

A continuation story of Doted by the Alpha and My Husband is a Mafia Book following Mo Tian Zi's journey to Love.

lesson101 · LGBT+
174 Chs

Escape (3)

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"You're going to pay for this," the cowardly man yelled towards Lucien as he staggered back in fear. Since it was pretty wild spread that Lucien Sky was a madman, he was afraid that the Alpha was actually going to beat him up right then and there after catching him off guard. He brought so many men to intimidate him into giving up the Leader position but he did not expect that it would not even make him bat one eye. Lucien was too high on his horse and had become too arrogant even though his position was much lower than his.

"I'm not always free, you see. Why don't you make me pay now? You're already here," Lucien responded and although he sounded arrogant, there were no emotions visible on his face whatsoever making the cowardly man shake in anger. This was what he didn't like about Lucien, he didn't know his position and only believed in his strength. It's like he believed that he can solve everything just by being violent. This is why he can't be the leader, or so he thought.

In reality, Lucien was more than capable. This is why the previous leader—the Secretary of Defense—favored him to an extent. Not only that, but Lucien also captured many high-position members in the organization and they truly believed that if it was Lucien who would soon lead them, he would bring their goal to fruition. Just that, he only had one flow. Lucien wasn't interested in leading and he did have violent tendencies that he was nicknamed as a madman. Despite that, a lot of the members believed that Lucien was the perfect leader they were looking for.

And thus, a plan was made to make Lucien want the seat. And that was to provoke him. To poke his pride until he'd want to take the seat that was rightfully his.

"Lucien Sky, you truly are a madman!" The cowardly man growled, glaring at the fellow Alpha but instead, Lucien just laughed it off. He already knew people called him a madman. And truthfully, he didn't care. In fact, it really suits him… since he really is a madman. A crazy psychopath that takes enjoyment out of beating someone to death. He finds satisfaction in someone's despair and misery, to the point that he'd cause that same despair and misery for his own pleasure and entertainment. What else would one call him except for a madman?! It does not make him mad at all.

"Hahahaha, you said that and you still came here. Do you want me to skin you alive? I haven't tried it before but I had been thinking about it a lot for a long time now. Would you do me the honors and make my dream come true? Maybe if you did I'll give up the seat that you so wanted," Lucien provoked. He really wasn't planning to take any role in leading the organization since he was already happy where he was but this man was really making him want to tease him. Seeing his face twitch both in fear and anger, really makes him want to skin him alive. He wondered if the man could still make the same expression once he peeled the skin off of his face. Just thinking about it makes him goosebumps in excitement.

Lucien neared the man provoking him to tease him a little more and he chuckled seeing him take a step back and ever so slightly caught his knees shaking in fear. He wanted to tease him a little more when he noticed one of his young subordinates enter the room in a hurry. Lucien halted his approach and looked at the newly arrived man but he didn't ask what was the matter and instead waited for the young man to deliver his message.

"Boss, t-the guest e-escaped..." as soon as the message was relayed, Lucien's eyes turned dark but again, he didn't say anything. "A-And... it seemed that w-we have been infiltrated," the young subordinate added and finished his report, making Lucien even more furious as he glared at an empty space. He thought for a brief moment before he looked at Apollo who was all this time in the room with him all.

"Can you handle the intruders?" Lucien asked. Well, he knew better than anyone that it would be better for him to handle the intruders than Apollo but Fyre is his priority now. He already had him right under his nose, he can't let him escape again.

"Go! Just don't let it get to you and hurt him more than he can handle," Apollo sighed. He had nothing against Fyre honestly. He tried to get close to him due to Lucien's request but if he was to say so himself, he felt bad for him. Catching Lucien's attention is like losing all your luck. Lucien was someone who would not give up until he got what he wanted, no matter how long it would take. In fact, the longer you make him wait, the more excited he will become.

"Of course. I won't break him that easily," Lucien replied with a smirk before he finally began to leave. Meanwhile, looking at Lucien's leaving figure, the cowardly man felt somewhat relieved, unfortunately for him before Lucien could step out of the room, he suddenly took out his gun and without batting an eye, pulled the trigger aiming at his head. It was all too sudden and before anyone could react, the man who was once standing fell on the floor with a hole on his head. There was a bit of panic among the dead man's men but they were easily handled.

"He's lucky I didn't have time to skin him alive," Lucien commented with his frantic eyes. He didn't care if this would cause a commotion in the organization, but as long as someone dared to provoke him, even dared to go into his territory and interrupt his precious time with Fyre, they all deserve to die.

"*sigh* Someone clean this up... the rest of you come with me and handle the intruders," Apollo sighed. Since the person Lucien killed just now was a nephew of one of the powerful board members of the organization, things might get a little bit chaotic for a while.

