
Chapter5:The family secret

Emily's heart raced as she deciphered the final code. The words blurred together on the page, but one phrase stood out: "The truth about Elizabeth's death."

Elizabeth, Emily's grandmother, had died under mysterious circumstances when Emily's mother was just a teenager. The family had always been tight-lipped about the details, and Emily had grown up sensing that something was off.

Now, as she read Sophia's words, the truth began to unravel. Elizabeth's death was not an accident, as Emily had been told. It was a tragic event, born from a web of secrets and lies that had haunted the family for generations.

Sophia's diary revealed a shocking tale of greed, betrayal, and murder. Emily's great-grandfather, once a respected businessman, had been involved in some shady dealings. His actions had led to Elizabeth's death, and the family had covered it up to avoid scandal.

Emily felt like her whole world was crumbling. She had always thought of her family as good, honest people. Now, she wasn't so sure.

As she closed the diary, Emily knew she had to confront her mother about the truth. But was she ready for the consequences?