morning sickness ,dizzy ness and being in a bad mood weird cravings all those signs.i never wanted to test but the fact that i wanted to get married to Luther and if it was there then i was going to work fast.

it confirmed that i was pregnant and the baby that was unlucky because mummy plans were not to be ruined because of an old man baby who will be a bastard if born .That night i went out to abort the baby i was bent on getting married to Luther and the baby was a castle and i had it eliminated .

Sad thing is the complications that happened during i was almost dead ,they said that removing my uterus will save me but i will never have children in my life barren for life.

no one knows this i had to hide it even from mom and dad they successfully got me married to the love of my life but the only problem is that my father in law pushing into have children which i can't have.

I used all the Eva ways to get the doctors falsely say that Luther is the problem and the man believed it which is a good thing for me.

No one will ever find out till i die this secret will stay with me till death.No one will ever find out.