
LOTP Angel Summons! SI

This is kinda an Lord Of The People: I Recruited a Mutant Succubus self insert. If you haven't read the original then you probably won't understand what is going on as I'm not going into to much detail on the explanations. Sue me I was bored as crap. Also since original doesn't really go into world detail as far as I read such as other countries surviving or rebuilding something different, mine will be based in the United States or what's left of it though it will be in the same universe as the original story, all New Lords Spaces will be transported to the same black fog area, im just expanding the world as the original pretends only Asian countries, maybe only China, survived basically or so it seems to the point I read. ——————————— It has been many years since the old world has been destroyed, there were no longer any of the old countries left standing though new territories arose in their places. The whole world mutated. Mysterious resurrections happened in real life. The Tribulation descended. Everyone would awaken the ability to rule over beasts at the age of 18 and obtain a Lord Space of their own. After one month, their Lord Space would materialize and they would become a Lord. When they awakened, each Lord would obtain a summoning pool to summon their own troops a month before their 18th birthday. They had to plunder resources, strengthen their troops, expand their territory and defend themselves against the invasion of demons!

Westley86 · 作品衍生
7 Chs

Chapter 7

It wasn't but a few minutes later after a few swallows of water that I managed to go find Irina who was standing with Elaria and Katerina all looking slightly nervous. Their senses were not what they should be right now and they had no clue what was going on with that. I of course had been looking at my communications device and saw as the public chat group started to light up with messages of confusion and fear. I was only watching it to see if any of my friends would send messages and then I could add them as friends as for some reason it seems all my previous contacts were deleted along with the rest of the functions of the device. Only the various chat options and features seemed to be available such as friends, private chat/groups and the public chat room.

When I got to the group of beauties I gave them a simple mission, find the trading platform that should be nearby. They all 3 pretty much flashed away once the mission was given and a last order was given to a nearby Angelic beauty standing nearby by Irina. That beauty happened to be Kassandra, a Tier 7 Angel, out of one of my first few groups of recruitment. Irina put her as my minder while the rest were away as I think she became uncomfortable with not being there herself so she did the next best thing in her eyes, had one of her more powerful sister take up the role as my babysitter. It was almost a bitter thought that went through my head but I flushed it away after less than a second as monsters were simply too dangerous to take chances against at my current level of personal power, which was to say not very much power at all compared to my Angels.

It took less than 15 minutes for Katerina my newest Tier7 to make her way back after finding the trading station in my terrirory, it was only around 200 meters from my castle and would only be a good minute or so power walk from my castles or if i really pushed it, less than a 30 second sprint given my current physique. Humans that consume demonic meat tended to be many times stronger and faster than even Olympians from my original world so it wasnt really too surprising or impressive in this world but for a new lord it was pretty good i guess.

After finding the trading platform I had the Angels begin to ferry the Tier1 and Tier0 Demonic Meat to the hidden trading platform. It was kinda hidden and in an underground room that only really had a platform to put items on and the ability to trade with other lords. you could put the items on your 'trading block' and set a price and people could buy it or not or you could set it for auction with a 'buy it now' setting of course that setting would probably be highly over priced.

I after checking the public chat room I saw that nobody brought up the trading platforms yet so I decided to get the ball rolling before the dude in the original timeline did as I was impatient.

"Alexander: Hey guys did you find the Lanhai Trading Platform in your territories yet? I found mine within a few hundred meters of my castle."

With those simple words the chatroom blew up in excitement, though some who couldnt leave their territories out of fear of death it didnt really help them and they showed their bitterness in words. I almost laughed if I didnt pitty them so hard.

"Alexander: Also for those who do find their Lanhai Trading Platform feel free to check my trading block, I am willing to trade lots of Tier-1 and Tier-0 Demonic Meat 50 pounds of Tier-1 for 1 Energy Crystal and 300 pounds of Tier-0 for 1 Energy Crystal, I will also put up Tier-4 if anyone wants to trade Magic Crystals.

