
328 Catching Adulterers in the Act_1

Two people!

Yu Jingchen was on the outer side, and An Ning's eyesight was quite good, so she could see clearly that it was indeed him.

Then who was lying beside him?

What kind of woman was it?

An Ning instantly forgot to breathe, heartbrokenly staring at the scene.

The landlady stood behind An Ning, unable to intervene, so she could only watch.

Zhao Gang also didn't know how to handle the situation, so he too could only stand by and watch.

An Ning stood there for a long time, observing every expression of the sleeping Yu Jingchen very clearly.

In his sleep, he looked so content and satisfied, an expression she had seen before and was all too familiar with.

It was the look he had after he had had his way with her.

It seems he could find this satisfaction with other women too, and the woman beside him was indeed tender and soft, unable to stop fondling him even in her sleep.