

4. Pokemon Academy

Ash and Delia both left there house to attend PA after getting ready. Ash was wearing a blue jeans ( similar to his Kalos's dress ) with white T - shirt, which had a pokeball symbol ( same as the one on his cap ), with red sports shoes and black fingerless gloves. He wasn't wearing any cap and his unruly hair were kept free to dance in the wind. He was looking really handsome and mature. Delia was wearing a black jeans with red top Wich had half slvees. The jeans was tight as it was giving her ass a perfect shape. She was looking so gorgeous, sexy and pretty that Ash thought just to push her down and enjoy. He was in a trance for a few seconds, his mind went blank. If it wasn't for Pikachu giving him a tasty a morning thunderbolt, he would've been stayed like that for quite some time. After kissing her and seizing her whole body with his wolfy hands, he called out his Charizard and both of them got on him and asked him to take them to the bottom of the Mt. Silver at the border of Kanto and Jhoto. Ash already told Gardevoir to bring their luggage to the forest near the PA, as he wanted to enjoy the romantic ride with Delia alone. Even though she was reluctant but decided to fulfil his wish as he was giving her his famous puppy eye expression, which she can't deny. So she already teleported to the designated location. After she left, Ash carried Delia bridal style and jumped on the back of Charizard carrying her and they took off for PA. It was a lovely experience for both of them. They both enjoyed the morning breeze brush through their hair. Both of them hold each other closely to warm each other as the wind was slightly cold. Every now and then Ash would grope her melons, play with them, kiss her neck and ear lobe making her moan like crazy. They both enjoyed the ride very much. Even though the distance between their home and PA was so much, but with the speed of Charizard, it wasn't much. The distance which generally required 2 to 3 days of time to travel, that too if someone is using their fastest Pokemon to fly them non stop, only took 3 and half hours for Ash and company to arrive at their designated location.

When they reached their destination, they were amazed to see the view. Although they were still in the forest, but they can clearly see the PA in front of them. In front of them was the most beautiful mountain and at the bottom of it was located the Pokemon Academy. It was as big as Saffron City. There were colourful tall building, a stadium for tournaments. In the center was the main building which comprised of the office of Charles Goodshow and all the classes where all the trainers will attend their lectures. The classes were very big with a capacity to hold 50 or more students. The dorms for both boys and girls were separated and were located in the west corner. The dorms for teachers and staff members were located in the east corner. Teachers and staff members were given different room which were capable to provide shelter for maximum 3 persons, if someone wanted to bring their family member, they can bring them and can stay together. There was also training rooms where trainers can train their Pokemon. The area just below the mountain and at the back of the academy was secured for wild Pokemon collected from every region. It was prepared in a way that it can suit each type of Pokemon. It was divided in different zones on the basis of level of Pokemon kept there. Trainers would be given ID cards which will also work as entry pass when they wants to go and catch some wild Pokemon or train their Pokemon in the wild, they need to first scan their ID cards which contain information about their level and in which zone they are allowed to enter.

There are total 10 zones in which the difficulty and danger level increases from Zone 1 to Zone 10. Zone 10 is the most difficult one as only Champion level train can enter it. Trainers can battle other trainers to earn points which will help them in upgrading themselves. All trainers will start from level 0 and will have clearance to Zone 1. The more a trainer wins, the more he/she will gain points. If a trainer beat another train whose has more points than him/her, then the trainer will receive double points. Amount of points will also depend upon how much Pokemon the winner have at the end of the battle who weren't knocked out. If the battle is one on one, then it will depend upon the time duration. If someone finishes the battle with one hit KO, then the trainer will receive double points. Trainers can also challenge the teachers after reaching certain levels. There will be different levels for different teachers as some teachers will be gym leaders, some will be elite fours and champions. So a trainer can challenge different teachers at different levels. If a teacher find someone worthy, then they can challenge that trainer to find out how much talent that trainer have.

There are different training areas for trainers, coordinaters, performers to hone their skills and interact with their Pokemon. Everyone is allowed to keep one Pokemon with them during classes. There will be all types of classes ranging from Pokemon history to psychology, how to train your Pokemon to how to keep them healthy. There is also a huge cafeteria which contain all the famous food from all the regions so that everyone can enjoy their food. The dorms are also first class. In one room, 2 trainers will live together. Pairing will be done randomly. No one is allowed to change their room.

