
Love in Darkness

Selena is a daughter of a farmer and Eon is a fairy. They both found each other in the forbidden forest when they run away to escape their life. A beautiful friendship has turned into something deeper. They spent time with each other in the forest, mesmerized by the beauty of nature. Selena and Eon found what they seek: happiness and love. But everything changes when Selena is destined to marry a businessman her parents met. Selena is heartbroken leaving Eon. Eon's world crumbles as he witnesses the love of his life marrying another man. As Selena and Eon continue living their life, they cannot forget their past. Sereia is a battered wife. His husband, Magnus, did not show her respect and love the way Eon did. Though her parents are happy to live a luxurious life, Selena wishes to escape her miserable life. On the other hand, Eon continues to prove his worth but to no avail. Fairies, including his parents, see him be worthless. Selena and Eon will meet again and this time, could they fight for their love? Or will they continue to live a sad fate?

MagicalSine · 奇幻
49 Chs

Heart feels love

Selena is in the library, studying. She was reading a medical book when Magnus comes into her mind. She recalls what happened yesterday. It was the first time he hugged her. Selena could feel his heartbeat that time. It was beating fast. That time, she thought, "I hope he did not hear mine.". She wanted to hug him back but restrain herself. Selena remembers his smile when she said she would think about it. It was genuine. "Would I give him a chance?", she asks herself. Selena closes the book and stands up. She starts to walk around the couch and thinking.

"Do I love him?". She starts asking as if she is talking to someone. "Of course, you love him. You would not be hurt if you were not.". Selena sighs. "I really was hurt, seeing him being so sweet with that woman. I was hurt that he made me like a fool. But why I am feeling joy in my heart seeing that he is coaxing me?". She puts her right hand to her left chest and smiles. "It is because I love him.".

Selena goes out of the library and decides to go to the garden. It was already dark. She goes to the gazebo and sits on the swing chair. She keeps on recalling moments with Magnus. Selena is recollecting those memories to confirm something. "This was not the same feelings I felt for Eon. This is different. I hated him but the more I think about him, the more my heart reacts. So when he kissed, my heart just...". She puts her hand where her heart, "...fluttered.". She sighs and starts making the chair swing slightly.

Selena is just staring at the white roses while swinging when a cold breeze passes making her shiver. She covers herself with her arms, then suddenly a coat is being put on her shoulders. She looks up behind her and saw Magnus. She stares at him and could not say a word. Magnus sits beside her. She then finds the courage to speak. "What are you doing here?". Magnus looks at her, "Same reason as yours, having fresh air.".

They both fall silent. Selena is feeling awkward so she decides to enter the mansion. She stands and walks past in front of Magnus. Before she could walk three more steps, she is stopped by Magnus' words. "I like you. No. I love you, Selena.". Selena slowly turns to look at Magnus.

"Love? Are you serious? Because if you are not, I have no time for it.". She is about to walk again when Magnus stands and grabs her by the wrist. This made Selena get closer to Magnus. Their bodies are close together. Selena's eyes widen and her heart is racing. Magnus is staring at her but Selena could not meet his eyes. Magnus is holding both of her wrists. "Let me go, Magnus.", she exclaims while trying to pull her wrists.

"No, I will not let you go.". Selena did not listen and still pulling her wrists. Magnus keeps hold of her. She continues to get loose until she succeeds but Magnus grabs her again and this time, he made Selena's face closer to his. They are now gazing into each other's eyes. Magnus then speaks, "Listen to me, Selena. Even just for a minute.". Selena thinks for a while looking deeply into his eyes. "No.", she declines. She again struggles to be loose from Magnus's grips.

Magnus holds her wrists tight. He puts one hand on Selena's back and pushes her closer to him. He instantly kisses Selena. Selena's widen and smacks his shoulders with her knuckles. But Magnus puts another hand on her back and pushes her even more. He continues kissing her. Selena's smacks gradually become light. She loosened her knuckles and puts her hand on Magnus' shoulders. Her eyes close and she starts responding to the kiss.

Selena wraps her arms around Magnus' neck and Magnus' right hand goes up to her face. Magnus and Selena are now kissing passionately. Magnus breaks the kiss and puts his forehead on Selena's. He speaks, "I love you.". Tears are flowing down from Selena's face. She smiles while their foreheads still stick together, and then she responds, "I love you too, Magnus.".

Magnus' eyes widen. He could not believe what Selena said. "You... Would you say that again?". Selena smiles sweetly and takes Magnus both hands and looks at him in the eyes. "I love you.". Magnus smiles widely and kisses Selena again. He breaks the kiss and hugs Selena. Selena hugs him back while smiling.

They sit on the swing chair while holding each other's hands. The chair is swinging and Selena's head is leaning on Magnus' head. They both are not talking but just enjoying the cool breeze and each other's company. Minutes later, Magnus looks at Selena and realizes that she has fallen asleep. He smiles and puts his head on hers. He caresses her hand and smiling, he kisses Selena's head. Another minute passed by, Magnus decides to enter the mansion since it is getting too late. Selena is still sleeping and Magnus has no heart to wake her up. So he decides on carrying Selena up to their bedroom. He slowly lays her on the bed and places a blanket on her. He caresses her face with three fingers and kisses her on the forehead. "Good night.".

The next morning, Selena slowly wakes up and as she opens her eyes, the first thing she sees is Magnus staring at her. At first, she thinks she might seeing it wrong. But when Magnus speaks while smiling, "Good morning.". Selena's eyes widen and she instantly pushes Magnus' face away using both hands. It happens so fast so Magnus did not have the strength and the push made him lay back on the edge of the bed, almost falling on the floor.

