
Love with Smitha

N_vishnu · 都市
1 Chs

Rajeev depress day

Rajeev was at his home. It was late, and he was sitting in front of his laptop. His fingers sat poised over the keys, and his eyes stared into the distance. The streetlamps outside his apartment twinkled a faint orange. He had been writing, but he paused and stared at the screen. Something had interrupted him, and he looked outside of the window, where only his own reflection was looking back at him. He started typing

"In the world where I live and breathe, true love is a rarity. I have to search long and hard in pubs, bars, and other public places, or at office functions. I have yet to find that perfect someone. Love has become a commodity, nothing more. In today's modern world, relationships are based on money and status. People's intimacy began with social networking sites and the latest smartphones, which they use to connect with new friends and keep in touch with old ones. But they were neglecting their own immediate surroundings and the lives they already had.

People are not passionate about love, love is not important to them. They are creating fake emotions to mock real emotions. Suddenly, Rajeev stopped typing when he saw the time and thought it was late. The clock on his computer showed that it was already 10 pm. He quickly finished writing his personal blog entry and hit the post button. The words ran off the page when he was finished. He felt that good.

He checked a quick look at his blog's analytics page to see that he had only one view that month for all his work because of seeing that he shut down his computer and went to bed.

That next morn, Rajeev awoke early. He went to the open-air pavilion and breathed in the cool, fresh air. It felt good in his lungs. He stayed there for a few minutes, breathing in the lovely air, enjoying the silence. After he had calmed himself, he went back to his apartment. He took a quick shower, dressed, and then did his morning chores: made breakfast, washed the dishes, and tidied up his apartment. Once he was done with all this, he checked the time on his watch. He was running late! Quickly, he headed to his car, jumped in, and started driving himself to his office.

He drove a car with enough space for his dog to sit comfortably in the back. He started the car, switched on the FM, and flipped through the channels until he found some soothing music. He turned up the volume and began to hum along. He drove to work, cruising past clusters of tall buildings that blocked the sun's rays. He glanced out of the window. Today was a busy day in New York City.

Suddenly, Rajeev was stuck in traffic, and had to wait a few seconds before he could move. He waited a few more seconds, then unlocked his phone and saw that Smith was calling him. He stared at that phone a while, going over in his mind what he should do next. He paused, then decided to just pick it up. Smith asked Rajeev, "where are you?" to which Rajeev replied, "I'm stuck in traffic." Smith said: "come quick, everyone has arrived. The meeting will start soon." Rajeev replied, "OK."

The traffic was heavy, and it took Raj almost thirty minutes to drive to his office. Upon arrival, he saw Smith waiting anxiously by the door. Raj parked and locked the car and hurried up to the door. Smith let out a sigh of relief and told him that the meeting would start in ten minutes, asking if Raj had prepared his speech. He said yes, and after washing his face and reviewing his speech,

The traffic was heavy, and it took Raj almost thirty minutes to drive to his office. Upon arrival, he saw Smith waiting anxiously by the door. Raj parked and locked the car and hurried up to the door. Smith let out a sigh of relief and told him that the meeting would start in ten minutes, asking if Raj had prepared his speech. He said yes, and after washing his face and reviewing his speech,

After ten minutes, the meeting began. Rajeev stood to address the clients, who were gathered around a table, waving their arms and shouting into the air. Smith, who had sent Rajeev as his representative, sat and watched with a stern look on his face. Rajeev gave a speech about Smith's project and saw that the clients became very interested in the idea. He closed his speech by saying that Smith was prepared to sign a contract to do the job. Lively applause broke out around the table, and soon enough, Smith was signing an agreement with the clients to have them work with him. Smith was happy, but Rajeev was not happy with how things were going for him. Smith had used his talent and made a lot of money on it, while Rajeev's career was not moving forward the way he wanted it to.

Rajeev sits in the café with an expressionless face. A few minutes later, Rajeev's friend Rahul arrived, and he observed Rajeev, who looked both moody and unhappy. Rahul asked why Rajeev was so moody, and Rajeev told him how the smith had used his hard work and talent to become rich, but that such wealth did not mean success in his chosen career. He was frustrated by that fact. He replied, "You're still stuck in the Indian middle class mentality. Come on, Rajeev. We're in New York! It's the perfect place to start a business! And why are you still stuck in your 9-to-5 job? You have a talent that can make you millions. Use it properly."

Rahul replied, "Don't worry about the investment, my wife wants to start her own business. She needs a business partner. I recommend you because I think you'd be a great partner. Rahul thought for a few minutes and said, "OK," and he said, "Thank you," and left the café.Rajeev went to the first drug store to take some medicine and he went to a small restaurant and waited for Rajeev. Rajeev got there and gave Mr. James his medicine. Mr. James thanked the young man.

Mr. James was a restaurant owner, who Rajeev ordered food from. Rajeev tried to give money to Mr. James, but the owner refused. He said that the food was in the house. Mr. James wanted to thank Rajeev for his small help

Later, Raj went over to his apartment, turned on his computer, and saw his email. It was a day since he last checked, and a lot of emails had piled up. Most of them were spam. One exception caught his attention, though—it was from someone he knew, addressing Rajeev by name and complimenting him on his writing skills. He clicked it open, read it carefully, and laughed out loud. He felt happy for the first time in the day.

