
Escape (1)

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As soon as Lucien left the room, Fyre immediately gave out a huge sigh before he quickly fixed himself by wiping his face and getting off of the bed to survey the room again, but this time a little bit anxiously. The room was just an empty room so there was really nothing he could find to make a weapon of so he didn't have a choice but to do his last resort. He never really thought it would come in handy one day but thankfully, Tian Zi taught him a little bit of self-defense before. It was when he and Tian Zi were still friends and the Alpha was worried that his heat would come to a dangerous place so he taught him something to help him escape such dire situations. Hopefully, he'd still be able to perform it and quickly get out of the room. Besides, he'd be stronger now since he wasn't in heat.

He's already small and didn't have that much strength so if he was in heat he wouldn't have enough strength to knock out a person, his only choice was to go behind the person, and hopefully, he'd be able to hold on to the person until he cut down their air supply. In his head, it was quite simple but he knew it wouldn't be so easy. Nevertheless, he wasted no time and went ahead behind the door where he knew he wouldn't be seen by the next person who would open it.

Impatiently waiting for someone to come, Fyre held on to his necklace where he put both of his engagement rings and prayed he'd have enough strength gathered to execute his plan. Thankfully, he didn't need to wait for long when he heard someone knock on the door and moments later he heard a click from the door which indicated that it had been unlocked before finally, someone pushed it open.

Fyre gulped nervously as he watched a young man's back as he walked inside with the food cart. Fyre waited until he was fully inside as he slowly pushed the door close but not enough to actually close it before he jumped on the man and immediately locked his thin and fragile arms around the person's neck in an attempt to make him faint. Luckily, because the man was average size, the desperate struggle soon ended and he fainted falling on the floor along with Fyre who was panting heavily.

"Fuck that hurts!" Fyre complained, massaging his arms. After making sure that his target had really fainted, Fyre finally let go with a groan. Since he had exerted all of his strength just now, his arms immediately felt sore. Still, it wasn't too much so he could still manage to ignore it. Fyre watched the unconscious man and he thought he'd have to hide the body so he wouldn't be found out immediately but he didn't really have time so what he did was slightly moving the man behind the door and finally sneakily got out of the room.

Carefully, Fyre looked left and right before choosing the left path since even though he was blindfolded when he was sent to the room, he already memorized most of the path he had gone through because he knew he was going to escape sooner or later. Unfortunately, because he had to be careful and there were so many people walking and running around, he simply could not proceed to his escape as quickly as he could.

"That's what he gets for picking a fight with the Boss," one man said excitedly as they walked past Fyre who immediately hid. He listened to the conversation but he didn't really mind it since he was more focused on finding a way to immediately get out of the place. He even thought of going through the window but he'd have to go down to the ground floor for that to work since he didn't think he'd survive if he jumped off from the second floor.

"Yeah! Did you see how he cowardly backed off when the boss approached him? He got some nerves to come here and demand when he can't even stand next to the Boss without his feet trembling, hahaha," the other one replied with a loud laugh while Fyre just wished they would soon pass so he could get out of there.

"Oh damn, yes! Everyone knew Leader favored the Boss above anyone else so it was natural for him to be the next head. Why are they still trying to compete when they know they can't fight against the Boss?'' The previous guy responded to his friend before he shook his head in disappointment. At this point, even though Fyre didn't intend to listen to the conversation, he immediately knew who the two men were talking about. Obviously, it was Lucien and in fact, since the leader of the organization—the Secretary of Defence—went missing, the majority of the members are trying to make Lucien the next head. Well, he wasn't actually that surprised hearing this fact since when he was still with the organization and Lucien was still younger, he was already handling a lot of things to help operate the business. In fact, without him, the organization they are in right now wouldn't have become so successful. That is before Fyre and Tian Zi ruined half of it and now caused their Leader's disappearance.

Well, it's not that he regretted ever doing it. If time turned back, he would have done it again to save a friend. And speaking of, Fyre suddenly thought of Maverick and he immediately prayed for the fellow Omega's safe return. He already gave him his message and sure by now, Tian Zi was doing his best to find him even if he told him that he would be fine and would be able to escape soon.

