
Love Between Fairy And Devil (Completed)

After hatching endless plots and suffering innumerable hardships, the demons of the Demonic Realm finally managed to resurrect the Ancient Demon King. The demons of the Demonic Realm had hoped that the Ancient Demon King would not only lead them in waging a war against the Heavenly Realm and enable them to lord their superiority over the Immortals, he would also ultimately gain control over the entire realm. Gradually, however, they discovered that their thoughts were very, very wrong. Whilst it is true that this Ancient Demon King still retains his aura of superiority and possesses unlimited powers, he... He seems to be a mental case... It's alright even if he changes orders and does things in an incomprehensible way. But what's with his habit of muttering under his breath, nagging and conversing with himself the entire day! Small Orchid: He's not ill, he's just despicable ...can't stand to see people live a good life. Dong Fang: I am only unable to endure seeing you live a good life. Small Orchid: ... *T/N: The Chinese pronunciation for the word "despicable" is the same as the word "see" - thus, the author is trying to show that Small Orchid, while trying to scold Dong Fang, is also careful not to incur his wrath, which is why she tried to imbue another meaning into her sentence after scolding him. [Note: I Am not the Author or translator. I am just sharing this work of art because I like this work and want it to reach more readers. That's all.] Real Author is (Jiu Lu Fei Xiang) Real Translator: (Don't know) Translator's link: bananachocolatecosmos.wordpress.com.

Infernal_Infinite · 奇幻言情
117 Chs

Chapter 61

[Image Reference]

It seemed that once this kiss began, it was unable to end. Dong Fang Qing Cang was in charge completely, but Little Orchid was little orchid flower who was not satisfied with one's lot.

When he temporarily halted the offense, she then tiptoed and did not allow him to leave. She followed her way as she bit and chew carelessly. At times would bite his lips and at other times would demand his tongue. In the end, she bit her own tongue. Little Orchid still knew pain and she snorted one sound then began to retreat in drum-like way.

She wanted to retreat from behind, but Dong Fang Qing Cang would not spare the "opponent" who provoked him to retreat. He hugged her tightly and fixated her head, restricting her from moving smoothly. Little Orchid wanted to retreat to the rear, but when she retreated one step, he then took one step further. Each step [of theirs] was like this. In the end, Little Orchid's back was pressed against the rough wall of the wine cellar.

There was no path to retreat.

The corners of Little Orchid's eyes squeezed out tears. Dong Fang Qing Cang can sniff the smell of tears. After that, he appeared to have completely loosened and slowed down the tempo. He licked Little Orchid's wounds and used powers to close the opening of the wounds. He halted the pain for her. The kiss in the beginning was like invading, while the kiss from before was like revenge and at the last moment, it became gentle.

They slowly enjoyed the flavor of each other.

Little Orchid's smell of blood slowly disappeared into the smell of alcohol. In the end, the smell of alcohol invaded every sensory of the two people as if turning sweet. It caused others to not want to stop, but continue to enjoy the taste.

The energy of Dong Fang Qing Cang lingered beside Little Orchid. She felt that the world began to slowly, slowly turned hazy. His kiss slowly stirred her entire world.

It was like the beginning when Dong Fang Qing Cang first appeared in her life. [He] was not polite in inserting [himself] into her life and then disrupted her peaceful life. [He] overturned the harmonious and incomparably sunshine world of hers.

He was like poison—clearly he has caused her get used to reeking of blood and killing, lies and betrayals, but she was still addicted to him.

Love him.

"Big devil…" Crackling in sounds, Little Orchid muttered, "Scoundrel."

Dong Fang Qing Cang did not fight back against her scold at all. He knew he was someone who was terrible. But he did not know starting where when he wanted to become a bit better in front of her.

At least, let her think that he was good.

Little Orchid felt that her consciousness seemed to have escaped to another world. She slowly closed her eyes and then fainted.

Dong Fang Qing Cang once again, controlled his mind and stopped. Little Orchid in his embrace has completely lost her consciousness and became soft/limp.

He peered at the peaceful sleeping face of hers. The color on the lips was freshly red. Dong Fang Qing Cang was briefly silent. He was drunk-like as the mouth still has the taste of alcohol as if merging with the energy in the wine cellar and causing one to become intoxicated.