The teachers are selected in such a way that they cover all types of Pokemon. Each and everyone of them is specialised in one or two types of Pokemon. Gym leaders who are selected to teach at the PA are best in their respective type. Same goes for elite fours. There are minimum two teachers of same type so as to reduce the burden on the teachers as the no. of students who are going to enroll will be very high. Anyone who is 14 years old or older than 14 can enroll in the one year program at the academy. There is also an auditorium capable of holding 500 students. There will be almost 450 students enrolling for the first year. Those who will pass the one year program with A or higher grade will be given some special privileges. For example, the trainers who got A or higher grade can directly participate in the Pokemon Championship i. e. they don't need to travel the region and challenge the gym to collect eight badges. They will have the right to directly take part in the Championship. Similarly, coordinaters can take part in the Grand Festival without the need to have 5 ribbons. Performers can also directly take part in the Master Class.

The points system will be updated every week and will be displayed at the notice board. There will be special rewards for the table toppers. So the competition will be pretty high. There is also a mini Pokemon Centre in East corner near the residency of teachers where trainers can go to heal their Pokemon. 3 to 4 Nurse Joy will be available 24 hrs. Officer Jenny will also be present their to ensure security. This academy will not only train trainers, coordinaters etc, but there will also be some special classes where youngsters who want to become Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny will receive training. Young Joy and Jenny will work under Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny to learn from them. They can also attend classes in which they are interested. The classes are very Hi-Tech as latest technology will be used to educate students.

The wild Pokemon at the academy comprises of each and every species of Pokemon someone can find. As we move from Zone 1 to a higher zone, the wild Pokemon also becomes strong and dangerous. So proper security measures have been taken to avoid any accident or casualties. The ID card is a multifunction device. It is similar to a smart phone in appearance, the ID of each and every person, whether student, teacher or staff, is installed in their own devices ( it is similar to iPhone 7, the only difference is the logo on the back. Instead of half eaten, it is pokeball similar to that on Ash's cap ). It has different codes for different function. It will work as attendance card in classrooms, door key for the dorms, entrance card when a trainer want to enter the training zone to catch or fight a wild Pokemon. There is also a limit as to how much Pokemon a trainer can caught. The limit is 3 pokemon per trainer per zone. Since there are 10 zones, so a trainer can catch 30 Pokemons each.

There is a huge library in the main building in it's east corner, where one can find any type of book regarding anything. All the research papers published till now can be found there. All information regarding any type of Pokemon and the Pokemon world can be found. This library is the biggest in the world. It is connected with the Pokemon lab where all the professor attending the Academy can do their research. There is different rooms for all the professor attending PA, so as to provide them privacy.

It also contains different sections for those who want to become Pokemon professor in the future. All the famous professors will be present at the academy, so one can learn from them. There are all kinds of labs built so that if someone wants to do research, they can do it easily.

Those who want to become breeder can also learn here. All the breeding techniques will be taught here. Taking care of ones Pokemon is a really tough task. So, students will be taught how to take care of their Pokemon, how to prepare their food. Everything related to Pokemon's diet will be taught. Different types of Pokemon prefer different types of food. So it is really necessary to know about all this. During emergencies, one need to depend upon the forest for food and such materials. So it is necessary that trainers know which berries or plants are edible and which are not. Which berry is suitable to which type of Pokemon. Everything will be taught by A rank breeders. Being a trainer doesn't mean that you just need to train your Pokemon and fight against other trainers. You need to take care of Pokemon properly. You need to keep your Pokemon healthy. You need to make a strong bond with your Pokemon. If a trainer is not taking proper care of their Pokemon, then the Pokemon may stop obeying him, in worst cases, the Pokemon may attack the trainer also.

Anyone who wants to do something related to Pokemon, can learn here and achieve their goals. The one year which young trainers are going to spend at PA will decide how much progress they will make in future towards their goals.

Ash and Delia both landed in the forest near the entrance of the academy.

"Finally, I thought you diched me. Do you have any idea how boring it was being alone here?"

Gardevoir said loudly anger being evident in her voice as she puffed her cheeks when see saw her trainer landing with Delia on the back of Charizard.

"Sorry about that Gar, we lost the track of time as it was really great flying with Delia."

Ash replied rubbing the back of his head and smiling.

"It's okay but don't do this again, do I make myself clear?"

Gardevoir replied in a threatening voice.

"Yes Ma'am! Ash replied feeling scared of the Pokemon in front of him.

After this Ash recalled Gardevoir in her pokeball. Delia was smiling at the interaction between Pokemon and trainer.

After this they both picked the luggage and headed towards the entrance of the PA.

