
loved by U

Rosa_rimu222 · LGBT+
1 Chs

my crush

I'm in love,well it's one sided love to be precise,with my class mate,her name is Min Jung,(17)she's bit short with a cute round face and she has good personally which I find it adorable ,I've been hiding this feelings from her since I the first time I noticed at when I was 15 , although we're pretty close, but as a friend its my duty to protect her smile so I hid my feelings which at the result my feelings for her grow bigger and deeper over the years which made me loose hope since I'm scared to be regected and I don't want anything to break our friendship and so I made up my mind and i bury those feelings in my heart for the past 3 years.So these year I'm planning on confessing

Well since its a new semester I hope this year I can express my feelings just the thought of her accepting me makes me happy,I've dream countless times on how we both go on sweet dates and eat delicious food together and I'll buy bouquet of flowers to express how much I loved her everyday .just the tough of it makes it even more exiting .

As I was immersed on my fantasy's my three best friends who are also my classmates were besides me,they all looked at me with pitiful gaze

"Um…Sugmin can't you go and confess already"My friend Hamin said while standing behind me

"Right my Cousin is single can't you just go for it?"Joobin who's related to my crush was sitting in front of me said while he's gaze was on he's phone

"Hahaha ….he can't… he's a coward"Dogmin said while laughing

"I appreciate you guys but this new semester it's different I'm not the man you guys knew who was a coward I'm planing on asking her out"I said that with confidence as I stood up from my chair while looking at them "I promise you guys this time"

(Hamin/Joobin/Dogmin)-Pffffffffff hahahahahahah

They laugh so hard that tears started coming out of their eyes as they drew attention from other students in class ,Min jung was also staring which was worse, I was embarrassed

She stood up from her sit and as she was smiling while walking in our direction

"Hey guys fancy seeing you here,I'm happy that we are in the same class"she said while smiling calmly

she was staring at me waiting for my reply

"Oh…Hey min jung "

"How was your holiday"she asked

"Pretty normal I would say I was home what about you "

"Oh I went to the country side with my parents,we went to pay a visit to my grandparents I even bought souvenirs "she said while laughing

I was happy while hearing her voice as I was about to reply,unfortunately our Homeroom teacher walked in and stood in front of the class room.

"Now Be quite everyone and Go back to your sits" the teacher said

"I'll talk to you later"min jung waved while going back to her sit

While everyone already went back for their sits suddenly a tall handsome guy with school uniform walked in and and stood beside the teacher while facing us.he was so handsome that all the girls were blushing the male students were jealous

"He will be joining us starting today"the teacher placed he's hand on he's shoulder of the transfer student"introduce yourself"

"Hello my name Lee danwoo"

"He was living abroad for long time due to personal reasons he'll be studying in Korea,so hope you students help him adjust his new life"

So he's name is danwoo even he's voice was sweet, which it pissed me off,he's face looked like trouble I'll have to avoid him I don't want to get involved with him

Suddenly the male students were whispering towards themselves

"Hahah"I laughed as expected from male students I think the transfer students it's going to have a hard time

"Ok go and sit in that empty sit at the back"the teacher pointed at the back of my sit,which made me upset all I was praying was that the student doesn't talk to me

The transfer student suddenly walked and sat down at the back of my sit without even uttering a word which made me relieved

Then the class started


After so many lessons ended It was break time surprisingly the transfer student didn't ask me any questions I was bit worried and I wanted to help but since he didn't ask and he was doing pretty well I left with my friend and we went to get snacks at the cafeteria

we bough some snacks and we went to the rooftop to eat and kill time there , while waiting for break time to be over.

When we got there

"That transfer student really is a big deal with he's handsome face"Dogmin said as he was eating he's bread

"Hey he has a name¿ no?"Joobin interrupted

Well as I expected from him he behaves well like Min Jung since they are related they must be all angels in their family

"Although it's not like he was handsome or something "Joobin continued

Well I take back what I said about him being an Angel

"What was it "Hamin asked

"It was lee danwoo"I replied

"Hey sugmin aren't you afraid your crush is gonna be head over hills for him"

"What nonsense Min jung it's not that kind of person

"How do you know?"

"That-"I esitated I little since what he said might be true

To be honest since when that guy came I was afraid if min jung will be in love with him with that kind of handsome he made the girls in our class blush even some of the guys were blusing to the whole school is even chaotic since he transferred but I trust her since I've know her for 3 years

<Ring Ring>

"Oh the sound of the bell let's go back "Hamin said while he stood up from the ground and we all went back to the classroom


When we got back to class,we saw girls staring trough the window at the corridor and all their gaze were focusing on the transfer student as if they saw something for the first time

"Hey sugmin I don't think you should be seeing this "Hamin hold me while pushing me backwards as if he was trying to prevent me from seeing something

"Hey let go and tell me what's going on and stop pushing me "I shove is hand as I forced myself inside the class room and saw my crush and the transfer student laughing and flirting with each other ,well they were only talking but they kind of give off a romantic vibe as if they were dating i was trembling with anger I wanted to go there and punch that bastard,I couldn't hold it any longer as I was about to interrupt them the teacher walked in which made the two of them go back to their sit