Rajeev was in his home and he'd just gotten home and was preparing lunch. He suddenly got a call from Rahul, asking what was going on. Rajeev asked what the matter was. Rahul said that his wife wanted to meet him that evening. Rajeev said OK

He finished his lunch and continued to stare at the screen for hours. Eventually, the sun turned red and sank beneath the horizon. He still didn't get any ideas for a blog post,

The sun had slipped behind the horizon, and the twilight melted into the night. Rajeev saw the time and realized he would be late for his meeting with Rahul's wife. He hurried and got ready. As he ran through his mind, he double-checked everything in his apartment to ensure he was leaving nothing behind. He grabbed his keys, checked for his phone, and headed out the door. He checked for any text messages from Rahul and saw that Rahul had sent him a location for the meet-up.

Rajeev started driving fast in the middle of the road. Police were chasing the car and Rajeev saw them in the distance. He slowed the car to a halt, but sirens still sounded in the distance. A lady cop stepped from her car, and another was pulled over next to her. Rajeev stepped out of his car to talk to Jack as Sara (police ) got out of her car as well. Rajeev stumbled. He had no idea what to say to the police. Suddenly, he got an idea and began to speak, hurriedly. "Sorry, officers," he said, "but today is my marriage anniversary and my wife is waiting for me. I'm running late, so I was driving fast." He lied to the police.

Sara smiled as she greeted him: "Happy anniversary, sir! And drive carefully." The police officers shook their heads and left Rajeev relaxed. He laughed and got in his car quickly. He set the destination on the program and drove. Rajeev stopped the car at the destination. It was a bar. The neon lights show the front in a dull, metallic glow. Rajeev stood outside and rubbed his forehead, then cupped his face with his hands. He wondered why Rahul had chosen this place for the meeting. He steeled himself and opened the door of the bar.

The bar was dark and smoky, a stark contrast to the brightness of the day outside. Raj struggled to find Rahul. The crowd was too thick to find one person, even if he really wanted to. The DJ was playing popular club music and the air was filled with the sound of shuffling feet, sharp laughter, and the clinking sound of beer bottles. A few people were dancing on the small stage by the bar while others had gathered around to watch them. Raj stood in the midst of it all, suddenly unsure of what he was supposed to do or why Rahul called him there.

Suddenly, a beautiful woman approached Rajeev. He felt shy, so he didn't move. She took his hand and led him on stage. He shivered' and it felt awkward to dance with her. But she didn't make him feel that way: after all, she told him not to be shy, and she had those beautiful eyes that connected to his own. She took his hand and put her navel against it: this was the first time Rajeev had touched a woman. They danced, and all the while they were looking at each other.

The smell of sweat, their gazes locked as they danced, their bodies moving as one, both answering the drums in time with their own heartbeats and movements. Everybody in the pub was enjoying Rajeev and that woman's dance—appreciating it. Everybody in the pub was enjoying Rajeev and that woman's dance. They were getting more enjoyment than the two of them.

Rajeev was the first time in his life to dance with women and touch women. He felt the soft swell of the woman's hips dancing with his and the woman's warm back brushing against his at every turn. It was electric. The music was a slow song, and Rajeev felt full. The heat of the woman's body against his created a warmth that spread throughout his body. He wanted to thank her but had no words. At the end of their dance, Rajeev realized that everyone was cheering and clapping for their dance. His cheeks flushed as he exited the bar.

Rajeev left the bar and walked quickly towards his car. Once inside, he took a deep breath and placed his phone on the dashboard before starting it. He then dialed Rahul's number, but again, Rahul didn't answer. Rajeev sighed and hung up the phone. With disorganized thoughts, he started driving, and the car moved forward automatically while he drove. He memorized the women he danced with all after a few minutes and reached his apartment at last. But still, lovely women were in his mind. He went to his bedroom and sat in front of his laptop, a bit disturbed as usual. He didn't feel like writing about how he felt, though: the first touch and dancing with a woman had brought him so much joy; he was going to share that with the world.

The next day, Raj received an email from an unknown address claiming to be a fan of his blog. When Rajeev read the message, he saw that the email read: "You liked her, didn't you?" As it turns out, he had just then, his doorbell started ringing. Rajeev went to answer it, and he opened the door. It was Rahul; he greeted Rajeev with a jovial "yesterday your dance was awesome!" Rajeev was shocked; how could he have known about dance? Rahul said," You have another guest". He called his wife, who arrived. The guest was his wife, and she came to Rajeev. Rajeev was shocked—she was the same girl he danced with in the bar the night before yesterday. She came near to Rajeev to introduce herself. Rajeev felt embarrassed. He was sweating, standing silently. They both connected their eyes for a few seconds. Everything went silently. She observed Rajeev closely for a few minutes before breaking the silence. She introduced herself as Smitha and hugged him casually. Rajeev embraced her back and immediately started to sweat. The room became silent again. Three of them sat on the sofa and Rajeev started to sweat heavily, making a wet spot on his shirt. Smitha again noticed that he had a lot of talent, which suggested itself in his eyes, even more than in his sturdy arms and broad shoulders, or in his effusive hugs. Rahul, sitting next to her, Smitha started speaking

Smitha started speaking to Rahul. "Your friend was excellent at dancing yesterday. You missed our dance in the pub. She commented that he was very good at it and that it was a shame he did not attend. She went on to say that he was a very friendly person and that she had had a lot of fun dancing with him. She added that she wished she had had more time to dance with him, as he was a very talented dancer.".

Rahul replied to Smitha, " Rajeev is a very introverted person, and his natural inclination is to keep to himself. He came from a traditional Indian family, and as a result, he is quite shy. This can make it difficult for him to show his true talent to the world. However, Rajeev is a very talented individual, and he is capable of achieving great things if he puts his effort into it."