
He Wont Give Up

It has been a week since the death of Youngmi. Hae Min had been fine, but sometimes she will still find herself spacing out. "Your Highness, the General's son is here." Why would he come here? Didn't her father already canceled their marrige, did he?

"Why are you here?" He almost froze due to Hae Min's icy voice. He thinks she is still mourning and sad but no! Yes she is sad, but she is no longer mourning for Youngmi's death. She had accepted it. Youngmi is already fine in wherever she are.

"I am here to send my regards to you." Regards? Does Hae Min need him in anyway? Could he be a big help to her? Well, of course not! She already have her siblings. Her eyebrow lift. "I am aware that you are still mourning and sad. I want you to know that I am here for you." She didn't bother speaking to Jiho and just dismissed him.


"Youngmi did something very big, yet she only receive a slap on the wrist!" [1] Was Youngmi really at fault? She is already dead, but still her name is spreading like a wild fire. [2] "I totally aggree with you." How come Youngmi only received a slap on the wrist?


"This is the right time to betray Hae Min." Who would have thought that there are someone close to her that will betray her? "No. We shall still act like we are in the same boat." This hooman knew how to betray someone, ze [3] probably studied how to trick someone! "..."

Will they really betray her? Even though she did nothing wrong? Why are they so envious of her? Did she do something that will make the feel insecure?

They grew up together. They know each other's weaknesses, they can use that against Hae Min!

"We can attack her when she's asleep or... face to face." A sly grin appeared on zir face. Get ready, Hae Min. The devils' are on their way to attack you.


Hae Min was left wandering alone. Now that Youngmi is gone, she had no more problem. She then saw Yoonwoo and Jinho chatting. She thought it was just nothing, like a typical chat of brodies. She hid herself on the big tree near the two boys.

"I like Hae Min." She overheard! She stole a glance to the two of them, she saw how Jinho's lip curved upward, like a smirk. 'Oh, God! What have I gotten myself into?!' She's now looking for a hole to hide for a minute, well less than a minute if they would go away right now!

She could no longer handle the silence so she showed up herself, pretending like she has not heard anything. "Hello! What are you two up to?" She plastered a smile on her face trying not to look awkward! Juice, she just realized that showing up is also no good! It is better to hide!

The mocking look of the two boys changed into a shocked one. They did not expect her to showed up! "Ha...have you been there for a long time?" Jinho asked awkwardly. Her eyes widden in shock, she tried her best to smile! But instead of looking cute, she look spooky! "Gosh, Hae Min! What is that look?!" Yoonwoo asked frustratedly. She is cute, but the look on her face at the moment... it's creepy!

"I... I..." She can not respond nor say a phrase! "Oh my goal, Yoonwoo! She probably flew off the handle!" [4] The two guys hugged each other looking like an idiot. How could they act like that?! Are they not supposed to fight at all?

"I am afraid she did!" The two boys ran away from her. Gosh, this is crazy! She thought. Well, it literally is crazy! They are too girly! "Gosh! Maybe it was them who flew off the handle!" She pouted, how could they do that to her? She is lonely like a stray cat. Now, she's digging around in the whole palace looking for someone to be with. She stopped walking and sat down below the tree. She need a rest!

Junyong nod his head, Shiwoo's lip curved upward as he ran towards Hae Min's direction. "Surprise." Junyong caught up with them as fast as he could. "Ah! Who are you?! Let go of me!"


[1] Slap on the wrist - a mild punishment

[2] Spreading like a wild fire - circulate very quickly

[3] ze / zir - used when the gender is unknown

[4] Flew off the handle - went crazy

I am sorry for not being able to update ㅠㅠ

supkeicreators' thoughts