
First Quarrel

"Yes, it's true," Dominik beamed as he sat down opposite him. "I tried to be angry with him and hate him, but I couldn't."

"Your heart is too soft."

"Maybe do," he admitted. "But I'm glad, really. You know, you were the first person I thought I'd like to talk about it."

This confession surprised Nowicki, although it should not. After all, he knew that he was one of the few people who knew Dominik's secret, and using the word 'few' he suspected that he could count all of them on one hand.

"So you spent the night with him?"

"Yeah, but how ... Don't say you were worried about me and you didn't sleep because of me."

Andrzej tried to hide his embarrassment in the fumes from the plate.

"I'm so sorry!" Dominik called. "I'm sorry very, very, very much!"

"Come on! What do you mean?"

"How could I forget? I just ... Nobody ever cared for me except Marek, so I forgot that it was you after all this ..."

"Nothing has happened," he muttered, confused.

"Thank you! You really are my friend! I know you don't trust him, and yet you think ... I'm so happy ..."

"Hey, what are you ..."

Dominik wiped his eyes with the back of his hand. Andrzej had no idea what was going on or how to react.

"I was always afraid that when people found out I was gay, they would turn their backs on me. They will point their fingers at me and look at me like I am a freak. But you ... You know who I sleep with and it doesn't bother you at all ..."

"It's a little disturbing," he muttered in confusion. "You can afford someone better."

"Maybe," he laughed through his tears. "But knowing I was gay you didn't turn down any of my invitations. You look at me as a normal human being, not as some sick, perverted freak."

"Because you're a normal human. Almost… You're prettier than most people, and a little more talented, but otherwise a perfectly normal guy. It's up to you who you sleep with and it has nothing to do with anyone else. It doesn't affect what personality you have or what kind of person you are ..."

"If everyone thought this way ..."

'And you're a bit of a naive idealist,' Nowicki was tempted to add. 'And a dreamer after all. Counting that people will simply accept that Dominik Śliwiński is gay ...'

Andrzej himself did not fully accept this, so he felt uncomfortable during this conversation. It is true that for him it made no difference whether the actor sleeps with men or women, but for the world the difference will be huge. As long as Śliwiński is perceived as heterosexual, everything will be fine, but as soon as his orientation is revealed, the scandal will be shocking. Dominik dreams of being happy. In this world as gay? - no way.

Nowicki also wanted the boy to be happy. The face was far too beautiful to be marked by tears and suffering. And it will be so if Dominik stays with Marczak.

However, these were all just conjectures and fears. Andrzej had no evidence to convince Śliwiński. Anyway, in this state of mind, no argument would reach him, and Dominik deserved a few moments of joy before real trouble appeared on the horizon.

"Many people know that you prefer men?"

"No. We are really very careful. We always meet under the pretext of work. I think his secretary might know, I think she knows, because sometimes I feel like she's covering us. She is very nice, but I never dared to ask her directly."

"You didn't ask Marczak?"

"I tried, but he is mysterious in this respect. I think he is afraid that I might start talking to her about it and an outsider would hear."

Certainly the manager is afraid of this, or rather the possibility that his completely dominated lover will find an ally, a person who will open his eyes.

"Did you tell him about me?"

"No, there wasn't a time. It may surprise you, but we talked a lot about work."

In fact, Nowicki was surprised. Maybe he shouldn't, but he was.

"Did you tell him you didn't want to play for Baptiste?"

It was unbelievable in some ways - Andrzej saw Dominik on the set impersonating various characters and in various scenes, where absolutely nothing changed his expression. On the set, he was an excellent actor who is all himself in the role. In his life, Śliwiński was completely open and honest, he could not hide any emotions in his face. He didn't have to say anything for Nowicki to know his answer. It was enough to look at his blush and confusion in his eyes.

"I understand love and sex, but this?" Andrzej was honestly surprised. "You really didn't want to be in that movie. When you talked about it, you did so almost with disgust. I don't understand why do you force yourself to do this?"

"It's not like that" the blush did not come off his face, but his eyes moved away from Andrzej. "Marek explained to me ..."

"Did he explain or did he talked to you with sweet words?" Nowicki did not know why he raised his voice and his body.

Dominik became more and more confused and intimidated. His voice was low as he continued:

"He convinced me that I would gain a lot from this project. Sometimes you have to sacrifice a little for a greater purpose ..."

"A bigger purpose? You're not a fucking martyr!"

"I am an actor and therefore I should take advantage of the opportunities ..."

"You are human and you shouldn't be forced into anything. Do you know how much Marczak will get for you playing for Baptiste? Do you know how many new actors will be begging for him to be in charge of their careers? He made you for money! He has used you!"

"Stop ..."

"You know how much he makes from you with each film. If you left him, he would lose a hen that lays golden eggs ..."

"Stop it!"

Dominik was standing too. They looked at each other from opposite sides of the small kitchen table, resting their hands on the table top. Śliwiński was trembling, but his eyes flashed flames.

So you can fight for yours after all.

"I'm asking you to leave," Dominik's voice was cut short, but the sound within him made it clear that he was serious.

Andrzej was furious. Does Dominik not see how much he is being used? If, after reconciling them, Marczak did not insist that the actor should play in the film against himself, it would mean that he actually loves him and cares about his good, but if, seeing his aversion to the role, he persuaded him to do so, it meant that the only thing he loves is the money that Śliwiński earns for him.

"You're an idiot" Andrzej announced and straightened up. "You'll find out badly about it sooner or later."

"Get out."

"Thank you for dinner," Nowicki felt he must have the last word. He turned on his heel and left.