
Love Between Fairy And Devil (Completed)

After hatching endless plots and suffering innumerable hardships, the demons of the Demonic Realm finally managed to resurrect the Ancient Demon King. The demons of the Demonic Realm had hoped that the Ancient Demon King would not only lead them in waging a war against the Heavenly Realm and enable them to lord their superiority over the Immortals, he would also ultimately gain control over the entire realm. Gradually, however, they discovered that their thoughts were very, very wrong. Whilst it is true that this Ancient Demon King still retains his aura of superiority and possesses unlimited powers, he... He seems to be a mental case... It's alright even if he changes orders and does things in an incomprehensible way. But what's with his habit of muttering under his breath, nagging and conversing with himself the entire day! Small Orchid: He's not ill, he's just despicable ...can't stand to see people live a good life. Dong Fang: I am only unable to endure seeing you live a good life. Small Orchid: ... *T/N: The Chinese pronunciation for the word "despicable" is the same as the word "see" - thus, the author is trying to show that Small Orchid, while trying to scold Dong Fang, is also careful not to incur his wrath, which is why she tried to imbue another meaning into her sentence after scolding him. [Note: I Am not the Author or translator. I am just sharing this work of art because I like this work and want it to reach more readers. That's all.] Real Author is (Jiu Lu Fei Xiang) Real Translator: (Don't know) Translator's link: bananachocolatecosmos.wordpress.com.

Infernal_Infinite · 奇幻言情
117 Chs

Chapter 60

[Image Reference]

Little Orchid did not respond to the question in the cold tone of Dong Fang Qing Cang. Her two hands enclosed the face and sounds of cries and voice filled unclearly through the fingers.

Dong Fang Qing Cang peered at Little Orchid's head. Each calculation and plan in the heart has turned somewhat indistinct. He could not think clearly of the moment anymore. Dong Fang Qing Cang stabilized the mind by temporarily setting aside that. He grabbed hold of Little Orchid's arm and pulled her to stand up, "Follow me and return first."

Little Orchid swung the arm away and heard the sharp, clear "pop" sound. She did not hesitate as she threw his hand away.

Dong Fang Qing Cang was slightly dazed. He has lived for so long. This was the first time his hand was tossed by someone like this, but the strange thing was that inside his heart there was no anger…Yet, the stranger thing was despite grip being tossed away, he has placed his hand on her arm and he said patiently, "Don't make yourself like this."

Finished speaking this sentence, Dong Fang Qing Cang froze and became stupefied from the words he has said.

Perhaps he has met a ghost? A puny flower demon, when she threw away his hand ought to prepare [herself] for death. But he was unexpectedly still tolerant toward her and said, "Don't make yourself like this"?

He's actually …coaxing her?

Consciously realizing this matter, Dong Fang Qing Cang who has never been fearful of anything was really scared…

The wine cellar was extremely quiet and the smell of the surrounding alcohol on the caused others to feel a little intoxicated. The entire room in the cellar only hears the cries of Little Orchid. Her body shook due to sobbing. At times would not be able to breathe and so breathed in several times and appeared quite miserable.

The two people thus remained foolishly in the wine cellar for a while. In the end, Dong Fang Qing Cang felt that continuing like this was truly too stupid. He stood up and was about to immediately use powers to caused Little Orchid to walk, but when he stood up, his long sleeve was pulled tightly by a hand.

The direct force was strong to the point of causing the flap of the robe to fall down from the shoulder and reveal the collarbone.

Dong Fang Qing Cang lowered head to look down. Little Orchid's pair of eyes swelled and puffed up like a poor rabbit peering at him.

Dong Fang Qing Cang felt that his heart was immensely powerless, "What is it?"

Little Orchid pouted and mouth produced a crying sound, "You have to take responsibility with me."

Hearing this sentence, it appears there is something that is not right…He peered at her, "Ben zuo has to take what responsibility with you?"

"You have seized my body!"

"…" Dong Fang Qing Cang was silent for a long time and then said, "That matter has already passed."

