
Loving a Rororal Lord

LOVING A RORORAL LORD Copyright 2023. Lilian Anyadike All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without written consent of the author, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages for review purposes only. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are used fictitiously and are a product of the author’s imagination. Being locked in a world of fantasy and falling in love with a Lord who everyone despise, Lisa finds herself tangled in the web of love between two people but must end up with just one.... only one.

Blaliy · 奇幻言情
12 Chs


Lady Lela walked towards the dungeon where Lord Saga was taken with a servant behind her carrying a tray of food.

He had been locked up for three days and denied access to food or anything

She got to the cell and saw as he sat facing the wall, he didn't look like he wanted to talk or see anyone

"You're not going to be like this forever and you know that" she started and he slowly turned to her

"My queen, what brings you here?" He asked

"You ofcourse, what other reason, the Lords are worried about you...."

His laugher cut her short. "The Lords!, they wanted me here, what's the sadness about?"

"You shouldn't think like that, all the servants that prepared dinner that day will be hung by tomorrow"

"Why?" He asked standing up

"What's why?, They're responsible for what happened to Lady Gorra don't you want to see them punished"

"They're not responsible..."

"Then who is?, You cover mare servants so much and I wonder why, they're just servants Lord Saga and nothing will change their status"

"I want to be alone" he turned from her sitting back on the ground

"Is there anything we don't know about?, Did Lady Gorra do anything to hurt you?"

"Leave Lady Gorra out of this"

"Should I?" She asked angrily

"She's my wife, leave her out of this" he repeated

"Fine, I hope you starve to death" she spurted and walked away with the servant following from behind.

She hadn't gone far when she turned to the servant

"Go now, give him the food" she said panting, she was so furious and only wanted Lisa dead.

"Yes my queen" bowed the servant before leaving.

Queen Lela clenched her fist, she didn't want Lady Gorra back, she wanted her out of the way. Lord Saga never gave her attention. There was something odd about his behavior as of recent, there was a time he talked and laughed with her but now, his whole attention was around Lady Gorra, if she remembered they never really liked each other and her bearing the jew was by accident.

"I'll get you back" she whispered before continuing in her steps.

## Wallowing in darkness, with no idea of the outside world... the cold water splash against my skin, feeling of warmth yet cold....the waters creeps into my nostrils... trying to suck the life out of me... Letting out a scream but no word coming out.... Am I dying..I couldn't fathom..I was been swept away gradually...I was going away...it was over...I thought until....

Lisa gasped waking up, she had sprang from the bed panting heavily.

Her vision wasn't so clear and she felt a sharp pain in her head, it was severe but something else came to her mind, where was she?, Was she dead!"

"You need to rest.." a raspy voice came.

"Who are you?" She asked terrified before she heard footsteps drawing closer.

"Don't touch me!" She quivered

The lights came on revealing the face of the intruder.

"Who are you?"

"Singel said mild amnesia is a side effect of the poison but hopefully you'll remember something soon. I'm Vesca"


"Hello Lisa it's so nice to meet you again"....

The chains dangled making Lord Saga stand slowly turning to see who was there.

"It's been three weeks Lord Saga, who exactly did you say you gave Lady Gorra to?" Asked Lord Theodore

"I don't have answers to your questions"

"You don't?, You're the reason she's in pain you monster!!" He screamed

"You should be less worried, Lady Gorra is my wife..."

"That's what you said that made me leave her for you..." Now he hit the cell hard

"I swear I will get her back....."

Lord Saga chuckled bitterly as he stood up. "What did you say?"

"I will take Lady Gorra away from you, I swear on my ancestors... just wait until she comes back" he growled

"You better be sure of what you say cause if you don't then I'll have to kill you"

"You fool!" Yelled Lord Theodore using his powers to push Lord Saga back hitting him against the wall and pinning him to it.

"You're chained with the chain from luochin, it's impossible to use your powers on me" he laughed evily gripping his neck tightly.

Lord Saga struggled helplessly, without his powers he would be killed by Lord Theodore, he didn't even have the energy.

Suddenly, a bright light travelled into the cell blasting Lord Theodore and sending him to the far end of the cell.

Lord Saga fell to the ground afterwards

Lord Theodore tried standing after the heavy impact he had with the wall, he raised his head and saw Queen Lela facing him with her hand stretched towards him.

"My Lady" he quacked

"Lord Saga is the king's prisoner and you must treat him as such, he is not your toy..." She warned

"My Lady....."

"I will pretend this never happened... leave!!"

