
Love In The Dark

Luca, a reclusive billionaire without family or friends is in a wreck and develops temporary amnesia from the injuries. Without any identification of his background, just his first name, he falls in love with Ava, the nurse who nurses him back to health. As his memory slowly returns, he realizes that friendship and love have been missing from his life, and he has found both in her.

fallon_west · 现实
3 Chs

Chapter 01: Big Kahuna In Trouble

The sirens of the ambulance car caught the attention of the patients in the ER. Nurse Ava and Quincy were on the shift that midnight. They look at each other.

"Must be a big Kahuna in trouble," Quincy commented.

Ava chuckled. "It makes me laugh with your silly name-calling to our patients."

Quincy shrugged her shoulders. "I know, right? But be my guest and tell me if I'm wrong."

Ava and Quincy waited for the ambulance car to open. Quincy knew the tip of the iceberg about their patient. Meanwhile, Ava was clueless.

"We should help them," Ava patted Quincy's shoulder and approached the ambulance. Ava and Quincy helped their fellow workmates.

The man in the hospital bed was a billionaire. Ava couldn't take her eyes off him.

Amidst the bruises and cuts the man attains, his handsomeness prevails.

Quincy assisted Ava. Ava did most of the work, cleaning and inserting IV fluid into the man's back palm.

"I have to go do my rounds now, Ava. See you around!" Quincy bid goodbye to her

Ava responded, bobbing her head. "See you around too!"

Ava read the initial reports conducted by her fellow nurse. She tried calling the man. But no response. He was breathing. But unconscious.

Ava asked the interns, Philip and Hanz who were inside the ambulance and took the report while placing the billionaire in a safe room, Philip began answering Ava's question.

"His car hits a ten-wheeler truck in the back. You should see how bad his new Tesla car."

Hanz nodded his head in agreement. "Somehow, he's still lucky, Nurse Ava. If it wasn't for the airbags, this man would have been shredded into pieces by now."

Ava thought for a few moments. Imagining the scenario inside her head.

Her face scrunched up. "I could smell alcohol on his breath. Drunk overspeeding."

"And where is the truck driver?" she asked the two boys.

Philip and Hanz shrugged their shoulders in unison as if they rehearsed it.

Philip opened the door of a private hospital bedroom.

While Ava and Hanz were the ones who pushed the hospital bed inside.

They set up the room for the billionaire.

"What's his name again?" Ava asked Hanz.

"We don't know," Hanz responded politely.

Philip inserted. "We searched for his wallet. All we found was a load of cash. Nothing else."

Ava raised a brow. "How about his phone?

Philip watched the man as if picturing the image he witnessed inside his head. "When we arrive at the scene, there are people rounding him. It could be one of them stole it. Or he just plain lost it."

Hanz and Philip left Ava after receiving a new notification about patients to be rescued. They bid goodbye to each other.

The nurse couldn't stop staring at the man. His face body was half-covered with a bandage when Hanz and Philip arrived.

There are also hospital types of equipment attached to the man to track his heartbeat, breathing, and pulse.

Ava snaps out of her thought. Phone vibrating in her lab gown.

Her eyes get warm. Tears welled up in her eyes. It was her fiancé calling.

Ava turned off her phone and left the room. She still needs to do some rounds of her shift.

She left the patient to finish her rounds for the night.

While walking in the hallway, someone called her from behind.

"Ava! Wait!"

She lowered her head, and fasten her pace while walking in the hallway.

Zach chased her. He grabbed his fiancée's wrist.

She turns around. "Let me go, Zach!" said Ava.

Zach's eyes were teary. "P-Please, let me explain," stammering as he responded.

Ava scoffed. "Ha! Explain what? Like how the sensation felt while you fuck the intern in the storage room?!" her voice raised.

A woman walked passed by them, overhearing what Ava said.

Zach felt embarrassed. "T-Tone down, your voice, please Ava. Just please hear me out—"

The woman glanced at Zach.

She gasped. Surprised that it was her son's attending physician.

Ava clicked her tongue. "Hear what? I already heard your moans, Zach. What more should I hear—"

Zach held Ava's shoulders. "Just fucking listen to me!"

Her tears fell, like raindrops from the sky. Ava couldn't look at him, the same way how he look at Zach before.

Zach was a neurologist doctor. Zach and Ava met and fell in love in the hospital.

Ava was an intern before she became a nurse. And Zach was the assigned doctor to monitor her.

For the five years that they have been together, temptation gets Zach's way.

Zach sighed in despair. "I-It was a mistake."

He lifted his gaze to her. Started deep into her eyes. "It's a fucking mistake that I regret, Ava."

"It wasn't you… it's me," he added.

Zach hugs Ava, crying on her shoulders. Zach's sobs echo in the empty hallway. Ava cried without making any sounds.

Ava wiped her tears. "Still, you cheated."

Zach sniffled. "I-I won't deny it. But it was a mistake!" he defends.

Ava glanced heavenwards and said, "It wasn't."

Zach shook his head. "Ava, please, I told you already. It was a mistake that I regretted. Believe me. I love you."

How long have you been screwing the intern?"

Zach fell silent.

"Tell me!" Ava yelled at him.

"A-A month now," he responded carefully that almost coming out as a whisper.

Ava pushed Zach. Slaps him on both cheeks. "You bastard!"

Zach tried to hold Ava. But the lady punches Zach in the face.

Zach's nose was bleeding. His white lab gown has blood stains.

Ava removed her engagement ring and threw it on Zach.

"You can fuck someone else now. I don't fucking care. The wedding is off!"

Zach scoffed and clenched his jaw. "The wedding is in two weeks! Are you out of your mind? We planned the reception and this fucking stupid wedding! You can't cancel it now!"

Ava smirked. "I just did. You should have thought of the hardships we overcome as a couple."

"And you should have thought harder about our wedding plans before you shove your dick in someone else's pussy!" she added.

"It was a fucking mistake, Ava! Did you lose your ability to understand!?" he responded.

Zach was infuriated. He wanted to strangle Ava to death now. But he won't do it.

Ava felt the same way too. But she won't do it also.

Ava scoffed. "Mistake? It was never a mistake," she shook her head.

"Cheating is a choice, Zach. And you chose to cheat on me."

"Just let me explain—"

Ava laughed sardonically. "So that you can play the victim card? Ha! No way in hell!"

"Cheating was never a mistake. It's always a choice. A mistake is when you take a risk of your action without knowing the consequences. The choice is when you knew the outcome and still do it because that's what you prefer," she said without stuttering amidst her broken heart.

Ava wiped her tears and forced a smile.

Zach fell silent. Speechless and guilty. Mixed emotions.

Before she left him, Ava added. "Fuck you, Zach. May you rot in hell."

Her heart was heavy. But she walked out with her head held high. Ava's on the verge of having a mental breakdown but she still has duties and responsibilities in the hospital.