
It has begun

Thea's P. O. V.

Eli said he'd pick me us so I packed my clothes for a week went downstairs to talk to Gradgie

"Gradgie, are you sure, you'll be okay?" I asked

"Baby, Gradgie will be okay, just enjoy for me will you" She stated

I'm just worried about Gradgie, but she's right, I need to enjoy, that's why Eli and I are going out, then I heard three knocks from the front door

speak of the devil

And its not me who opened the door but Gradgie

"Good morning Mrs. Espíritu" Said Eli

I'm just eavesdropping, insert evil laugh folks

"Call me Gradgie, I see that my baby has something going on with you" Gradgie said

"About which, where is Thea?" Eli asked

"She'll be here in a minute, Eli, I'm asking you to take care of my baby, you see I have Alzheimer's disease, and when she is sad, I want you to cheer her up, make her smile, hijo."

Eli nodded "Yes, Gradgie, you can trust me, I love your granddaughter, I just know"

Did I heard that right or I'm just imagining things

" I trust you hijo"

I crashed their conversation by shouting "Hey guys! what you talking about?"

"Nothing" Said Gradgie

I smiled

"You look so beautiful, hermosa" Eli complimented

"Shall we?" He asked and offered his hand

I looked at Gradgie and hugged her "Be back by a week Gradgie"

"Take care" She said

I then looked at Eli

"We shall" And Eli took my hand as we walk to his car

Eli really is rich, crazy, crazy crazy rich

"Hop in, hermosa" He said

such a gentleman

I was planning to sleep, since I expect a 6 hour drive 'coz I thought we are going to the province but no, after, maybe a 20 minutes drive, we stopped, in a building.


"Let's go" He said and took my hand, the bags and other stuffs

"Ahmm, I thought we're going to the beach?" I ask, I'm completely confused right now

He didn't talk he just smiled at me, damn this count, he's so handsome when he smile.

We took the elevator, and he pressed the last floor, are we?

oh no

And I was right, we'll be using a helicopter

" Eli? Are w-we riding that shit?" I asked scared, I'm afraid of heights

"Yes, why do you ask? since you already know, that I'm a count, I can spoil you, and Gradgie said, to make you smile" He said

I know that was to make me smile but, what came out from my mouth was

"What are you thinking?! That I'll ride that? Hell no! For your information I am freaking afraid of heights!" I exclaimed

Eli hold my hand

"I'm sorry, I didn't know, I've never been to a beach before, this is the first time, I asked my butler, and bought this, so that we can travel with no hassle, I'm a licensed pilot, don't worry Hermosa"

That melted my heart, this guy, is so thoughtful, he even did this, just for me

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have shouted at you"

I smiled and said

"Let's go"

I don't know, but suddenly, I felt safe while I'm on the air, my head is filled with Eli's word.

"You can sleep Hermosa, this will take a while, maybe thirty minutes or more"

I don't wanna sleep Count, I wanna see the beauty below

I spoke in my mind

I kept thinking, how awesome Eli is, I mean, he is licensed pilot, he is, something else, hopefully he can fight too, if so, I'll be so freakin hot to watch

When we landed, I kept thinking where am I, I mean, I've been to many beaches in Luzon, but I don't know this one so I asked Eli

"Eli, ahm, where are we?" I asked confused

"We are in Miherthea" He said


"Where is that?"

"We are in a private island, its a gift for me when I was younger, since its private and mine, I gave a name for it, 'Miherthea'. which stands for " Mi Hermosa Thea"

My heart is doomed

Damn you Count Elliot

Gradgie's P. O. V.

after Thea and Eli left I immediately called the team

"Asclepius, call Bernard, David and Eleanor" I commanded

"We don't have much time, what's happening to me right now, gives a only a limited amount of time, so let's do this fast"

And after I commanded Asclepius, in maybe a minute, all five of us, is present.