He felt that he seemed to…have turned insane.

He has never forgotten the original goal for creating this body. If not for Little Orchid's meddling, this body right now would have been a complete male body and an opponent of his.

But right now what is he doing to this body…

Cannot control the restlessness in his heart and cannot restrain the desire in the heart. His body was stirred like the many mortal youths that he would usually despise. But the matter that Dong Fang Qing Cang could not explain for himself the most was that…. unexpectedly, he felt that doing this…was quite good.

Really is…

Meeting ghosts.

Dong Fang Qing Cang peered at Little Orchid for a while then hugged her waist and raised her up. He was going to subconsciously carry her on the shoulder, but suddenly remembered previously when he carried her on the shoulder, it seemed that she was not very comfortable. The movement of Dong Fang Qing Cang suddenly paused and then the hand slightly used strength as one hand passed through Little Orchid's hair and hugged her back while the other hand passed below the knees and carried her up.

Took large strides out of the wine cellar.

The owner and the server of the wine shop were still squatting and trembling behind the register. When Dong Fang Qing Cang passed by the register, the steps slightly halted and then he turned around to peered at the owner and server. The two people were stared at which felt like being pierced by needles and they immediately retreated their heads and got down to the register as if hating that this life one cannot become an ant.

Dong Fang Qing Cang said, "The brewed wine is quite good ah." His voice was hard to distinguish any anger and caused others to not know whether he was really complimenting or was ironic. After all, there was no one who can guess the temperament of the ancient demon king.

The owner and the server trembled and did not dare respond.

Dong Fang Qing Cang then said, "In a bit, carry everything to ben zuo's palace." Finished speaking, he stepped out from the wine shop and stepped on Da Yu's head. [He] let Da Yu bring them back to the palace.

After Dong Fang Qing Cang has already left for a while, the server and the owner were still muddle-headed. That means…really liking the wine of theirs?

At this time, no one saw that Dong Fang Qing Cang sitting on Da Yu's back was licking his lips.

Little Orchid was unconscious until the morning of the next day when she has awakened. After sleeping the most peaceful sleep in the longest period of time, she felt that this morning she was truly filled with spirit. While lying on the bed as she stretched, she peered at the sunlight from outside that shone through the room.

Everything was beautiful as if she was still in the heavenly realm.

Opening eyes would see master to the side and the sunlight mixes with crystal-clear droplets that cleanse her sleepiness and muddled-head.

Little Orchid yawned, sat up, and then discovered…


How come she…was only wearing a dudou to sleep ah…

Little Orchid grabbed the dudou string and was bewildered for quite a while. After that, she remembered carefully and the memories from last night were like a door that was slowly pushed opened. The various vivid sceneries and even the bizarre sounds—everything was like a wild horse that entered the widely opened door of hers.

The expression of Little Orchid was like stomped by a horse and was completely frozen. After that, does not know what to do…

She…yesterday it seemed she has said something dreadful to Dong Fang Qing Cang, and after that did something dreadful ah…


Little Orchid grabbed her hair and was a bit crazy as she said, "Oh Heavens! Yesterday … I…in the end what did I do…How can I…" Her head began to buzz.

She said to Dong Fang Qing Cang, "I like you already, how can you treat me like this…"

She has liked him already!

Good gracious! Little Orchid hugged her chest. She opened her mouth and stabilized the breathing, but when she opened mouth and was able to breathe in, she can smelled the breathing of Dong Fang Qing Cang from within the chest. In the nose, it was completely filled with the taste of the kiss that he has given to her.

Little Orchid felt that she could not stand anymore and she fell backwards toward the bed.

She has confessed to him, he has kissed her, and then the next day she is merely wearing a dudou while lying on the bed…

It seemed that she has…

The thoughts of Little Orchid were completely chaotic and head was in throbbing pain. After a long time, she was not clear-headed until she heard the room door produced a "creak" as Dong Fang Qing Cang stepped in.

Little Orchid peered at the door and then the entire body immediately becomes alert.

She hugged the blanket and rolled herself to the corner.