Unfortunately, Tian Zi wouldn't be able to find the place he was in since he had no lead at all. They already tried their best to find Maverick but they still couldn't find him no matter what they did because there was little to no information and the scope and location were just too big for them to narrow it down without a single clue. Furthermore, Lucien is a very careful man and it was essentially very difficult to find him. That's why Fyre thought that he can't wait for someone to rescue him and instead find a way to escape the place on his own strength.

"I know right? They must be stupid then, hahaha" the man agreed to his friend and both of them laughed before they finally passed by making Fyre sigh in relief. He once again looked and continued to be careful but as time passed by, he noticed that people suddenly began to run around as if they were in a rush. Fyre frowned and immediately felt anxious.

'Fuck! They must have found out that I've escaped,' Fyre thought and held his chest nervously. Now that he knows that Lucien had gone insane, he can't go back to that room and be sexually harassed. For sure if he goes back, he won't be able to escape anymore.

"Shit, shit, shit..." Fyre whispered, seeing another batch of men about to walk past him. So in a desperate situation, he quickly went to the closest door to him and grabbed its doorknob and without thinking opened it and walked inside in order to hide from the approaching group. When they finally passed by, he gave out a huge sigh while putting his hand over his chest not realizing that in the same room, a woman in his 20s weakly sat up from her bed and frowned at the intruder. At first, she glared at whoever was in her room with her but she later frowned when she recognized Fyre.

"Why in the hell are you in my room!?" She asked weakly towards Fyre who had his ears against the door trying to listen to whether he'd be safe to go out or not yet but when he heard someone talk, he jumped off and looked at where the voice was coming from. His heart pounded nervously believing he's been found out and he'll be dragged back to that room again but he soon frowned as well looking at the unfamiliar woman.

Fyre looked around nervously racking his brain about what to do now as he refused to give up. And when he thought of something, he subconsciously scratched his nape and smiled awkwardly towards the unfamiliar woman.

"Uhh... Well, I-I was asked to check on you... s-since you weren't feeling well?" Fyre said without thinking much, his words weren't even convincing enough with it sounding like a question. He just thought that since the woman looked like she was sick, he thought he could lie about him being one of the members who was asked to check on her. He thought since there's so many people in the building, there was no way the unfamiliar woman would know.

Meanwhile hearing Fyre's excuse, the woman raised one of her eyebrows because she obviously knew who Fyre was and she also knew why he was at their hideout although she wasn't so sure why the fellow Omega came to her room. Perhaps, he escaped and accidentally walked inside her room while trying to get out. Nevertheless, she humored Fyre and laid back on her bed feeling weak.

"Whatever. Just go out of here when you can but I suggest staying here for a while if you don't want to get caught, Lucien's been irritable lately because the Leader has gone missing, so he'll definitely not let you off easily after trying to escape," she said and closed her eyes not bothering to know whether Fyre was listening to her or not because she actually didn't care about Fyre anymore. She already received Lucien's reply and if she ever did something to the Omega he was so obsessed with, it will be her who will end up dead. She wished for the Alpha to love her all these years pretending to be his family but now, she has finally decided to let go… or at least she was trying to.

"Uhhmm, d-do I know you?" Fyre asked curiously and vigilantly to the unfamiliar. He had already looked at the woman's face very well and no matter how much he tried to recall, he just couldn't remember her face at all. It bothered him because the woman clearly knew him and the fact that Lucien had locked him up and also the fact that he escaped from that.

"Tch. You don't even know the face of the person you stole your movie role from…" the woman replied as he rolled her eyes, still not bothering to look at Fyre due to her feeling dizzy. On the other hand, when Fyre heard the woman's remark, he suddenly had a realization and it was quite reasonable why she couldn't recognize her. It was because he only ever saw her online. She was Mitchel Sky. The new uprising star began the scandal about the slavery came out and she was advise to rest from acting giving him the chance to take over the lead role of the move 'Moonlight'.

Fyre remembered her but then a thought came into his mind, why was she at the hideout of a syndicate organization? Was she also held captive? But then again, she knew Lucien. And what's making him confused was the fact that the actress was trying to help him. If she was with Lucien, shouldn't she report to the Alpha that he escaped?

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To be Continued. . .