
I'm Not Good At This Sort Of Thing

Vera thought she had scared Casey off by being too impulsive but she had been trying to build things up since Halloween to the best of her ability and couldn't hide how much she liked him anymore. She figured it would be okay since she had already told him she liked him in the car on the way here but realized she miscalculated when he stood there gaping at her in horror. 

She backed down, immediately apologetic, and wondered what on earth she was supposed to do now because it seemed like she broke him. She still hadn't come up with a plan when he suddenly seized her in a hug before kissing her. 

Relief flooded through her that she hadn't ruined everything even as her heart raced as they continued to kiss. She had waited for this for a long time now.

Vera wasn't sure how long they stood there kissing but eventually Casey pulled away, breathing heavily, and hugged her again while resting his chin on top of her head. "You're going to kill me, Vera," he groaned.