"So, what do you have, Eleanor" I asked

"Lord Alfredo, will place a bomb in Vancouver's village in the 23rd of December, he thinks that the duchess is still in there, but already in a safe place, what de we do?" Eleanor stated

"Asclepius, Bernard, gather team A and B, look over the ground for the bomb Eleanor said"

I got where you wanted Alfredo

"As for you David, I want you to keep, Thea, Eliot, And France safe, I can manage. The war we've been waiting for has begun, we have to be ready. Our team maybe only a little than what Lord Alfredo has, but my intelligence, is thrice as theirs" I stated

"We can do this, Eleanor, you can leave now, let us know, if there is something happening there" I said

"Asclepius, Bernard, you too" I added

"As for you David, we need to go to the headquarters, take everything necessary in case things go out in our hands, we need guns, sword, bows and arrow, we need to be ready"

Let me be the greatest enemy, the Alfonso family ever had

As we go to the headquarters, we noticed someone was tailing us

"David, give me the wheel, be ready if they shoot"

I knew they found the duchess but they are wrong, stupid Lord Alfredo

"Your highness, its Lord Alfredo's"

that scumbag

"What do I do your highness?" He asked

"Get rid of them, now, they hit a nerve, David"

"Shoot to kill" I commanded

"Yes your highness"

And David shoot, like a pro, hit the driver

"That's a good headshot, David" I complimented

"Thank you your highness"

I smiled and called Bernard and Asclepius

"B, A, take care of the mess we did, I'll send you the coordinates"

Next up, headquarters

"Your highness, may I asked, if whom I'm talking too? I'm a bit confused"

I grinned, well no one can differentiate us

"You are talking to, duchess Chasiane Ventimiglia, David"

I said

Thea's P. O. V.

I looked at the alluring beauty of the sea in front of me, the wind waved against my hair, the waves of the water is so calm, its peaceful, like nothing is wrong in life, everything is fine.

"So, what do you wanna do first, hermosa?" Eli asked

I chuckled and answer him

"I'm hungry so, I wanna eat lunch first, then I wanna go somewhere in the island where I can see the sun set and the moon rise, or maybe lets just camp there"

He smiled and spoke "You wish is my command, hermosa"

I smiled and that and said "lame"

We head off to the hut, placed the bags clothes but brought 2 tents and other essentials for tonight

Eli held my hand and looked at me

"You really are beautiful, hermosa"

I chuckled and spoke "I told you not to call me that right?"

He look at me and said "I'm sorry but your count is stubborn"

did he just said that? or mean it? or again, I'm just imagining things

"Here we are" He said

Making my jaw drop, in front of me, lies a hidden spot on the island I think, a spot perfect to see the sun descend and the moon ascend, wow, its so beautiful.

"So? What do you think?" He asked

"It's wonderful Eli!" Then I suddenly hugged him for no reason

"I'm sorry" I said

"It's okay, I kinda liked it anyway" then chuckled and prepared the tent

It was a complete silence, until I broke the ice

"So Eli, you're royalty right? and before, you asked me that you are looking for a woman, Casiana Ventimiglia, right?Why? " I asked

"Ahmm, how do I say this, ah, he wants me to find the woman, so I can marry her granddaughter" He said

That placed a needle in my heart, I'm falling to a person whose soon to be married

"Did you find the woman?" I asked

"No, and I don't want to find her, I don't wanna marry her granddaughter either, 'coz, I think I'm falling in love, with someone special" He stated

I take back, thank God he doesn't like the idea being married to that granddaughter of someone

"Won't you're parents be mad?" I asked

"My father will, for sure, but we're not in good terms, I'm just waiting, to be twenty-one then I'll leave my family, I don't wanna be

a royalty, I mean, it's like my whole life is planned out, from birth to death, there is no thrill, you know what I mean? Good thing my mother is a very brilliant woman, I remember when I was young, father doesn't want me to go out and play, so instead, my mother, invited her sister's son so that she we can play,and in every birthday, we didn't celebrate it, I never blowed my birthday candle, or made a. wish on my birthday, instead father will throw a party with plastic royalty with their words sugarcoated just to impress other, its so exhausting. "

Eli has been to so much, I can tell

" So you haven't done anything regarding being a commoner? like planting, cooking food, you know? " I asked

" No, I never planted plants, I made bombs, and I don't cook, my father said us royalty should be the person to be scared about, but I always disagreed with his beliefs, everyone should be treated equally, and my real surname is "Alfonso" not "Romanov" it's my mother's, I never used my dad's surname when introducing to a person unless their royalty. Enough with my life, how about you? " He asked

" Well, since I was young, its just me and Gradgie, Gradgie taught me everything, from cooking, writing, fighting, singing, everything, even smiling, he is the sunshine of my life, I'm so blessed I was given the chance to have a grandmother like her, because, my mother died when I was born, while my father, abandoned me, so basically, Gradgie is my Mother, father, sister, partner in crime, and my joy" I stated

Then suddenly, for no reason, a lone tear fell on my. cheeks and the handsome count beside me, wiped away the sadness

"Don't cry, hermosa, your so beautiful, you deserve the best"

I smiled and spoke "Thank you Eli"

"No, it's thank you, for showing me that love, can shape a person from head to toe, for showing me how to be an adventurous person, to have a person like you" He smiled "Thank you hermosa" He added

"You're welcome Count Elliot"

Making both of us chuckle

And a few hours of conversation, getting to know each other

We watched how the sun descent while we are smiling, laughing, enjoying every second and saw how the moon ascended while I look at the count's eyes.