The classes will start from tomorrow, 1st July, 2017. It will be a 1 year program filled with classes, tournaments, different competitions etc. They both have reached here at 1 o'clock in the noon. Ash was amazed at the sight of academy in which he is going to spend the next one year of his life. PL sure have spent a huge amount of money at the infrastructure. Delia was already told about the place they are going to stay and she already has the key, which was her ID card, so that she can settle down before the school starts. All the teachers were given the keys to their rooms so that they can settle down. So many trainers were already present there with their parents seeing them off. It was really a heart touching scene. Ash and Delia both made their way to the apartments in the east corner where teachers will be staying. They quickly found their room and went inside.

When both of them went inside the room, the first expression they had was of surprise and amazement. The room was designed perfectly. The interior and furniture both were outstanding. There was a big 72 inch LED screen TV in the hall with sofa and a tea table. The kitchen was right beside the hall. The dinning table was placed out side the kitchen and 6 people can eat food together on the table. There were 3 bed rooms. One was a master room while the other 2 were simple rooms. The bed was as soft as Altaria's feathers. All the appliances in the kitchen were latest technology manufactured by the top technology inventing company, DAT CO. Very few people know that all the top companies of the world which manufacture products related to Pokemon like pokeballs, different portions, medicines etc, have been bought by DAT CO. and few among few people know the owner of this company. But it is clear that the owner of this company is the richest person of the world, even Pokemon League itself doesn't have as much money as the owner of this company. The Pokephone, which every one in the PA have, which contain their IDs and acts as key, is also one of the latest and most successful device launched by the company. It is said that the Pokephone was developed by the owner himself. He is the most mysterious man and his reputation is not less than Blue Blade.

After checking all the rooms and things present, Ash and Delia both sat down on the couch, Delia was sitting on the lap of Ash and hugging him. Ash sighed a sigh of relief, enjoying the peace with Delia.

"Charles sure have spent a large amount of money to gain a little bit of favour from citizens. Too bad his move will back fire on him. Well, it doesn't matter, since we are going to live here, then let's just enjoy ourselves and treat it just one of the many repayment he owes us. What do you think Delia?

Ash asked Delia while looking all over the house with an evil smirk plastered over his face while his face is buried in the bossom of Delia. Delia, giggling at the antiqs of Ash, becomes serious and says,

"Sigh, Ash I told you so many time you don't need to do this all and pit yourself in danger, but I know that no matter what told you, you will not listen to me. So I'm not going to stop you anymore and make it difficult for you. I'm going to help you and you can't stop me from helping you no matter how much risky the job is. So if you agree to my this condition then it will be best for both of us. Right ?"

Delia said in a half begging and half commanding tone.

"Alright mom, but if there is some danger, then you will retreat immediately and you will obey my each and every command, did I made myself clear?"

Yes, you don't have to worry about that. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Delia said happily and jumped in the arms of Ash and kissed him lovingly.

"So, what's the plan? You sure have thought of a plan right."

Delia said while looking at Ash.

"Mmmm, I sure have a plan. But before that let us settle our luggage first. What do you say?"

Ash said gesturing towards their luggage.

"Hmm, alright."

Delia nodded.

It took them 2 hours to settle their luggage. Both of them fixed their clothes and other accessories in the Master room. It required, then at least minimum of 10 people can stay there room and this is exactly what Ash needed as he needed to make allies for his grand plan. After settling their luggage, both of them were exhausted and both fall down on the couch.

"So dear, can you now tell me what's your big plan is ?"

Delia asked snuggling to Ash.

"It's nothing especial, just we need to make allies and sort out our enemies. Find out their weakness, plan and what is the main purpose of this PA. I have already made a list of persons we need to make our allies. I also have a list for assholes and our enemies which is, at present, empty. Although, we know that Charles, Giovanni, and few elite trainers are our biggest enemies, I'm not worried about them for now. Since we are going to stay here for a year, then it clear that while I'll be making friends and allies, I'll, intentionally or unintentionally, make enemies also, who can create troubles in future. My Pokephone is different from everyone else's. I've completed the AI function and now I just need to send a mental command for normal processing after all it is infused with my Aura. My pokewatch is also complete and it is directly linked with Pokephone. The dimension inside the pokewatch is also finished developing and now it can store Pokemon and other stuff.

Ash explained everything to Delia while she was listening like a student who pays proper attention when the professor is giving an important lecture.

"So Ash, what do you want to do now ? You know, we can always have some fun."

Delia said seductively.