I felt relieved and I went back to my sit while glaring at him

He saw and at first he was confused then he ignored me which worsting my mood I was so angry that I don't get to pay attention to what the teacher was teaching


"And that's for today lesson make sure you all go back home save"the teacher said while we stood up and bow

I turn and faced the transfer student because I couldn't bear the anger I was curious of what he and min jung was talking about

"Hey transfer student"

He looked at me as he finish copying he's note

"May I help you "he stood up as he was arranging he's back

I gulped,i didn't know he was taller he's about 1,86 while I was 1,74 and he looked more manly than me he's he really 17 years old? and he's more handsome up close

But there no way I can lower myself in front of this guy

"Hey….i looked at him straight in he's eyes I didn't want to show him that I'm scared since he's bigger than me"what were you two talking about with min jung

"Hah? Since when do I have permission to tell you besides I don't know you"he cross he's hand as he spoke with a smirk

I wanted to punch him that badly but I held back,

"Don't talk ,don't look at her and don't even dream of breathing the same air with her "I said while clenching my hand

"No I'm not doing that"he mood change I think he was getting mad "what is she to you then if you guys were dating I wouldn't have approached her….or could it be you're nothing to her but just a FRIEND?"He smile while closing he's eyes

He saw trough me It was as if he was toying with me I couldn't hold my anger any longer

"Sigh...….i sighed and left with my Bag

"Mmmm no fun "he was mumbling to himself as if he wanted to see my reaction for fun

My friends saw my mood and asked me but I told them I wanted to go the bathroom by myself and I needed sometime to think,which they agreed

I headed to the bathroom,thank goodness it was empty I looked myself there while sobbing

The reason I went there was because whenever I got angry I tend to cry easily which is embarrassing so hid this lame part of myself for my friends but only my family knows

After I finished I washed my face and walked outside the school gate were my friends were waiting

I'm in love,well it's one sided love to be precise,with my class mate,her name is Min Jung,(17)she's bit short with a cute round face and she's good at studying aI've been hiding this feelings from her although we're pretty close and she's my friend and I'm scared to loose our friendship,so I made up my mind and i hid these feelings for the past 3 years.but these year I'm planning on confessing

Well since its a new semester I hope this year I can express my feelings just the thought of her accepting me makes me happy,I've dream countless times on how we both go on sweet dates and eat delicious food together and I'll buy bouquet of flowers to express how much I loved her everyday .just the tough of it makes it even more exiting .

As I was immersed on my fantasy's my three best friends who are also my classmates were besides me,they all looked at me with pitiful gaze

"Um…Sugmin can't you go and confess already"My friend Hamin said while while standing behind me

"Right my Cousin is single can't you just go for it?"Joobin who's related to my crush was sitting in front of me said while he's gaze was fucos on he's phone

"Buaahahaha….he can't… he's a coward"Dogmin said while laughing

"I appreciate you guys but this new semester it's different I'm not the man you guys knew who was a coward I'm planing on asking her out"I said that with confidence as I stood up from my chair while looking at them "I promise you guys this time"

(Hamin/Joobin/Dogmin)-Pffffffffff hahahahahahah

They laugh so hard that tears started coming out of their eyes as they drew attention from other students in class ,Min jung was also staring which was worse, I was embarrassed

She stood up from her sit and as she was smiling while walking in our direction

"Hey guys fancy seeing you here,I'm happy that we are in the same class"she said while smiling calmly

she was staring at me waiting for my reply

"Oh…Hey min jung "

"How was your holiday"she asked

"Pretty normal I would say I was home what about you "

"Oh I went to the country side with my parents,we went to pay a visit to my grandparents I even bought souvenirs "she said while laughing

I was happy while hearing her voice as I was about to reply,unfortunately our Homeroom teacher walked in and stood in front of the class room

"Now Be quite everyone and Go back to your sits the teacher said

"I'll talk to you later"min jung waved while going back to her sit

While everyone already went back for their sits suddenly a tall handsome guy with school uniform walked in and and stood beside the teacher while facing us.he was so handsome that all the girls were blushing the male students were jealous

"He will be joining us starting today"the teacher placed he's hand on he's shoulder of the transfer student"introduce yourself"

"Hello my name is Lee Danwoo.im a transfer teacher"

So he's name is danwoo even he's voice was sweet, which it pissed me off,he's face looked like trouble I pray I can avoid him I don't want to get involved with him

Suddenly the male students were whispering towards themselves

"Hahah"I laughed as expected from male students I think the transfer students ifs going to have a hard time

"Ok go and sit in that empty sit at the back"the teacher pointed at the back of my sit,which made me upset all I was praying was that the student doesn't talk to me

The transfer student suddenly walked and sat down on the back of my sit

Then the class started


After so many class ended It was break time surprisingly the transfer student didn't ask me any questions I was bit worried and I wanted to help but since he didn't ask and he was doing pretty well I left with my friend and we went to get snacks at the cafeteria

After we arrived we bough some snacks and we went to the rooftop to eat and kill time till class started

When we got there

"That transfer student really is a big deal with he's handsome face"Dogmin said as he was eating he's bread

"Hey he has a name no?"Joobin interrupted

Well as I expected from him he has the character of he's cousin they must be all angels in their family

"Although it's not like he was handsome or something "Joobin continued

Well I take back what I said about him being an Àngel

"What was it "Hamin asked

"It was lee danwoo"I replied

"Hey sugmin aren't you afraid your crush is gonna be head over hills for him"

"What nonsense Min jung it's not that kind of person

"How do you know?"