Thank you Count Eli/

Gradgie's P. O. V.

"Asclepius, Bernard, did you find the bomb?" I asked

They nodded and showed me the bomb

"This is it? Lord Alfredo, never learns using the same formula of the bomb my father did, tssk, such a pity"

In a minute I defused the bomb making it stop from exploding on the 23rd of December

"I want you guys to gave these, they are tracking devices, connected to my phone, so that I can know, where are you guys, what are you doing, your status, heartbeat, life function, we need to guard Vancouver's village. I need the help of you three, David, Casiana's butler, Bernard, and Asclepius, the deadly Spaniards, together we will win" I stated

"Your highness, I found an information regarding Lord Alfredo's move, they will attack too on Christmas, search each and every house of Vancouver's village, to find the duchess" Bernard informed

"Really? well then, you know what to do, we'll do my plan D, he knew that there is a rat inside his team, he is just too naive to find out, so, evacuate every family in the village, leave music, designs, and mannequins in each house, we'll make Christmas a blast, but leave my house mine, David, stay in my room on Christmas, Thea cannot know the truth yet, as for you Asclepius, ready your team, leave 5 of them in every house, in a safe place, a bullet proof one, and once they blasted each and every one, up to the 60th house, that's where your team, Asclepius, will fight, Bernard, on that day on, hack into Alfredo's data base, he is in the verge of wanting me in his hands, no wonder he will focus on the duchess, so we need to do that, as foe Eleanor, tell her to standby up to further notice " I said

" Is that all your higness? " They asked in unison

" That would be all, you may take your leave now "

The three bowed and left

You are doomed Alfredo, you never knew I was ready, never knew what I was capable of, but this time, I'll show you, what happens when you make a Ventimiglia mad.

I'll be a hell to pay.

Thea's P. O. V.

" So for tomorrow, what do you wanna do?" Eli asked

"Well, since you haven't done so many things, we'll do some, tomorrow, we'll plant trees, cook, maybe even make barbeques." I said

"That would be great, I've always wanted to do those" He stated

"Well, we'll be doing those tomorrow, the next day, up to the last" I said

"Thea? Te quiero" He said

"What?" I asked

"I like you, hermosa" He said and looked at me in the eyes

"I like you too count Elliot" I said and smiled

"Really?!" He asked while exclaiming

"Yes, mi guapo conde" I said

"Then, te quiero mi hermosa" He said

So this how it feels. Hopefully, this will develop and continue

"Eli?" I called him

"Yes mi hermosa?" He asked

"Don't leave me okay, don't go, stay by my side, prove that you have feelings for me, coz I do, please" I said

"as if I can go so far from you Anthea"

I chuckled "Finally, you called me by my name"

"Yeah I know, it sounds good coming out from my mouth, don't you think?"

I just nodded, its getting dark

"Let's call it a day, I'm sleepy" I said

"Okay" Eli hugged me and went to our corresponding tents

"Good night Hermosa" He said

"Good night mi. guapo conde"

Closed my eyes, and slept, happy

Gradgie's P. O. V.

After seeing my Antonio get killed I ran so fast and bumped into someone.. "Where are you going?! Why are you crying?!" She asked, I just hugged and tight "We need to go, now!" I exclaimed "where?" She asked "just follow me, we need to go now, bring them, your team, from high personnel to the lowest now.. But before we can run she got stabbed from the back. "No!! Chasiane!!!"

Then I woked up in my dream, no a nightmare, its a nightmare, again its haunting me, but I'll be over soon, I know it, I took a long sigh, wipe the sweat on my face. went downstairs to have a coffee, when I saw someone in ths kitchen

Who, are you??

A/N : Yey!! The plan has finally begun!! Good luck to your team and thank you on those who kept reading the story of destiny and fate. God bless!!!