"I would love to have fun with and destroy I your pussy so that you wouldn't I be able to walk for several hours, but I can't do that, as I have to go take a look around and check out the school and see if I can find something or someone. Oh, did Jun told you when will she be arriving at the academy ? I've not seen her personally while you have gone to meet her for few times. She didn't told me when will she arrive when I asked her. She just smiled and dodged the question. Why did I've a feeling that both of you are planning something ?"

Ash said suspiciously making Delia pout.

"Your no fun Ashy. Well, I don't think it's a bad idea. She will arrive soon and I can't tell you when because it's a surprise and since it'll be your first meeting so you should prepare a gift for her because she sure have prepared a great surprise for you and you are going to love it for sure. So just wait and watch. I'll just go and freshen up myself and then properly arrange our things.Oh Ash, when you are at it why don't you go to cafeteria and order something nice to eat for me, tell them to deliver it to our house. Ok, sweetie, now I'm going to bathroom."

Delia replied and got up to leave for bathroom, suddenly she remembered something, she turned around and asked Ash with a smirk,

"Oh honey, aren't you forgetting something or someone ?"

"No, I don't think I'm, wait a minute, Pikachu! Oh my God, what am I gonna do ? He will kill me. Ash said making a horrified expression. Pikachu doesn't like being kept in a pokeball. But since Ash wanted to spent some alone time with Delia while flying, Pikachu reluctantly agreed to being kept in the pokeball after being assured that Ash will release him as soon as possible. But it has already been 2 hrs since they left their home. And Pikachu must be super angry now. But he need to call him out no matter what.

"I'm going to the bathroom Ashy, Good luck. You will need that.

Delia said making her way to the bathroom as she didn't wanted to feel the wrath of the pissed rodent.

"You can't do this to me Delia. You can't leave me to die. You love me don't you? Ash asked while begging her to stay with him.

"Of course I love you Ashy. But this is a different situation which you need to face yourself after all it's your fault to begin with and we both knows how scary Pikachu can get when he is angry."

Delia said while disappearing in the bathroom.

"Well here goes nothing." Ash sighed and released Pikachu. The moment he was released, he sent out his one of the strongest Thunder Bolt towards his Pikapi who instantly formed an aura shield in front of him knowing what was about to come. After the attack died down, Ash said,

"Feeling better ?"

"Ya! But don't you dare ever do that to me again. And if you even thought of doing that I will fry you like a chicken. Do you understand ?"

Pikachu threatened Ash with his cheeks sparkling with electricity."

"Sorry and I promise it won't happen again. So buddy wanna check out the academy with me ?"

Ash asked the yellow rodent who nodded and jumped on his right shoulder. Ash checked his Pokephone for time, it was 3'o clock in the evening. He then open his ID and unlocked the door and then went out. everyone who has enrolled received a ID card which they had to keep with themself 247.

"Hey Mom, I'm going out and don't worry, I'll order something delicious to eat for you. I'm leaving Gardevoir to help you and you already have workholic Mr. Mime with you and you also have your other Pokemon, so if you need anything just text me or call me, ok. If there is some problem, then inform me. So see you later." Ash told his mother and walked out of the room and look led the door. After coming out of the room, he inhaled the sweet aroma of the food coming from the cafeteria nearby.

As if on que, his stomach started growling. For some strangers, it sounded like a Arsering's roar.

"Let's start with food first, what do you say, buddy ?"

Ash asked Pikachu to which he nodded and shouted, Pika !

So our hero went to the cafeteria and while going there, he was enjoying the view. Trainers were every where, some with their parents, some with friends , girlfriends and boyfriend's all laughing and enjoying. There were so many parks in the passage way for students to sit and talk and take their Pokemon for a stroll. The cafe was located at a distance of the main by foot. So Ash just walked there leisurely while taking notes of the structure of the PA. He was also checking whether someone was interesting or not, or someone could be added to his Targets to conquer or Targets to eliminate. He already Ave few names in both list because of his past experience while travelling all over the world and training his Pokemon. He knows quite a lot of people, so he is confident that his plan will work out fantastically and he will surely get a lot of allies, if not allies, then there is one thing which he is sure of, and that is that he is going to have a lot of fun and a lot of pussies to play and enjoy. With this thought and a evil smirk, he reached the cafe. Those who saw him would be frightened while the girls would scream in surprise and blush like a magicarp. He was amazed at the size of cafe. It was as big as their house. There were some trainers eating with their Pokemon and friends while some were with their parents. Ash made a mental note to come here with Delia and Juniper to eat and have a three way date.

