
Love me, Love You

She saw competition, he saw co-existence. She saw conflict, he saw peace. She saw hate, he saw love. And he wished that she saw what he did. Four years ago, Chen Ai openly declared then-newcomer Zhao Shirong to be her rival after he took the first place spot from her in the one thing she loved the most: debating. Since then, she has seen him with nothing but hateful eyes. Little did she know that Shirong was hopelessly in love with her. How would she react to that?

Safiello · 青春言情
2 Chs

1: The Nightmare of an Orator

"And the winner is Chen Ai..." went the announcer.

Amidst the cheers and applauses, Chen Ai got up to receive her award. At long last, she had finally earned it. The W country Award for Best Young Orator. She had worked all her life, since the tender age of 5 years old, to achieve such an honor.

Everyone stared at her in awe and wonder. For not only was she an amazing speaker, but beautiful as well. Her skin was lovely and pale, her eyes were a bright brown and her lips a passionate red. Her ink-black hair was long but forever restrained into a bun. She was slim but carried herself with the dignity of a royal.

It seemed as though it took forever for her to move from where she sat on stage, to where the announcer stood. Could this be it?

The announcer smiled and congratulated her. He handed her the bouquet and was about to give her the medal when a deep, masculine voice spoke, stopping the entire audience.

"Wait just a minute!"

That voice belonged to none other than her rival, Zhao Shirong.

He was a tall young man with a handsome face and a fit body, which was currently clad in a black suit. His shoulder-length brown hair was fixed into a man bun. He had black eyes and soft pink lips.

The girls in the audience sighed, some thinking about marrying him, others thinking thoughts far too passionate to be described. The males in the audience were jealous but had to admit that he was indeed handsome.

Assessing her with one cruel glance, he walked towards the stage. The audience parted faster than the Red Sea to make a path for him to walk through.

And she was the Egyptian that was about to be defeated.

She knew this and yet, she found herself unable to speak. Shedding a tear, she closed her eyes, hoping for it to be a dream. She opened her eyes just as the announcer spoke.

"Well, it appears that we have made a serious error. This award does not belong to Miss Chen Ai,"

All Chen Ai could do was pale. Zhao Shirong sent an evil smirk her way and she couldn't even say something to him.

"but rather to Mr. Zhao Shirong! The scores were tampered with. We do apologize to Miss Chen Ai for breaking her legitimate expectations."

Those words shattered Chen Ai and all she could've done was slump to the floor and let out a silent scream as Zhao Shirong, amidst all the explosive cheers and applause, receive the award that she had considered to be rightfully hers. Tears ran down her cheeks.

Just like that, with a gasp, Chen Ai woke up from her biggest nightmare.

"I will emerge victorious Shirong, just you wait and watch! My final year will be a winning year you b*stard!"

Okay so hey guys!

I do write on another platform (Wattpad) but a friend of mine introduced me to this site and I thought, hey, why not try something I'm not used to.

I do hope you'd excuse any inaccuracies of mine. Feel free to point them out when you see them.

Also, what do you think about Chen Ai? I really wasn't thinking much when I created her name.

Anyhoo, hope you guys love it!

Safiellocreators' thoughts