
Soon will all start

When I was sleeping, I had a dream that I'm having our lovemaking with Greg. As I was sleeping he started moving me and saying "babe wake up".

"I'm moving," I said while opening my eyes as still being half asleep but when I fully opened them, and I scratch, and I said while seeing what is happening, "I'm wake up".

"Good, you want something to eat," Greg asked.

"Yes one sandwich," I said, and as I yawned he nodded, and then he said, "ok go babe and wash".

"Ok," I said, and as Greg walked out I go to the bathroom, and when I started taking shower I had it, and when I walked out I dry my body, and then I walked to the kitchen. While being there I looked at Greg and then he said: "eat, and soon we will drive out".

"Ok," I said, and as I started eating, I had done with it not long after, while ending it I walked back to the bedroom, and while being there I started to change. While I was doing it Greg said, "I only packed clothes".