
Greg past (1)

It all start 4 years ago

When I was at 2 year university knowing how my laziness is big to learning then I start streaming to someone who like to relax on it. My career as streamer was not bad after few days I have around 10 people who always relax at it without commenting. Thanks to that I start streaming with some rules :

1 Never show my face I don't want somebody to go away because of it.

2 No commentary from me because it could destroy game.

3 Main language game is from country that it's from and only English subtitles and then I start playing different game only with story line no online.

4 Game for next stream is chosen day before by voting.

5 Games only on PC.

6 Only some game have priority made by me but I say about them week before and on what day I want to play it.

7 Maximum 5 games started I need finish one of them before I start playing new.

After few weeks I started with that rule more people. They watch me and start enjoying my streams. Later when I have that's rules I have more people enjoying my streams and they started to donate me so thanks to that I could live by streaming.

When I was start being bigger and bigger I went to some board game meeting where I met her. She was beautiful and almost at the same age of me. During that time we start talking exchange some contact. I first give her my contact because I lose in one game.

Few months later we start writing every day later we start meeting. After 3 months I ask her to go out with me she agree with happy face.

I was in heaven knowing that I have first girlfriend in my life. We couldn't meet every day but we texted to each other for hours she start knowing me better but she don't know about my little hobby that become my work. I know she was watching me because by her nickname she was one of most commenting person there.

When I was in high up at my streamer carrier I start save some money to ask her to marry me. That time I don't know what ring I should buy so I ask my cousin to help me choose it.

We went to one of the best jewelry shops(by her choose) and she help me choose ring. While I was buying it she saw some neckless so I buy it to her as a gift for helping me. But mostly to shut her up to not say family about it. After that we went to different directions.

I start thinking about asking her. Location I have chosen but time I still don't know but it should be soon. I don't know when I come back to my home.

I start my PC and I saw that she is online on voice communicator that we use sometimes to talk. When I went to the channel that she was I heard her moans and man voice.

I planed give 2 chapters today but i cant :/

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