"You have caused everyone to hate me, be scared of me, even when I go drink, they would also avoid me." Little Orchid wept and said, "From before when I was in heavenly realm, did not have to suffer this, huhu…"

Dong Fang Qing Cang furrowed his brows, "If you want that, in a little bit ben zuo will tell them to kneel in front of you and look at you drink wine."

Little Orchid was only concerned with telling her part and did not listen to him. She shed tears while criticizing, "You have bullied me."

"Right now, have not."

"You have fooled me."

"What did ben zuo fool you?"

"You want me to stay by your side."


"You said you like me."

He paused and his gaze peered at the large wine barrel on the side. He did not look straight at her face, "That is something you merely have guessed about."

Little Orchid bit her lips and peered at him for a while. After that, as if appearing to be quite angered, she pulled his sleeves by using strength to stand up, but her body lost its balance and dug into his chest.

Dong Fang Qing Cang did not get to do anything as she has already supported herself up with his chest and then hugged his neck while angrily scolding, "How can you be so terrible like this! How can you use this matter to trick me?"

"Ben zuo did not trick you, simply conceal…"

The words did not get to finish as Little Orchid appeared to be quite angry and opened her mouth to bite him.

Before she pulled his sleeves while right now [she] has bitten him.

The gaze of Dong Fang Qing Cang retracted, but the body still stood there.

The teeth of Little Orchid were not that sharp. Right now, [she] has drunk wine and thus, they were even more soft and did not have strength. Biting like this to Dong Fang Qing Cang was more like licking and did not carry any feeling of pain to him. On the contrary, they were soft and tickled, causing him to feel that the places she has bitten were like flames—slow, but there was no way to resist them and they burned into the depths of his heart.

Cannot hold up and was stronger than any offense that he has faced in his life.

Little Orchid did not know the feeling of Dong Fang Qing Cang at this time. She gnawed and bit down his collarbone like a rabbit eating grass and was using all her strength she has from her body.

In the end, besides her ears carried a light, soft sounding sentence, "Little flower demon, are you trying to seduce ben zuo here? En?" The voice was hoarse and low, which she did not often hear from the usual times.

"You're a scoundrel." Little Orchid wanted to speak and so, did not use strength to bite anymore. She pressed her face into his neck and whispered, "Scoundrel…"

The gentle breathing that carried the wine fragrance wafted onto his neck. Dong Fang Qing Cang lowered his head to peer at her. Little Orchid has placed hand behind the neck and passed through the silver hair as it hugged the head. The pair of hazy eyes was intoxicated with wine. The color on her lips under the dim light of the candles on the wall of the wine cellar appeared beautiful than the usual days.

Dong Fang Qing Cang peered at his silhouette in Little Orchid's pair of black eyes. He discovered his gaze could not refrain from turning soft.

"Big swindler…" Little Orchid said, "You don't know that when you said that, how happy I was…happy to the point…of causing me…to not be able to forgive myself."

The light in Dong Fang Qing Cang's eyes darkened. Little Orchid's lips pressed onto his lips as she muttered, "But you have tricked me."

Dong Fang Qing Cang felt that the bright teardrops in Little Orchid's eyes still carried warmness. They fell on her lips and then flowed from her lips into his mouth.

Salty, bitter, and acrid.

Such taste was not sweet one bit. He furrowed his brows.

He felt that it appeared that he does not this kind of occurrence to happen on this little flower demon's face.

"How can you be like this…" The tears on Little Orchid still fell pitter-pattered. In reality, she could not stand properly, but the lips still pressed onto the lips of Dong Fang Qing Cang. Due to being helplessly intoxicated, Little Orchid did not know that behind her back, there was a pair of hands that was silently holding her, perhaps… even Dong Fang Qing Cang himself did not consciously realize that…

"I have come to like you, how can you still treat me like this…"

She was felt wronged, but the words did not get to finish as every sound has submerged into the mouth of another person.

It was not contact, it was not just passing, it was not gentle and touching, but was filled with the flavor of possession and aggression from Dong Fang Qing Cang.

Besieging, arson and looting, not allowing Little Orchid a path to retreat.

Even appeared to have deprived her of breathing. Penetrating deeply and more deeply while not allowing her to refuse nor struggle.

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