

I only have a week before the ball begins. So I asked Zero's help along with Asclepius, Bernard and David , I need to practice my fighting skills. I need to enhance my hand to hand combat strategy, I need to be tranquil as a forest but on fire within.

"Are you sure about this milady?" Zero asked

"Yeah? Four against one isn't easy, plus we are trained to fight as well" Asclepius added

I nodded and spoke.

"Of course I am, and besides it's my duty to train and fight like a great warrior. So, shall we begin?"

They nodded and spoke in unison

"We shall me lady"

I positioned myself, preparing for their first move... 'Open your mind' I spoke in my head, like what Gradgie used to say.

Zero started the combat with a powerful punch but, I easily blocked it took his arm and twisted it.

And also what my Gradgie said "A warrior yields to force and uses its own"..