To be honest that since when that guy came I was afraid if min jung will be I love with him with that handsome face any girl wouldn't resist but I trust her since I've know her for 3 years

<Ring Ring>

"Oh the sound of the bell let's go back "Hamin said while he stood up from the ground and we all went back to the classroom


When we got back to class,we saw girls staring trough the window at the corridor and all their gaze were focusing on the transfer student as if they saw something for the first time

"Hey sugmin I don't think you should be seeing this "Hamin hold me while pushing me backwards as if he was trying to prevent me from seeing something

"Hey let go and tell me what's going on and stop pushing me "I shove is hand as I forced myself inside the class room and saw my crush and the transfer student laughing and flirting with each other ,well they were only talking but they kind of give off a romantic vibe as if they were dating i was trembling with anger I wanted to go there and punch that bastard,I couldn't hold it any longer as I was about to interrupt them the teacher walked in which made the two of them go back to their sit

I felt relieved and I went back to my sit while glaring at him

He saw and at first he was confused then he ignored me which worsting my mood I was so angry that I don't get to pay attention to what the teacher was teaching


"And that's for today lesson make sure you all go back home save"the teacher said while we stood up and bow

I turn and faced the transfer student because I couldn't bear the anger I was curious of what he and min jung was talking about

"Hey transfer student"

He looked at me as he finish copying he's note

"May I help you "he stood up as he was arranging he's back

I gulped,i didn't know he was taller and he looked more manly than me he's he really 17 years old and he's more handsome if you get closer

But there no way I can lower myself in front of this guy

"Hey….i looked at him straight in he's eyes I don't want to show him that I'm scared since he's bigger than me"what were you two talking about with min jung

"Hah? Since when do I have permission to tell you besides I don't know you"he cross he's hand as he saying that with a smirk on he's face

I wanted to punch him that badly but I held back,

"Don't talk ,don't look at her and don't even dream of breathing the same air with her "I said while clenching my hand

"No I'm not doing that"he mood change I think he was getting mad "what is she to you then if you guys were dating I wouldn't have approached her….or could it be you're nothing to her but just a FRIEND?"He smile while closing he's eyes

He saw trough me It was as if he was toying with me I couldn't hold my anger any longer

"Sigh...….i sighed and left with my Bag

"Mmmm no fun "he was mumbling to himself as if he wanted to see my reaction for fun

My friends saw my mood and asked me but I told them I wanted to go the bathroom by myself and I needed sometime to think,which they agreed

I headed to the bathroom,thank goodness it was empty I looked myself there while sobbing

The reason I went there was because whenever I got angry I tend to cry easily which is embarrassing so hid this lame part of myself for my friends but only my family knows

After I finished I washed my face and walked outside the school gate were my friends were waiting

"What took you so long sugmin ?"

"I had to my personal stuff there "I replied

"Could it be you were jerking off"the three of them started laughing at me

"Hey stop I wouldn't do such absent thing on a school bathroom to begin with "

"Speaking of toilet there's this porn that my uncle bough home come with me why don't you guys come over and watch it with me ?"Dogmin said as he was holding my arm

"Let go I don't want to"I replied as my face was red I was trying to push him away from me

"Wait your face I red could it be you never jerk off before our sugmin ?"Dogmin said while holding he's laugher

"Ok Dogmin let's stop tissing sugmin maybe he does it in secret I mean we all have done it and we don't want to show off like you"Hamin spoke as he drag Dogmin in he's collar as they were walking

I felt relieved that Hamin defended me but the truth is I've never done it before because I've never though of doing something lewd with min jung,all I was fantisize about was how to take her to amusement park or other places together

"Sigh….i left a big shigh without knowing

"Ummm could be that sugmin really never have done it before?joobin interven

Dogmin and Hamin looked at each other with schok while covering their mouth

"Our sugmin tell us the truth ?"

"There no need he's obviously a vergin there "

"You guys stop it ugh can't we Change the subject for goodness sake "I interrupted

The three of them started laughing while Dogmin was cleaning he's tears and held me

"Hey you're lucky to have us take this "he bough out a porn magazine they were girls with lingering in the front page I immediately drag it and put it on my bag so people won't notice

" what is this thing doing in your school bag ?"

"Come on I use it some time when I'm pent up"he said while smiling

hey guys it’s my first time writing a novel I hope you enjoy reading this and English is not my first language so I’m sorry if I made mistakes with my English words or you see some that are confusing .thank you

Rosa_rimu222creators' thoughts