Selena anticipates what will happen next so she holds both of Magnus' hands and pushes him forward. This made Magnus moves forward and lays on top of Selena. Her eyes widen as Magnus is on top of her. Magnus is shocked too. They gaze into each other's eyes. Then suddenly Magnus smiles, "What a great way to start a day.".

"What are you doing?", Selena instantly asks as Magnus brings his face closer to hers. Magnus continues to get closer. Selena then closes her eyes. She thinks that Magnus would kiss her. Magnus laughs slightly and moves his face to Selena's eyes. He whispers, "I am going to kiss you unless you ask for it.".

Selena immediately opens her eyes widely. Because of irritation, she pushes Magnus again and harder this time. This makes Magnus sits on the bed. He is laughing seeing Selena's irritated face. Selena gets up from the bed and looks at him with irritation, "Jerk.". She turns around and is about to walk towards the bathroom when Magnus grabs her by the wrist, making her lay back again on the bed. Magnus brings his face to Selena's. He holds her cheeks and kisses her. They are passionately kissing when someone knocks on the door.

"Magnus. Selena. Come down for breakfast. You are going to be late.". It was Miss Luna. Magnus is the one who responded, "It is Saturday, Nana.". There is a pause. Then Miss Luna speaks again, "Then come down for breakfast.". Then they hear her footsteps going away from the door. Magnus and Selena laugh at each other. Magnus kisses Selena's forehead again while Selena closes her eyes and smiling.

Minutes later, they both go down the stairs together and proceed to the kitchen. "We are here, Nana.", Selena exclaims happily.

Miss Luna replies, "Take a seat, dear.". She puts a handkerchief on her lap and looks at Magnus, "Aren't you going to the office, Magnus?". Magnus immediately answers with a smile, "No, Nana. It is the weekend. I have plans.". She examines her grandson, "You seem to be in a good mood?". Magnus just smiles and looks at Selena.

Miss Luna sees this but did not comment. She already could tell. She continues to ask, "So what is your plan for today? On a date?". Magnus looks at his grandmother. "Yes. I have a date with the two beautiful ladies in my life.".

Miss Luna teasingly replies in a question, "And who could that be?". Magnus smiles at his grandmother. "You, of course.". Then looks at Selena. "And my wife.". Selena cannot stop her smile. Her cheeks are also blushing.

Then they continue eating. After breakfast, they go to the car and start their trip to their destination. While traveling, Selena is looking out the window with a smile. She suddenly looks at her husband when Magnus holds her hand. "Are you excited?". Selena just nods at him with a smile.

Miss Luna who is getting impatient, asks her grandson. "Will you just tell me where we are going?". Magnus laughs, "You really cannot handle surprises, Nana.". His grandmother rolls her eyes on him. "You already know that and here you are.".

An hour later, they have arrived. They come out of the car. When Miss Luna and Selena see the place, their eyes are filled with amazement. They are in front of the biggest fountain they have ever seen. The size of the fountain is as high and big as a house. At the center of the fountain where the water comes out, is a big figure of a dolphin. The fountain base is in marble and covered with koi fishes.

Miss Luna's eyes are filled with tears. She puts her right hand to her chest. She is also smiling while looking at the fountain. Selena looks at Miss Luna and sees her emotional state. "Are you okay, Nana? Is there something wrong?".

Miss Luna continues to look at the fountain and then replies, "Yes. I am okay. I just have the most beautiful memory in here.". Magnus approaches them and tells what his grandmother means. "This is the place where my grandfather proposed to Nana.". Selena smiles and imagines how amazing it would be.

"Since he died, I never been able to go back here. I did not have the courage but being here, oh how I miss him so much.". Miss Luna's tears flow down on her cheeks. Selena hugs her on the side and Magnus holds her hand. Miss Luna continues to speak, "It has not changed a bit. It still looks on the day he proposed to me. I could see him over there, kneeling in front of me and showing me the ring he promised.". Then Miss Luna takes something on her chest.

Selena and Magnus did not realize that Miss Luna is wearing a necklace and they figured that their grandmother hid it pretty well. Miss Luna looks at the ring, "I made it as a pendant of a necklace so that even if he is not with me, he still in my heart. Forever.".

Magnus and Selena look at each other and smile. Selena then looks away and looks at the fountain. "Will I experience such a proposal?", Selena thought to herself. Magnus sees this and realizes that he did not do any proposal to Selena and just got married all of a sudden and also with force. Magnus suddenly feels sad as he stares at her.

"Do not worry, Selena. Even if we are already married, I will do a proposal every day for you. I will make you feel special.", Magnus thought to himself as he continues to watch Selena staring at the fountain.

Moments later, they walk towards an arch. Upon entering, long hedges can be seen and there is another fountain at the center but smaller. There are also a lot of small pavilions. Magnus leads Miss Luna and Selena to a pavilion with a gazebo. There are no tables and chairs, only blankets. The foods are in the baskets.

Magnus then helps his grandmother sit. Magnus and Selena open the baskets and arrange the food. After preparing the food, they sit on the blanket as well and watch nature. The three of them are enjoying the cool breeze, the serenity of the place, and the view of nature.

Selena could not help but gaze at Magnus. She smiles while staring at him. Her heart beats excitedly. She secretly puts her hand on her chest. "Calm down, heart.", she mutters to herself.