While Ash was checking out the cafe, a girl was standing behind the counter of the cafe. She was wearing the dress used by the workers of the cafe which showed that she was a worker here. At present she was attending to the customer, after the last customer paid the money, she sighed exhaustly. She was irritated. Her all friends have boyfriend's and they will always tease her about how lucky they are and how much their boyfriends love them. All of them went to picnic with their boyfriends to enjoy. She too wanted to go but after hearing what her friends said she got angry and upset and cut the phone. They said, ' We do want you to come with us. It's just that we all are going with our boyfriends and you are single and so, you will be alone as we will be busy with them. So I suggest you to not come. It's not that we don't want you to come. It's just that we know, how upset you become when you see us all together with our boyfriends. So you know, sorry Emily.'

She sighed like thousandth time. It's not that she doesn't want to have a boyfriend, it's just that not a single boy has ever caught her attention. She tried online dating too. But all the boys there were like just wants to have sex and run away in the morning. When ever she went on dates, her partner would just stare at her big boobs time to time. She would just freak out and run away from there. After going on a date for 11 the time, she reached to a conclusion, that all the boys are perverts and she will not that any perverts. She would wait for the perfect partner who will not like her for her body, instead who will love her for herself. Also if someone caught her attention, then she will do everything she can to make him love her. So after her friend cut off the call, she went back to her work. At this time, the door bell rang and she looked towards the door on instinct. When she saw the customer who came in, her whole body froze, her eyes sparkled. Her heart beat rose. In front of her was the most handsome boy she has ever seen. His messy raven hair was flowing in the air. He seemed to be taller than.( It should be know that she is the tallest in her group, her height is pretty good for a female. ) He seemed to have very good physique. His chocolate brown eyes seems to be deeper than the Pacific ocean. His face was cute while he was radiating off a very mature, manly and powerful Aura. On his shoulder was a very cute Pikachu. The boy was looking all over the cafe and finally his gaze fall on Emily and their eyes met. After making eye contact for a few seconds, the boy smiled and started walking towards her. After seeing him smile, Emily's heart started beating faster. Her face grew redder than magicarp. She was loosing her control. When he started walking towards her, she started panicking. She thought to herself, ' Calm down Emily, you have to look normal otherwise he will think you are weirdo. So keep your calm. He is coming here, so do your best to impress him and try to talk to him more. Ok here goes nothing.'

After calming herself down, she smiled and waited for him to arrive.

When Ash saw the entrance of the cafe, he was amazed because the cafe was huge. It can accommodate at least 500 to 600 people at the same time. It is the only cafe in the academy. Tgen his gaze fell on the board hang above the entrance of the cafe, and the name written there first shocked him and then he looked at Pikachu and he also looked at him. Both of them smiled and thought the same thing, ' The food here is going to be fantastic.'

Because the name written there was, Dine In, just to simple words. But in reality, in the field of cafe, dinner, restaurant, this is not just two simple words. It is the king of all restaurant, cafe, dinner etc. It is the best place to eat food, drink coffee, have birthday parties. It's branches are present all over the world. It provides everything related to food for both Pokemon and human. Some herbal medicines are also prepared here. And it has opened it's branches in the PA. Ash swallowed the saliva secretly. He pushed open the door and the heavenly the fragrance entered his nose and he sighed happily. This really was heaven. He made a note to himself about something only he knows. He looked at Pikachu and his condition was also not good because in front of him lies the heaven of ketchup, world's best ketchup. After calming oneself down, Ash's gaze fell on the counter and noticed a fiery red haired girl about 21 or so years old looking at him secretly. He found out that her figure was quite enchanting. Her skin was as white as white Jade. He although found it amusing when girls stare at him and normally he would just smile at them and ignore them. But today he decided to go and have some fun while enjoying the heavenly food. He smiled and put on the appearance of a gentleman and walked towards the counter. Pikachu sighed and said in own heart, ' here goes the pervert trying to woo another girl.' Although Pikachu too find it amusing when the human female looks at one's own brother from another mother. So he just went on the counter containing ketchup bottles and let Pikapi enjoy himself.

Ash went near the counter and found that the fiery red haired girl who was stealing glances at oneself, when saw himself approaching near the counter, was once surprised but quickly calmed down and was trying her best to look normal. He found it amusing and thought on ways to harass the opposite site. He sighed, himself was really a devil, harassing a young maiden was really what a devil would do, but immediately he put up the appearance of, I'm the most innocent and no one is as gentlemanly as myself.