Dong Fang Qing Cang would step in and saw that Little Orchid was like a maiden who was bullied as she shook and crouched in the corner of the bed. She pulled on the blanket and facial expression showed panic and fear.

He did not get to say anything as the corners of Little Orchid's eyes have already become filled with tears.

Dong Fang Qing Cang spoke up and voice was helpless to the point that even he was truly surprised, "What? What is it again?"

"Scoundrel!" Little Orchid's tears fell down from her cheeks, "You speak, what have you done to me! You!" Little Orchid bit her lips and appeared embarrassed as if wanting to die, but the scolding came out soft with no strength, "Scoundrel!"

Dong Fang Qing Cang raised his brows. Within the moment, he understood what she has misunderstood. He coldly said, "Ben zuo has never been a good person, you should know that."

When he said that, it caused the color of Little Orchid's expression to become green and the tears fell faster.

Seeing Little Orchid cry like this, Dong Fang Qing Cang immediately has no mood to tease her anymore. He furrowed his brows and pointed to the side, "Yesterday, became a good person for once and yet, you have misunderstood ben zuo to that extent?"

Following the direction that he has pointed, there was a pile of clothes on the ground and carried the strange smell of wine on them. After one night, the pleasant fragrance has completely disappeared and turned into the sweaty wine smell. Little Orchid peered briefly and then became quiet.

She touched herself and felt that there was nothing unusual. After that, she wiped her tears. She returned to her normal appearance and uttered some sentences, "Did not misunderstand you, when someone was drunk you…"

Recalling this matter, the atmosphere in the room was briefly silent in a strange way.

After that, Little Orchid lowered her head and buried face.

"Little flower demon." After the brief silence, Dong Fang Qing Cang coldly spoke up, "Waiting for ben zuo to return your feelings is very illusory. Even I do not believe."

Little Orchid lowered her head and did not peered at Dong Fang Qing Cang's expression, but she heard from his voice that he was serious. As for what he has said, she herself also knew clearly.

According to Dong Fang Qing Cang, the seal of the three realms, and the natural law he does not care. Let alone, it was merely a small kiss from yesterday, to him, perhaps…was just in the mood?

The damp lines on the face slowly withdrew and the feeling of not being calm in Little Orchid's heart after one statement of Dong Fang Qing Cang has immediately turned calm again.

"Today ben zuo came is to ask you." Dong Fang Qing Cang continued speaking, "Yesterday you said ben zuo wants to harm you. Who let you know something?"

She lowered her head and attempted to remain calm.

Like what he has said, the nonsensical matter inside her heart she just need to know it herself. She cannot wait for him to reciprocate and even she knows that in the beginning that [she] should not cause trouble. She wants to live while Dong Fang Qing Cang right now wants to take her life.

He wants her to make this body become lively and then turned into a fragment of life inside the body. She does not want this and definitely has to toss this body away. In the demon realm, under the view of Dong Fang Qing Cang, [she] cannot. Thus, she has to escape from him and cannot hope that he will help with anything. She has to begin to move her plan forward.

With only her strength, perhaps there is no method of escaping the view of Dong Fang Qing Cang, but right now she does not have just herself ah.

The enemies of Dong Fang Qing Cang are far too many—Chi Lin and Shuo Feng sword in the hall, the billowing underground of the demon realm, and even Chi De woman…

Dong Fang Qing Cang still does not know that Chi De woman can enter the dream-like scenery of hers. As for who Chi De woman is… it's the heaven and earth God of War ah. She cannot go against him, perhaps Chi De woman can go against him…

Therefore, right now she has to protect Chi De woman in the bone orchid and not let Dong Fang Qing Cang take the bone orchid away. Even cannot let him discover that the soul of Chi De woman in the bone orchid is playing a hiding game. She has to hide the secret weapon in order to fight against wits and strength with Dong Fang Qing Cang. When she has won, escaped from the demon realm, and returned to the heavenly realm to find master, master will definitely has a way to rescue her. Then she can…

Overturn herself from the dire situation.

Little Orchid arranged the thoughts in their head and lifted their head to peer at Dong Fang Qing Cang as she said, "You want to harm me, is there anyone else who can tell me that?"


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