Im sure these are heavy prices but these are heavy times it seems. I feel they are not out of this world pricings."

With that I got a lot of profiteering complaints -

"Fuck the profiteers have already started!"

"What the hell! Someone is such a big boss that they can sell Tier-4 Demonic Meat already? even if its for a Magic Crystal, Damn!"

All I could do was laugh, from what I knew of canon, most new lords didnt seem to prepare very well so they were all panicky, not that I can really blame them. I would panick also if I didnt know this was coming, hell I knew this was coming and I still wanted to panick but I knew I couldnt.

I had put over 500,000 pounds of Tier0 on my trading block and as much as people were complaining I think they were complaining more that it was disappearing so fast.

"Fuck! I only looked away for a minute or two and most of that fuckers Tier0 demonic meat is already sold! I was hoping the price would lower! You bunch of idiots!" One nameless nobody complained bitterly.

"If its too rich for your blood then dont buy it and cry some more" I could almost hear someone cackle in my head as they replied to his comment.

I would almost feel bad about this profiteering if I didnt already receive well over 1,000 Energy Crystals and it didnt look like the number would stop anytime soon. by the time I had reached 2,000 Energy Crystals I almost felt bad about plundering peoples treasuries as I had already made my investment back by several hundred times over.

With that thought in mind I decided to be a kind lord and take down all my trades and put them back up using Energy Coins as trade, they are useless of course but I also dont need anything at the moment as I should have enough to level up my Recruitment pool twice if I ever find Magic Crystals.

"Tier0 Demonic Meat now on Trade for Energy Coins, 100 pounds for 5,000 Energy Coins! Get it while you can!"

I had of course made sure to hold back around 1.5 million pounds for myself but the rest, about 1 million pounds altogether was irrelevant and its not like it mattered anyways, once i saw my trading number for my Lanhai Platform, I knew generally where I was located and it wasnt drastically too far from Ren Qi if I wasnt mistaken plus it might earn me some good will as well, I hopefully only have to deal with Tier 2-4 monsters to start unless troublesome Elves make themselves known which could become ugly fast.

It took less than an hour for Sasha and the others to actually send me messages and friend requests, and with that I had actually started to breathe more easily, though the only other male in our group seems to be taking it in the booty due to slightly higher tier monsters in his area. I felt bad but his trading indentification number denoting basically how far away he is from me, is pretty far away and im not risking that kinda trek. I am identified as 19 while he is identified as 97, dunno how far away that is but i can guess its pretty damn far given the size of this place.

I was more excited though that my other friends had identifiers as 21, 22 and another 23 meaning we should all be relatively close to eachother. Unfortunately I had basically written off our other friend as lost unless he wants to flee his territory with whatever Soldiers he could muster.

I did however trade Sarah 5 tier 3 defensive items and 4 tier-4 defensive items for free so that she wouldn't simply get curb stomped, thankfully Sasha was almost literally her neighbor it seemed as she found Sarah when she sent her hell hounds out scouting the local area.

As I had periodically checked the Public chatroom, I had noticed more and more people talking about being attacked by monsters. I knew it would come soon so I too made my way to the sad looking battlements (after putting my leftover tier 3 and 4 defensive items on the trading block for 1 magic Crystal each for the tier 3 and 2 magic crystals for the tier 4…. Yes I'm a profiteer) and minimal protection that my outer castle walls provided to watch what was coming they were just high enough and only really useful to give a good view of the battle. By now all my people had returned, many of them with the bodies of their kills, mostly tier 3 monsters of one canine variety or another to be rendered down for parts and to check for crystals or anything of value.

It seems the only reason my castle hadnt really been attacked was because 1/5 of my troops were already out there slaughtering monsters in too high a number for them to form up and attack me directly. What a terrible shame that is! I will have to try to send scouts to my friends to make sure they are doing well enough… I'm not Ren Qi after all, I actually care about people or at least people I consider friends, though I will definitely profiteer and put myself before strangers.