"I'll follow ahead when I catch my bunny," Lucien added and finally left with the young subordinate who reported to him the situation just now.

"W-We've already reviewed the CCTV footage and it looked like he already reached the Second Floor although we could not find him after he lost track of him in the hallways... he purposely avoided the camera and skillfully hid small figure but we don't think he had left second floor yet since there's not footage of him leaving it," the young man reported again. Since it's impossible to avoid the CCTV camera on the way down to the ground floor unless he jumped off of the window, which is not ultimately impossible.

"So how did he escape his room?" Lucien asked after listening to the report. It hasn't been a while since he left the room so he does not believe that Fyre has left the building already so he wasn't worried. The only thing that had been running in his mind since a while ago was the question, how did the Omega escape? Even if Fyre indeed managed to knock the person who he asked to serve food, he should have been able to do much since he arranged two people to guard the room. Well, unless they left their post, then that would have explained everything.

"U-Uhmm, h-he managed to knock out the person who brought him his meals… t-there was no one guarding the door so he easily escaped…" the young man replied hesitantly knowing that Lucien would get angry at this news. This is because even though he was called a madman, Lucien was actually pretty good to his subordinates, that is... if they stayed obedient to him. Of course, those two who he asked to guard the room were no doubt loyal to Lucien but he can also not deny that they took the order for granted and thought they didn't actually have to guard the door. Additionally, Lucien had been away for far too long that everyone thought they could take it easy.

"Am I being too nice to all of you recently?" Lucien asked, his eyes once again becoming frantic as if he thirst for blood making the young subordinate tremble in fear.

"N-No, y-you aren't, Boss."

"Then why are people not listening to my orders anymore? Have I been gone for too long?" Lucien asked, a couple of nerves popped inside his head. Alas, he quickly calmed down himself and decided to deal with this later when he captured Fyre again.

"I'll deal with this later. I will re-discipline everyone and make sure they will follow my orders without fail. I will not tolerate another mistake like this," Lucien conveyed with dead eyes. His voice was so deep that the young man soon fell on the floor in fear thinking he might die any moment. Thankfully he did not as he watched Lucien begin to walk away.

Right now, he had no time to deal with something so insignificant. His base is currently being infiltrated. He didn't know who it was but he suddenly had a bad feeling so if things went bad, he'd have to take Fyre with him and escape somewhere safe.

'There aren't many rooms on that floor where he can hide. Even if he did manage to find a place, we'd know right away,' Lucien thought as he climbed the stairs to the second floor. When he chose this place, he liked it because it wasn't too big and not too small either, it's just the right size for all his men. It might be a little bit confusing at first because of the hallways that seemed like a maze but once you get used to it, it'll be easy to navigate your location. And right now, it's just his hunch but he does have a place in mind where he thinks Fyre might be.

"If she's hiding him then it'll be easy," Lucien smirked. 'Fyre, you can't escape me now that I have you in my hands. Struggle all you want but you're mine,' as he thought, Lucien walked to one place he believed Fyre would be hiding. It didn't take long before he arrived there and as always without planning to knock on the door, he twisted the door open only to find out that it was locked. Lucien frowned for a bit knowing that it wasn't Mitchel's habit to lock her door especially when he's around so he finds it suspicious that it's locked now. They indeed had a bit of argument a little while ago but he didn't believe the woman would be able to resist him.

"Mitch, it's me. I have something I want to talk to you about. Open the door," Lucien lied as he called from the door. He waited for a bit but unfortunately, there was no answer at all. Of course, as impatient as he was at the moment, Lucien didn't wait for more and forced the door open by easily, breaking the doorknob.

"Mitch?" Lucien called again as he stepped inside, but he halted when the strong scent of pheromones suddenly attacked his senses.

"What are you doing!" Mitchel Sky yelled in annoyance from her bed. Lucien looked at the weakened woman as his eyes turned into like one from a predator. He's an Alpha, a dominant one, so of course when he smells an Omega pheromone, he would instantly go crazy. And there was only one thing that could make an Alpha who's going crazy from an Omega pheromone, and that is to take that Omega under him, mate with him, until all the desires have subsided.

"Get out now! I don't want to see you!" Mictche yelled as she was out of breath. She looked at Lucien who was obviously beginning to go crazy with the pheromones currently engulfing the room but thinking that the Alpha would attack her, Mitchel watched Lucien walk towards her closet, making her instantly panic. However, before she could stop Lucien, it was already all too late. The Alpha opened the closet and there, Fyre was sitting, crunched down and barely holding unto his senses.

"There you are. You think you can hide your scent from me? You can't escape from me Fyre," Lucien chirped as he licked his dry lips. He had been with Mitchel since they were young and even though they weren't mates, he knew pretty well her pheromones... and right now... the pheromones that are inviting him were not from her but from Fyre.

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To be Continued…