
Love by Agreement

Getting married was never a plan for Juliet! She just wanted to change her name, make friends, and enjoy college. But when her friends set her up for a surprise blind date, destiny plays a wicked game and surprises everyone. Entering the café as the most ineligible bachelor of her time, she exits the gates with a fiancé at her side and walks straight into a church to hear the melody of wedding bells. What will happen when she realizes she is not a bachelor anymore, and not only is she married now but also famous? Marrying the heartthrob of the entertainment industry who also happens to be the CEO of one of the most famous publishing houses, might put her in problems. But what will happen when she finds out her fake husband also happens to be the son of the present mafia king? ......................................................................................................... “How am I supposed to not run? Why didn’t you tell me before?”, she asked. She was almost yelling. But Ben had already cleared the place for them to talk. “Because I knew you would run away. And I couldn’t have let you make that mistake.”, he answered. “But tell me, how can one not run?”, she asked with tears rolling down her cheeks. “Some people can’t. I am sorry you got dragged into this, but I promise I will protect you. And you will soon be free, but if you want to live and want your family to live, just do as I say.”, he tried to convince her. “Who are you going to protect me from? If your father is mafia king, it makes you what- a mafia prince?”, she asked looking at him with questioning eyes.

The_Luna · 现代言情
14 Chs


Life is full of uncertain, unplanned events. But the intensity of those events decides if our lives will be affected by them or if they will pass like a cool autumn breeze. The intensity it is! All that matters is intensity!

Abrams and Leo were pretty sure, their plan was successful, and they walked back to their apartment peacefully. Well, Leo was tensed about the consequences, but Abrams, she was just Abrams.

Elise, meanwhile, looked at the door again thinking her friends will walk in anytime. She was constantly looking at the door when it finally opened. She stood up a little from her seat, hopefully. Peeking through the dividing wall, she managed to get a glimpse of three men in suits entering the café.

"Is everything okay?", one of them yells into his phone disturbing all the other people who were trying to have a nice evening.

Elise looked around and saw everyone staring at the bunch of weird men, and she was no longer the centre of attention for anyone. Her gaze now a little at ease, was still focused on the door. In her mind, she had already thought of counting to 60 and then walking away if her friends don't show up.

56, 57, 58, 59….60!

She was finally done and taking a deep breath which showed the finality of her decision and picked up her bag. Elise turned around and her eyes met one of the three men in suit, and his expression changed as if he recognized her. But she had never seen that man. Thinking of it as a misunderstanding she stepped out of her seat.

"Are you Elise?", one of the men in suit walked towards her, bringing with him loads and loads of attention. Unwanted attention.

Slowly she nodded, still unsure if she has ever seen this man before.

"She is in here.", the man spoke on the mic of his phone.

"D-do I know you?", she asked sheepishly.

"You don't. But take your seat, our boss has apologized for the slight delay. He will be here once the security check is done.", the man said and Elise doesn't remember being this confused ever.

"W-what boss? What are you talking about?", Elise stuttered. But she was intimidated by the people and the man right in front of her. Unconsciously she slid into the seat and looked around anxiously.

"Don't send him right away!", the man yelled in his phone again.

The two other men walked to the counter and talked to the manager regarding something. Elise saw the men talk with grave expressions. It was as if they were incapable of feeling anything, even pain.

The manager was nodding with a wide smile and finally took out some keys from his drawer and handed them over to the men. Elise followed their every move till one of those men walked inside the door which said- 'Staff Only'.

"Who are you?", Elise asked in a low tone, she merely heard her own voice.

"Did you say something?", the man in the suit asked.

"N-no!", she denied right away and sat silently, waiting. Her fingers playing with each other in random ways and her leg shaking with a heavenly speed. Intensity!

"Sir, you can't just walk in!", the man was exasperated. Whoever was on the other side, was literally sucking out all the energy and patience from this man.

"Oh! You just did! I can see!", the man spoke defeated and finally cut the call.

The jingling of the bell from the café's gates made Elise look behind with a snap, hopeful her friends have finally walked in.

The wall dividing the two sides of the café was tall enough that Elise would always jerk up from her seat to check the door. But this man was gigantic. She saw him without any extra effort. His hair was brown, and under the café's light, one could easily confuse that light brown for a shade of red.

She could see his face, which had confusion etched on it, but his mask was successfully letting him play the role of the intimidating one. But to Elise, he was just another man in a suit. A suit which miraculously matched the dress Elise was wearing.

He didn't move his face, but his eyes were screening the room for a familiar face. Elise knew he was just playing a role; he was faking confidence. He was hiding. Finally, his eyes met hers, and she saw brown eyes, looking at her and maybe he smiled under his mask. She wasn't sure.

"I have no idea what to do with him!", the man next to Elise said and then walked towards the new member. Who she realized later, was his boss?

"Sir, the room is not ready yet.", the man said as his boss walked towards Elise's table.

"It is not my first blind date, but it definitely is my first blind date not arranged by father.", the boss apparently seemed enthusiastic. He walked towards Elise and without introduction sat opposite her.

"Uhm…those seats are taken.", Elise finally spoke up.

"Yes, by me.", the guy smirked.

"No, by my friends.", she replied.

"Abrams I guess, don't worry she has left.", the guy took Elise by surprise.

"How do you know her?", Elise asked.

"Well, she begged me to come here and be your date!", he said without a single strand of embarrassment.

"Date?", Elise on the other hand could feel the earth shift under her feet.

"Oh! I am so sorry; I didn't introduce myself. I am Clayton Cameron. Your blind date!", he said still not taking off his mask.

"You want me to believe that you are the Clayton Cameron and also that my friends called the Clayton Cameron, tycoon of the entertainment industry and owner of Cameron publishing house on a blind date with me?", Elise spoke in one go.

"First, I want you to breathe!", the guy said and pushed a glass of water towards her. She scoffed.

"I am not getting pranked. You can leave. Today is just a random dinner night with my friends.", she said.

"Yeah! And that is how you dress for random dinner nights.", he commented.

"I do! I like it! It is my style!", she retaliated.

"Yeah sure!", Clayton scoffed and looked at his bodyguard.

"The room will be ready in just a few minutes.", the guy whispered in his ear.

"In a few minutes, I will prove that I am Clayton Cameron.", he smirked. Elise could tell he is smirking even under that mask. She could read him, loud and clear.

"Yeah right!", she said and got up. She was picking up her bag and weirdly that guy was sitting patiently. Not a single attempt to stop her.

"Sir it is ready!", the man next to him said.

Elise's fake Clayton Cameron stood up, held her wrist and pulled her along with him. It could be called kidnapping only if Elise struggled to be free. She didn't! She just stared at their hands and went with him, like a lost puppy.

They walked inside the door with Staff only sign and through the kitchen, they walked into a room. It was like a hidden place. But it seemed expensive, almost a luxury. With dim lights, soothing music and a huge wine collection in one corner the room could be easily mistaken for a posh restaurant.

"Now let's see who was lying!", the guy said and took out his phone. He scrolled through his call logs and then showed the screen to her.

"Isn't that your friend's number?", he asked.

Elise looked closely, and she recognized it immediately. Abram's and Leo's numbers were on her tips. She nodded shocked.

"And now for Clayton!", he said and removed his mask.

Elise gasped. In front of her stood- Clayton Cameron! And she was on a blind date with him!