
First Class

Blake Killerney will be your tutor!" Hazel exclaimed in shock after Charlene recounted what had happened in the Masters Chamber to her.

"I was just as surprised as you when I found out, but who is Blake?" she asked, secretly hoping it was Aiden, as he was the only male Amazon she knew.

"Blake is the only Amazon I loved before you came along, now I love you both," Hazel smiled, her mind briefly wandering to someone else before she sighed and pushed the thought away.

"Aw, your boyfriend?" Charlene gushed.

"It's more than that, we have a deep connection and can feel each other's pain," Hazel smiled, staring off into space.

"That's so sweet, I'm sure he's adorable," Charlene cooed.

"Indeed," Hazel chuckled sarcastically.


"Not that crybaby," Blake groaned as he paced back and forth.

"You seem restless, what's wrong?" Louis asked, noticing his friend's mood.

"I've been assigned to tutor a freshman, and not just anyone, but Charlene," Blake muttered.

"Who's Charlene?" Louis asked.

And Blake proceeded to describe her to him.

"That's cool, bro. She's cute," Louis winked, and Blake playfully punched him.

"It's not cool, she's a crybaby, always crying about every little thing," he muttered.

"You speak as if you know her personally," Louis said, giving him a knowing look.

"I don't. Good night," Blake replied, climbing into bed.


"So that girl had the nerve to freeze my hands? I'm going to make her pay," Ava said through gritted teeth.

"Oh please, what can you do? When she froze my hand, what did you do about it? You got her to freeze yours too," Layla snapped angrily.

"Layla, you're misunderstanding this whole thing. I can still deal with her. She caught me off guard," Avan mumbled.

"Deal with her when? The Masters have already appointed her as their personal tutor. Now they'll spend more time together, and you know what that means. You know what, just let me be," Layla half-yelled, storming out of the room and slamming the door.


"Must she always get into trouble?" Aiden mumbled, his mind on Charlene.

"Wait, doesn't she read the Dreame's College handbook? Or does she not know that it's against the rules to harm a fellow Amazon?" he mumbled.

"Free your mind, bro. I heard she wasn't punished. Instead, she was given a private tutor," Midas replied, and Aiden sighed.

"Private tutor? Do you have any idea who was assigned to tutor her?" Aiden asked, hoping it wasn't who he thought.

"Blake Killerney, considering he's the strongest young Amazon," Midas replied, and Aiden sighed. "Not again, not Blake again," he grumbled inwardly.


"Wake up, Charlene. It's already morning," Hazel said loudly, tapping Charlene.

"Five more minutes, please," Charlene mumbled, covering her head with the duvet.

"What should I do?" Hazel sighed, and then a smile crept onto her lips as an idea popped into her mind.

The next minute, she was beside Charlene with a trumpet.

"Ah!" Charlene screamed and fell on her butt as soon as she heard the loud screeching of the trumpet.

"Go get dressed for your first class," Hazel winked, running out of the room.

"Damn," Charlene cursed, her eyes turning red.

"Not now, please," she mumbled, rushing to the bathroom.


"Crybaby, you're thirty minutes late for your first class. How should I punish you?" Blake asked as soon as Charlene walked into the meditation auditorium.

"I'm sorry I overslept, and why are you calling me crybaby? Have we met before?" she asked, staring at his back. He swiftly turned to face her.

"It's you!" she gasped, falling on her butt.

"Yes, it's me. Now please stop being overly dramatic. Let's begin," Blake replied emotionlessly.

"Grumpy," Charlene mumbled.

"I heard that," he replied nonchalantly.


"I already love that girl," Diamond giggled as she walked to class with Delaney.

"No doubt, she's cool. But you loving her sounds really crazy. I mean, you don't really know her," Delaney mumbled.

"It doesn't matter. At least there's finally someone to put Layla in her place. Trust me, it's awesome," Diamond said with a wide smile.

"Diamond, please don't let the little feud with Layla cause you to do things you'll end up regretting," Delaney said seriously.

"You know how much I hate advice, and here you are trying to advise me," she snapped.

"I'm just stating the fact. As your friend, I should tell you the truth. Enjoy your boring fact," she snapped, walking away from Delaney.

"I've done my best," Delaney mumbled, now walking to class alone.


"To harness your powers, you need to focus and let your mind float, forgetting about everything else. You need to avoid distractions," Blake said, staring intently at Charlene.

"Now, try to meditate," he added, and she sighed before closing her eyes. Suddenly, her body began shaking vigorously as the events that led to her leaving Vintage played in her mind.

"I can't do this!" she screamed, still shaking with great intensity.

"Calm down, Charlene. You can do it. You don't have to think about those things. Just take your mind off them," he yelled.

"But I don't want to. It hurts!" she yelled, and the large table shook as if being pushed by a force.

"Stop!" Blake yelled, and she started breathing heavily before looking around in confusion.

"You don't remember anything?" Blake asked, puzzled.

"Charlene, we need to work on your concentration. You seem to be holding onto painful memories. You have to let them go, or you may never master your gifts," Blake calmly mumbled, and slowly her eyes began to well up with tears.

"I tried to get rid of them, but it wasn't working. I had to act strong around my mom because she only had me. I never imagined the betrayal. It hurts," she said, now bursting into tears. Surprisingly, Blake hugged her. "Let it all out," he muttered, patting her back.

To Be Continued...