
The Painful Truth Cannot Be Hidden Forever

Nowicki opened his mouth in surprise.

"My father is a good man, but when I was little he drank a lot. My mother walked with bruises more than once, and yet she did not leave him. It was only recently that I had a conversation with her about it. She admitted that she loved my father after all. Sometimes she wanted to leave, because such love not only hurt her body, but she had nowhere or to whom. Divorce in those days was almost taboo, so she gritted her teeth and told herself it would get better soon. And it was. She forgave him and they continued to live together until another drunken bout of aggression. Then she swallowed tears and waited for my father to calm down. Of course, she didn't tell anyone about her suffering."

"Sorry, I didn't know."

"After my father got hepatitis, he stopped drinking and he was no longer violent. So far they live in harmony. But I am different. When Łukasz raised his hand to me after he found out I was pregnant, it was our last meeting."

"The fucking ..."

"That's why I didn't tell you. You are not holy and you have a lot of flaws, but you have one great advantage, I feel safe with you. You have the need to help every injured person or animal. You can't stand passively and watch someone suffer."

"Well, you gave me quite psychoanalysis."

"But tell me, that's not why you became friends with Dominik?"

Yes, that's probably why. When he saw someone suffering, he just couldn't stand and watch. He also couldn't bear the thought of someone taking advantage of someone. That is why he got into fights at school and therefore, without thinking, he ran to help Śliwiński. He would probably do it for anyone, but Dominik was special in his own way. Andrzej was not a poet, but remembering the expression on the actor's face and his eyes made him think of the most precious works of art and the most delicate flowers of spring.

"You're very sensitive, you know?" Paulina smiled to him.

"Well, here you already exaggerated" he was more embarrassed than angry.

"I mean human misfortune. That's why you're so angry with him. You think you can't help him."

"I don't know if I have the right."

"Of course you do. And, believe it or not, you're really helping him. If my mother had a friend like that, she probably would have avoided a lot of bruising."

"But Dominik, he ... He stays with this person."

"You can't change your heart in a second. So far, I love Łukasz in my own way and sometimes I wonder if I should have stayed with him. Wait, I know what you want to say" she stopped him. "My point is, it's not that easy to stop loving someone and give up wanting to be close to that person, even if it hurts you. However, if you told him the truth, you planted a seed in his heart that would grow."

"But until then ..."

"Everyone makes their own decisions and makes their own mistakes."

And he pays the price for it, however high it is. Andrzej hoped that the one that Śliwiński would have to regulate would not turn out to be too excessive and would not lead him to emotional bankruptcy.

"Have you ever been afraid that your dad might go too far and hurt your mom so that it cannot be reversed?"

"Is it that serious?" She lowered her voice, alarmed.

"I do not know. I hope not. Dominik is too valuable financially, but who knows how things will turn out when emotions come into play again. He believes it was only once, but his judgment is obscured by feelings. Paulina, it looked terrible."

"It was that bad?" She covered her mouth with her hand. Her eyes widened with concern. "Poor boy."

Nowicki has never had a tendency to exaggerate. Even in his photographs, he showed the world as it was. He did not want to bother Paulina with the problems of others, but she was the only one he could rely on to solve a problem he was unable to deal with.

"I don't know what to do," he confessed. "I cannot interfere in his life, I have no right to slander the person he loves in front of him, but I am afraid that something terrible may happen to him."

"Have you thought about notifying the police?"

"You don't think I not? But it would be hard for an ordinary person to survive all these investigations and trials. With his fame…" He shook his head.

"Yeah. You say it was only once?"

"I know about one."

Paulina was silent for a long moment. Andrzej was full of hope that she would find a brilliant solution as usual.

"You should wait for now," she said. "You can't save him by force, so you have to give him time to see the truth. You got him the truth about his man lover, now you must ...

"What did you say?" He was frightened by what he heard. Has she figured out the truth? How?

"I can add two and two, it's really not that hard. And don't worry, my mouth will be closed and the restaurant door will be open. I'm worried about him too, but there's nothing we can do yet. There are things that a person has to deal with alone. It is important that he knows that he has someone to turn to. You're that kind of person to him, aren't you?"

"I suppose so," he admitted hesitantly. In light of today's quarrel, he was not sure.

Paulina smiled warmly at him.

"You are an idiot, but I can't be angry with you for too long." Otherwise we wouldn't be friends for so many years."

"Thanks," he muttered.

"He won't be mad at you either. If you feel sorry, call him or write to him."

"Yes you are right. Thanks, Paulina."

"No problem."

Nevertheless, Nowicki did not decide to contact Śliwiński right away. It took two days to text him. Since the lack of answer was an insult to him, he gave Dominik three more days before returning to his observation post in the house next door. He was still pissed at him, but he grew more and more anxious. Okay, Dominik might be angry with him and not want to talk to him, but that didn't change the fact that he might need help, even though he was too stupid to realize it.

At this time, the actor should be sitting down to breakfast, while he was still in bed. Who knows, maybe he had a very hot night with his lover and he was sleeping her off now?

Noon has long passed and Śliwiński did not leave his bed. He must be really exhausted and sleep soundly. No, he's not asleep. Nowicki noticed movement under the sheets, as if the man lying there was curled up into a tight ball.

Andrzej's heart beat uneasily. What if he's sick?

You live only once! Nowicki will wake him at most, he thought, and dialed his cell phone number. There was a signal, but no one answered, and Śliwiński buried himself deeper into the bedding.

Something about this figure curled up on the bed disturbed Andrzej. It was not the position of a relaxed man, but someone who wanted to hide from the world or fall into nothingness.

It's not like Marczak did anything to him, right?

What if so?

Nowicki was already rushing to the neighboring house. He breached the gate and burst through a door that was unlocked.

"Dominik!" He cried, fear in his heart. "Dominik !!!"

He stormed through the apartment and broke into the actor's bedroom with impetus. He ran to his bed and revealed his pale, half-awake face.

„Oh my God! Dominik !!!"