
Setting the Trap

編輯: Exodus Tales

Wen Qing smiled gracefully as she picked up some food with her chopsticks and placed it in Wen Xi's bowl. 

"Thanks for helping even though you're busy with medical school. Iknow it must be really tough on you." She said. 

Wen Xi put on an indifferent smile, as if she had not paying much attention to what she had been saying. 

Wen Guosheng, on the other hand, was moved by Wen Qing's gratitude towards her sister. 

"Xixi is on summer vacation now, so she's probably not that busy. It wasn't easy for your sister to get where she is today, so why not help her out as much as we can?"

"Well, it's still Qing's job after all. Don't think that you are asking too much of Xixi." Wei Kexin nodded along excitedly. 

Nobody replied to her, including Wen Xi, who was eating quietly. 

The silence made Wei Kexin feel slightly embarrassed. She was quick to take initiative and change the subject.

"Let's go on a family vacation together after Qing's concert. I haven't traveled in a long time."

Wen Xi raised her head and smiled at her, a perfect smile, "If that's what you want, mom."

Soon, the day of the concert came. 

It was a big show, and Wen Qing was one of the many guest performers.

As early as three o'clock in the afternoon, Wen Xi was already backstage, to meet with Wen Qing's team.

Before going out, Wei Kexin did Wen Xi's makeup, dressing her from head to toe, in fear that someone would recognize her.

Wen Xi changed her attire as soon as she went out however, only keeping her face mask on.

Wen Qing's agent, Tang Xin, took her to the venue and led her to a small room below the stage, where she would be singing whilst Wen Qing performed.

Tang Xin raised her arm to check the time. "You have twenty minutes. Don't go anywhere before the show starts."

Wen Xi looked anxious, took Tang Xin's hand and saying, "I'm so stressed, if I knew I would be this worried, I wouldn't have come. My mind has gone blank, I can't remember the lyrics at all."

Her words concerned Tang.

"I said that coming to do the live would cause trouble! You should have known better! If you make mistakes, people will suspect that the performance is fake!"

"May I go to the restroom, please?" Wen Xi felt troubled, and kept shifting her weight from foot to foot.

Although Tang Xin was worried, she didn't show it.

She pondered Wen Xi's request for a few seconds before saying, "Fine. Get some air before it starts. You do have the lyrics on your phone, don't you? Practice quietly without being seen by anyone, and if someone asks, just say that you're a staff member. I will send you a message when it's time. Got it?"

Wen Xi nodded, picked up the staff ID, and headed out.

When she was sure that no one was following her, Wen Xi took off her disguise.

She remembered that Wen Qing's rival, Qin Ruoer, was also invited to perform at the concert tonight. They had been against each other since they were young, even before they started their music careers. Wen Xi was convinced that Qin Ruoer would help her stop having to sing for Wen Qing once and for all.

It didn't take long for Wen Xi to find her walking towards the restrooms.

Wen Xi waited next to the bathroom, and started practicing Wen Qing's song for her performance when she saw her coming out.

"...those dreams of old memories have made me so broken..."

"Who is there?" Qin Ruoer stopped briefly before walking towards Wen Xi, "Wen Qing?"

When Wen Xi knew that she had caught her attention, she begn to run away. She stopped and made sure that Qin Ruoer was following before she moved on to the next stage of her plan.

Pretending to be on her phone, Wen Xi whispered, "Tang Xin, I was seen by somebody, do you think they will find out that I'm a ghost singer for Wen Qing?"

After seeing Qin Ruoer's reaction from behind the wall, Wen Xi couldn't help but smile.

"Alright, maybe I was too paranoid. I'll start heading back now."

Wen Xi then walked away, taking another path back to the stage.

Now, it all depended on Qin Ruoer, whether she would win or lose this match.