
Love is Excruciating

This story is about four friends who came far from their homes to join world famous Gonzaga university to fulfil their dreams but with zero interest in study because their real goal is something else and that is to join Gonzaga bulldog basketball team. This university introduced many famous players to the world. These boys wanted to show the world how much talent they have got and also to change their life and so it happened, their lives completely changed but in a bad way when certain unexpected events occur in their lives caused them to loathe each other. Their hatred increased when their love life intermingled with each other. Their hatred increased so much that it turned them into beast. They tried their best to bring down each other to the extent that one of them got injured and it makes him to give up on his dreams. His revenge begins when he conspired against others. On the other hand , group of three girls, who are the students of the same university, effort so much and worked really hard to get into that university because of their low background and when met those boys it also causes their lives to turn upside down and makes it difficult for them to graduate. Now let's see what will happen and how they survive those difficult phase of their lives to become successful. And let's see how their lovelife will effect with the sudden twist and turns.

Ae_cha · 竞技
10 Chs

The match

Time skip:

Serena's POV:

When the lecture ended all the students sighed in relief. As soon as teacher left the room all the students rushed towards the ground.

"Oh finally! Hurry up girls we're getting late." I said while hurriedly packing my stuff.

"Yeah right! Let's go." Lily said excitedly.

"Guys you go ahead, I'm not in a mood." Hannah said sadly.

"But you were so excited for this till morning what happened now?" Lily asked pouting.

I hit Lily with my elbow, raised my eyebrow and gave her a angry look so that she can understand the situation.

"Oh come on Hannah ! You don't need to spoil your mood for that brat." I said.

"Yeah that's right Hannah just come with us." Lily said and then we both made a pout to Hannah *giggle*.

"You know what *laugh* stop making this you both look so bad in this look." Hannah said and we trio burst into laughter. Then we pushed Hannah towards the ground.

Fifteen minutes before the start of the match:

Right in between the college ground there's a basketball court which was beautifully designed only for the practice matches and today's match is also going to be held here. Around the court, chairs was arranged for the college staff and students so that they can enjoy the match comfortably. The chairs were already full while the remaining students had no problem in standing up and enjoying match. Some students brought posters and banners to support their favourite players.

The match:

Third person POV:

"Ladies and gentle men I hope you all are doing great. As you all know that today is a very important day for all of us because today is the selection matches for the upcoming Conference Championship. Today total of 12 players divided into 4 teams will going to compete each other. Each team consists of 3 players which means we're going to play 3x3 matches." The MC said.

"First let me explain you the criteria for the selection match. So there will be something like this, first of all team number 1 and team number 3 will going to compete each other and then in second match team number 2 and team number 4 wil compete."

"The winning teams of both the matches will then face each other in the third match. The team that wins the third match will directly qualify for the Championship. The other team will then compete among each other by free throws. Only two players from the runner-up team will be selected for the Championship. All in all top 5 players of today's match will be selected as a team."

"I think I have rambled a bit too much so now let's start the matches. " Audience laughed.

After the MC's announcement the players entered the court and audience started shouting. As soon as the players started to stand in a row, the announcement again started.

"So as you can see that all the boys are in the ground court now I'll going to announce their pairing for the team." MC said and audience started shouting in excitement. Some studends started shouting their favourite player's names for teaming.

"Woh woh woh relax guys... you people are so impatient *giggle * all the teams are made by the coach himself depending upon the players abilities. "

"So the first team is of Peter, Dylan and Mario and this is the strongest team of all the others. Second team have David, Jack and Oliver. Third team have Lio, Henry and Lucas while for the last but not the least the fourth team have Carter, Logan and Julian. Please have a big round of applause for all of them." Every one applaud.

"For the first match i would like to invite team 1 and 3 while for now other teams can take their rest on seats. And as you all know the first team to score 21 goals will win or otherwise the team with more scores wins so now let's start the game."

Match 1:

Both the teams entered the court, greeted and wished the best of luck to each other. Audience cheered for both the teams and then the match started.

The match timer of 10min started. Team 1 seemed to be quite passionate and over whelmed while team 3 was a bit nervous. After 10 min of dribbling, passing and throwing the match ended and team 1 won the match very easily by 21-15 goals.

It was an obvious but quite an interesting match.After the victory announcement of team 1 the entire ground was filled with the sounds of cheers. Both the teams then greeted and walked out of the court.

Match 2:

As soon as team 2 and 4 entered the ground and greeted, the match started with the sound of the wistle. Both the teams seemed to be quit aggressive and enthusiastic.

This match was a bit tensed then the earlier one because both the teams were obstrusively energetic. This match ended with the winning of team 2 with 21-19 goals.


During the break time the coach came to the players and congratulated the winning teams and also encouraged the losing teams.

After fifteen minutes of refreshment break both the teams was called back to the court for the final match.

Match 3:

This match was quite tough because both the teams were very competitive, strong and fierce. Neither of the teams were giving chance to the other team to score a goal.

But still after the 10min of intense play the match came to the end with team 1 winning with 17-16. Both the teams played really well but only one team can win.

After winning, team 1 got the direct ticket to the Championship while the only 2 players from the the runner-up team can qualify.

5 min break:

While everyone was busy refreshing themselves Peter and Dylan came to David.

"What happened? Why are you both here?" David asked.

"Look David you know very well that I'm angry with you but i also love my passion which is basketball and i will never allow anyone to ruin it." Dylan said.

"I don't understand what you want to say?" David asked confused.

"It means that you have to win those free throws because neither i trust anyone else nor i think anyone will play like you... personal issues aside *eyes rolled* i didn't want you to loose this.. got it?" Dylan said.

"Hmmm...well.. I'll try my best and because i know no one can replace me" David said.

"Yeah right ! Now let's go" peter said.

So after the break each player of the team 2 were given 3 chances to score free throws.

The first player called was Jack, he scored 2 out of 3 free throws. Then was oliver, he scored 3 out of 3 and got his ticket. Now the real competition was between Jack and David.

Due to some personal reasons, David was a bit disturbed but he shrugged all the irrelevant thoughts out of his mind and continued his focus on match but he was still lacking somewhere.

He scored his first goal and then second but while scoring the third goal the ball landed on the goal ring instead of going inside and then moved.....

I hope you guys will love this chapter<3... by the way who do you guys think will qualify?

Ae_chacreators' thoughts