
The Sweet Hardships of Love

"Are you saying you're so horny with me?" Śliwiński asked sweetly.

"Dominik, you do not look as if you feel sorry for me ..." under the passionate gaze of his lover, Andrzej felt a growing anxiety.

"But I sympathize" the actor moved closer, so close that Nowicki could feel his breath on his chest. "Do I know him?"


"The man who replaced me?"

"Replaced? No guy has ever replaced you!"

"So it was a woman."

"What woman?"

"That's what I'm asking. Is this someone I know?" Dominik placed a hand on his heart. "Or maybe someone quite accidental?"

Andrzej had the impression that he was losing his mind. The closeness of Dominik made his head spin and his body began to tremble.

"What woman?" he repeated, not understanding what Śliwiński was talking about.