

she planned everything perfectly but something unexpected happened.. everything was going smoothly but suddenly her biggest dream became the worst nightmare..she is trying to overcome it but failed..again..then a calm voice ,"you can do it" And everything became normal again. With her past ,she still can do it.. and then a voice came.. "although past is very cruel, it will catch your heart tightly and you will suffocate but remember you are always free to begin again..and you are always free to believe..when you find your dream that your hearts belong ,you'll never leave " suddenly she smiled..a gentle, calm , peaceful smile like she knows everything.

Jemima_Yeasmin · 青春言情
7 Chs

Min Jun's entry

we are going school together now...and Rose has planned something evil for Dyna...I am sure about it !!!!!

as soon as we entered the school ,we saw a new boy comming..I feel like he is a k-pop idol or may be a k-pop trainee because he is too handsome... ofcourse not more than my Sehun. For me Sehun is the most handsome boy.

After a few minutes teacher came and introduced him to us ...and then we came to know his name..he is Min Jun..teacher told Jun to sit near Dyna and an evil smile appeared on Jun's face like this is what he wanted...

After the first class finished every girl in the class gathered around Jun... except Rose ,me & Dyna..but it is strange..as much I know Dyna ,she can fall in love with anyone specially who are handsome and rich..anyway..

Sehun tried to talk to me so many times but I ignored him and it is killing me from inside..I want to kick Dyna's butt and slap her hardly for this..

Finally in the tiffin period Rose invited Dyna to eat with us (Me & Rose) and she agreed. we are sitting in a side of the bench and Dyna is sitting the exact opposite side...

"Rose please pass me the water bottle",Dyna asked.

but when Rose gave the water bottle,she spilled the water in Dyna's food ..

"oups ..I am so sorry ..this is an accident",Rose said and moved near Dyna and told her something in her ear "remember September 28 ,the previous year ??"and Dyna went shocked ...she looked pale.

"don't ever try to blackmail my friend (savage smile) otherwise I am not going to give you a second chance",Rose told her... and suddenly Dyna get up from the bench angrily and moved..

I am really shocked what happened just a moment ago but I am so happy that I can talk to Sehun now.

Suddenly Min Jun came towards us and told Rose..

"wow great..you are awesome..I think we can be good friends..so can we ??",Jun asked.

"in your dream looser..and also I don't have much time to waste on you.",Rose replied and tell me to move this place so we (Rose & I) moved.

"wait Alisa what happened ??why are you ignoring me ?",Sehun asked.

"that's nothing..I am not ignoring you..I was just busy.",I replied.

"why are you lying ,I know something is definitely happened..",he told me...and I finally---

"okay fine..Your girlfriend was insecure about you and she told me not to talk to you "

"do you really beleive she is my girlfriend ??there is nothing like that..

after we shifted here in Seoul ,I met Dyna..his father is a good friend of my father so they often used to visit our house...and that's how Dyna became my friend..but one day our father was talking about us..our marriage ..it was just a joke but Dyna took it seriously..I tried to convince her that we are just friends but she just kept insisting me to become his boyfriend ..so I started making distance with her....I still think she is my good friend but nothing more than that."

"oh I am so sorry ..I didn't know about it earlier...ummm what about go for a movie together ??",I asked.

"together ?"

"I mean we both together ... ofcourse if you are free then ",I replied.

"yes yes yes..I mean today at evening..5p.m...is it okay?,Sehun asked.

and I replied okay .

we are currently going back home from school and I am telling Rose what happened...

"I knew it..Sehun can't date Dyna..she is such a witch", Rose told me.


"but Rose is it okay (a little bit nervous) ?? I am going with Sehun alone and you are not going..I am so sorry ", I apologized.

"sorry for what ? it is totally okay..but honestly I envy Sehun ..(laughing)..all I want is you to be happy..so just chill.", Rose replied.

and I asked,

"but Rose what did you tell Dyna so that she became that much afraid ?"

Rose replied , "I just made her remember the day when an incident happened to her which she don't want anyone to know...but forget about that ...just go home and get ready for your first date."

"it is not a date Rose..we are just going to hang out", I replied.

and Rose--- "okay okay just hang out "

wait wait !! ...if you want to know more about Alisa's secret and what happened next then just wait for the next part only on your own webnovel...and if you haven't read the previous parts yet then please go and read.....

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