When Emily saw the raven haired boy to smile and started walking towards herself, she was startled, hurried to tidied up herself, then put on the smile with which see recieves customers. She was confident that her smile could stir up the desire of any man, added with her sexy figure, she thought that she could make the raven haired boy in front of her to be embarrassed, but the result was opposite of what she expected. Instead of becoming embarrassed, it was like she just woke up the lion who was sleeping peacefully, and after waking up found itself to be hungry and just found the perfect prey. She was frightened

Ash went near the counter and greeted her, "Hi! I'm Ash, I just reached here. Can I know your name, Miss Beautiful?"

He asked while bowing as a gentleman all the while keeping the smile. Anyone when sees this would believe that this boy should be some Prince of a huge kingdom as he gave off the vibe of royalty. Seeing this manner, Emily was dumbstruck. She thought, ' Does this also have justice, first you are damn hot and cute, a rare combination, then you smile like a sun and then you behave as a royal prince. What are you doing, do you want the opposite side to commit suicide. '

Nearby all the boys were staring at him with eyes full of envy and hatred after all they all have tried their best to get the attention of Emily but she didn't even looked at them. And now, in front of them this pretty boy who doesn't know came from where, just went to the counter and spoke few words and the girl who they tried their best to impress but resulted in being shamed by her, made her blush, embarrassed, dumbstruck and God knows what. Even they they hate to admit it but front this boy really had this charm which makes it impossible for others to hate him. If it were not for their will power to be strong, they would've began to doubt themselves whether they like girls or boys.

After regaining her composer, Emily straightened her back and bowed graciously and said,

"Hello, I'm Emily. Thank you for your compliment. Although you too are quite handsome. It's really nice to meet you and yes you sure look new since it's the first time I've seen you and since it's the only dinner here, so you should probably have just arrived here. So, What would you like to have, my dear Sir ?"

After hearing her reply and her name, he remembered something important. Ash smiled mysteriously and thought of a plan really quickly and said,

"I would like to have all the famous dishes from all the region, two plates each dish."

Ash told the girl. At first the girl gasped at the amount of food ordered by the boy but quickly recomposed herself and smiled and said,

"Your order will be ready in 15 min Sir. Do you want anything else ?

She said typing the order.

"Nah, just this much is fine."

Ash replied. As he was about to turn around and leave, the girl at the counter suddenly asked something.

After hearing the order Emily was surprised as she thought that this Ash sure has perfect body and seems fit, then why should he order so much food. Although she found it surprising and shocking, but she didn't mind it. Then suddenly she thought of something, probably he is not allowed and is waiting or his friends or family member. Or he might be waiting for his gir no wait Emily, you can't jump to conclusions. Although he seems to be a perfect guy and it wouldn't be wrong he had a girlfriend. But what if he really had a girlfriend. Should I ask him, what if he got angry but I really need to know. Ok, here goes nothing.

When she made up her mind, Ash was about to turn around and take a sit which he was searching while she was thinking. She gathered her courage and asked,

"Um, if you don't mind can I ask you something?"

After hearing her question, Ash smiled satisfactorily and thought phase one clear. He replied,

"Why would I mind a beautiful lady asking me a question?"

"Um, i- I wanted to know that is the food you order is for only you or you are expecting someone like some friend or family member or you know, ahh, you know maybe your girlfriend?"


After hearing her question, at first Ash laughed slightly. Emily thought did she asked a silly question but she thought she did something silly so she hurried to apologise. But before she got the chance, Ash stopped laughing and starting speaking,

"Sorry about that. No, I wasn't laughing at you. It's just that it took you so much time to also me that question. Yes, it is as you said. I sure am not going to eat all this food alone. I've a glutton Pikachu with me. Although he most likes to eat ketchup but he also eats to much. And there will be a person going to accompany me. This person is neither my family member nor my girlfriend."

At this point Ash stopped for a while observed the expression of opposite side. Opposite side after hearing his answer sighed a sigh of relief. Ash smiled and continued speaking,

"I just met this person and you could say we are friends. "

"Oh! I say. Well, sorry if I offended you and don't worry, your order will be ready in no time, so just have a sit. "

Emily bowed politely and she rejoiced secretly, 'good, I've a chance finally'.

She thought she got a chance to get a bf, but she never in her life can think that the smile which she found to be more bright than sun, was nightmare of hundreds of persons. So many person shuddered at the mere thought of this, as bright as sun, smile.

She even could not think that she just became the part of a pretty boy's biggest plan and a chess piece which he is going to use for, both his plan as well as for himself.