
Taking my backpack

When I enter room where Sophia and her mother are sleeping. When I saw that she isn't sleeping so I said to her "oh you wake up we pass America borderline so wake up your mother she wanted me to wake you both up"

"oh thanks I will wake her up soon" she answer me while I'm going out.

When I come back from waking them up I sit to finishing my work. After some time I hear Sophia "food will be here soon so finish your work for now"

"ok" I said to her while saving file to not lose them but then unexpected happened she kiss me I saw that her mother sit in front of us but I couldn't start argument with her. probably by her actions she wanted to show me that she love me and she wouldn't stop kissing me publicly 'I hope she wouldn't go one step further' I said to myself while she finish long kiss .

When we finish words come to us "don't look at me continue what have you been doing" Sophia mom said to us.

After few seconds Sophia question come to her probably to change subject "did you don't drink too much"

Hearing her she said "oh maybe but you know today is one of days in year that I allowed to drink"

"oh so it's today" Sophia said while making face that she remember something 'oh I need to ask her about it' I said to myself

"ok let's eat" Angela said and we start eating. Then Angela start questioning me about few thinks they are too sensitive subject that I answer as being in middle.

When she go to politic I said to myself 'oh no why this' and I wanted to answer her question I felt that Sophia lay on me while saying "don't look at me I want to rest now"

"ok" I answer her and I comeback to answering questions but I wanted to stop it but I needed to give for her good answers so most of them were "I have no word".

When we finally finish talking about it and go about sport where I could talk hours pilot voice come "we will be landing soon please go to your places". Hearing him we go to our places.

When we land and start going out they talk with pilot but I have another interest now I needed to find my passport and look to when I have visa. While going down I found it and after checking that I have for next 2 month I could easily go there. But like always my hopes go away I spend there a lot of time and when I finally go out I hear "remember to give papers to make longer your visa" I answer only "ok" and go out from they room and I go to Sophia and her mother.

When I come to them we start going by VIP waiting room when I saw that Sophia father is there I prepare my backpack to give it Sophia

"oh you finally come my ass become hurt from that seats here" Sophia father said

"it's okay darling I'm here to realize your pain in home" Sophia mom said to father.

"oh I'm waiting for it now daughter give me that papers you have I need to check them one more time" when he finish Greg open his backpack and give them to him

"what you doing here? You aren't her assistant and probably she take you there for fun not to work. But wait what fun you both could have there if you together I don't allowed to it"

"oh honey wait he probably go there for some reasons and he even is Sophia boyfriend so be nicer to him and I agree to him being with our daughter" hearing Sophia mom words I know I have some backup

"no he couldn't help her there and wait what he is who"

" yes that truth he is my boyfriend and only thanks to him I could find all of them"

"how it's possible"

"easy that thought that I couldn't understand them but I could. And we live in free word so if she want to be with me she could" I said to them while specially showing him that I kiss Sophia. I done it specially that show we are together

"hahaha don't make me laugh how could you understand them" he said to me while adding "you are only American that probably have less knowledge of Polish that me" 'wait what from when I change nationality' this questions show up in my mind then I wanted to start arguing with him but then Sophia stop me while saying "really"

Then Sophia continued "yes I have a little challenge to make if he win you will accept him if nope I will break with him" while she said it Angela wanted to stop her husband but she didn't done this.

"oh you have confidence in him I accept your challenge" Sophia father said. Hearing him I said to Sophia "why I could only show him my passport" hearing me she said to me "no I want to see his defeated face and its rare"

"ok" I answered her and we go to car with them.

When we enter it I hear words "to company we will have some fun"

"oh honey you will lose I'm sure about it" Angela said to Roland "wait you think I will lose too"

"yep your living in Poland its nothing to him and probably me now I could lose to him" she said while giving him a short kiss. When Sophia saw it she wanted to do it too but I stop her while grabbing her hand

"we will see" he said to her and call to someone I don't paying attention because this time change start going on me

When we come to company we go to his office where one men stand when he saw us he said "good evening how I could help you"

"you see my lovely daughter said to me that he" he point on me "help her a lot in her business trip"

"oh someone help her but wait how he could" employee said to him

"I don't know" Roland said to him.

"ok lest see his CV who he is" then he start looking at this after some time he find mine and while looking at it he said "boss I know why he help her a lot and you lose."

"wait what" he scream and look there when he read his face become more white that it was before. When he finish looking at screen he move to me while saying "I don't trust this you needed to cheat"

'wait what how could I cheat while doing it' I said to myself while taking my backpack and opening one of zip to show him my passport. But then Sophia take it from me.