Lord Theodore gave Lord Saga one last glare before walking out of the cell.

"Quick, get him out" panicked Lady Lela

"But my queen, the king will....."

"Just do as I've instructed, I'll talk to the king later.., hurry!"

The guards hurriedly unlocked the cell and pulled Lord Saga who was already unconscious.

"Take him to the underground basement and call the healer, I'll join you shortly"

"Yes my queen!" They bowed before leaving....

Vesca walked towards Lisa's bed with a mug of a green liquid medicine in it.

Lisa took it from her and observed. "What is this?" She asked

"Medicine, it'll help you heal faster"

"Where am I?" Asked Lisa weakly

"Somewhere safe, don't worry you're out of harm's way".

Lisa sighed looking away, she tried to recall what happened but had a severe headache.

"Why does it hurt so much?" She asked with a broken voice.

"You need to have a proper rest lady Gorra..."

Lisa turned to her sharply.....

'That was true, Lady Gorra was her name....why did she feel like there was alot she needed to remember.

"Lady Gorra??"

"Yes, that's your name, you remember right?" Asked Vesca hoping she would.

"I....I....just... leave it...."she stammered

"She's right Vesca, just leave it" a masculine voice came.

Lisa looked ahead and saw the old man with long bears walking in with a staff.

"Hello Lady Gorra" he greeted

"It's you" she whispered staring at him and slowly pointing a finger.

"You seem to remember me" he smirked

"You remember him Lady Gorra?" Asked Vesca

"Yes I do...she gave me the potion to give Lord Saga...."

"Yes!!, Lord Saga, you remember him right?" Snapped expectant Vesca.

"Well...I don't...I...."

"Let her rest Vesca, she will remember everything when she wakes. Hopefully"

Vesca looked at Lisa who bent her head, she couldn't understand anything...

"You should rest" she finally said but Lisa didn't make a sound, she kept her head bent and eyes tightly closed, her fist was also clenched tightly.

"Lady Gorra?" Called Vesca as Lisa's panting became loud.

"Singel!!" She called looking at the sorcerer who just stood with his staff observing her.

She turned back to Lisa

"Lady Gorra.." she called softly before touching her shoulder.

Lisa's eyes flipped open once Vesca's hand rested on her shoulder

"Are you okay..." She stopped when Lisa's eyes turned blazing red.

"Oh God!" She panicked

"Go away!!!" Screamed Lisa and a strong wind swept both Vesca and the sorcerer's feet from the ground, hitting him against a wall and crashing Her against the glass window which broke to pieces throwing her from the room but she was fast to hold an edge.

Lisa fell on the bed with her eyes closed afterwards, she looked paler than before.....

Lord Saga's eyes opened slowly after he felt a cold cloth rest on his head.

"Who are you?" He asked and the servant girl stood up with her head bent

"My Lord, the queen has permitted me to tend to your injuries" she answered

"Permitted you?" He asked slowly seating up.

"Forgive me my Lord, I'm just a servant following instructions" she begged

Lord Saga sighed. "Take me back to the dungeon because if the king finds out both you and the queen will pay for it although yours might be the most painful"

"Forgive me my Lord but disobedience to the Queen yields such punishment too, I stand loyal to the queen"

"Hmm, I need a favor"

"What would my Lord ask?"

"Take the chain off my neck..."

The servant gasped, "Death is my portion if I do that, I do not require to die such painful and shameful death"

"You don't have a choice, if I leave here the queen will kill you and if I stay and you get caught you will be killed, I maybe but I can stay here protecting both of us if you do as I have said, I'm still a Lord and you know the consequences of disobedience"

The servant trembled, "how would thou protect me?" She asked

"Leave that to me, do we have a deal?" He asked and she nodded fearfully.

Lord Saga smiled "Very well then" he answered and stood up

"I will walk and pretend you never haboured me" he said

"Peace be unto you my Lord for this favor, I shall repay thou if need ever comes"

Lord Saga stood up and she did the same, "Take it off, once I'm done with what I need to do you wear it back"

She nodded.

Vesca sat beside Lisa who had slept off, she gently stroke her hair as she watched her, she was a total different Lady Gorra, the real Lady Gorra detested her, she was willing to destroy her relationship with Lord Saga but Lisa brought them closer, Lady Gorra just didn't want Lord Saga having any ally.

"Vesca!" She heard a voice in her head and stood up hurriedly

"Lord Saga?" She called

"Vesca.." the voice came again and she beamed. "Lord Saga..."