
Poker (4)

When I heard her scream I thought 'i hope he didnt hear us' then I add to Mei "I want to seduce him by my acting as drunk. He read my plan about it and change vodka to water." Hearing my words Mei nod her head. Then I add " and about that stripped poker I was hoping he will fall for me and forgot about that b***h." she again nod her head and wanted to say some think but I put I stop her and add my final thoughts "if he didn't meet her he would be mine now I start falling for him even more today. I was in love at him. You probably don't think is truth but I fall after that kiss. I had dreams about him. My thoughts was about that mysterious men who save my father. When he save my father again before Christmas I know that I can't live without him. I need him like an air. And to make his actions today make my love to him more."

Hearing my words Mei come to me and start patting my head "oh you gluttony I know he won your hearth after cooking. It must be delicious. I need try his cooking maybe I will ask him to cook only to myself" when she was saying this she smile like having some idea in her head. Looking at her I answered

"his cooking is mine and only mine. I will never share with …"

"okok I was just joking" she stop what I wanted to say and I continued

"He as host today was good I never thought he will do that I was thinking he will only sit and do nothing . I was mistaken I know I should be doing all thinks but I don't know how and he was a savior to me. While I was looking at him I feel bad and I wanted him to be with me always not only he can cook but act as host too. That's why I planed all this I hope you will support me"

hearing my words Mei give me thumb up that she agree with my words and she add "I will try help you with it. I have idea but don't be angry at me please"

When she was saying this Megan come inside and said "finish your talk and go play more i know your plan i hope you will lose hehehe. Oh Sophia your acting skill has improved. I know you have your mother gens. When you want to act just tell her and I will tell its truth" when she said this I was shock that she notice. When I finish all thinks I go with them. I start playing again and Mei start helping me walk to our table where we play. Then i saw him with t-shirt ' he probably go smoke and forgot to take it off so i need to recall about it' i thought and said to him " haven't you forget about something"