
Chapter 85- The News

As Amber descended the white glass-like stairs, her eyes met with a strong guard who stood at the base of the stairs waiting for her.

Worry was evidently written all over his face and he looked impatient.

"What's the problem?"

Those were the first words to leave her lips because she suspected it to be a problem.

"It's the news Ms," came his response.

Reaching where he stood, she faced him with serious eyes and a marred forehead.

"What does it say?"

She became alert as she waited for his response. For some odd reason, her heartbeat raced wildly and her breathing was rising.

"I don't want to raise any unnecessary alarm Ms, so could you please come see it yourself to confirm."

Amber gave it a thought before nodding in agreement and followed him to the living room where the TV had been turned on.

At first she didn't understand what was the cause for alarm until she read the headlines and her breath shuddered as she clasped her right hand over her mouth.