

"Am I an alchoolic? My mind just wonders sometimes..." I knew that I was not alone in bed and the numbness of one of my hands gave me certainty, in addition to the warmth emanating from that person. We were covered with a thin white sheet, at least that's what I was able to notice after 5 minutes in which I was already awake but lost in thoughts like every morning anyway. I look curiously to my left and remain focused on the image that the young lady offered me (or so I wanted it to be). Struggling images make sense in my mind, vague memories of last night's events but nothing. I didn't remember anything after I changed the pub, although I had done practically nothing but cross the street, but it seems that with this I crossed the alcohol limit and had, again, a blackout. It's that part of the evening where you no longer control what you do and switch to autopilot. I knew I would remember details but it took me about 2 days to put together the events of that night. Nothing new under the sun... ‐----------------------------- Will our gentleman be able to ruin his potential and f*uck up his life? or he will get his s*it together and build the much desired empire? Would he find love? is love even good for him? does it makes him a better person? Mark my words guys, this is a One of a Kind story! If you founs this Novel interesting or you absolutelly loved it, please remember to share your opinion and leave a review.

lostwithin · 现实
2 Chs

Not this crap, not again

I open my eyes vaguely, my gaze is blurred and I understand from the first sign that I've done it, again. "What the hell is wrong with me?" In vain I ask myself the same thing every morning, totally irrelevant and unfounded, because even now I have not come to understand how I can fall so easily prey to vices. Guess a man gotta love what a man gotta love. good or bad ...

I manage to open my eyes completely and I am looking a little bit lost in the upper right corner of the room. Although my efforts are great, I make as much effort as possible and focus my attention on that point, and slowly I look at the other corner of the room, while I say a short prayer, a kind of "Please, Lord. Don't blurr or fade, not again! " It seems that my prayer was superfluous, although I could swear it would be so. Suddenly the camera starts to catch a slow circular motion, initially pleasant, but it continues and the rotational speed increases at the same rate as the heartbeat. Wow!?! I feel like it's exploding, what the hell. Might be it from the 2 packs of cigarettes smoked in one night, or from the fact that the last clean sleep, without any kind of harmful substances in the body, was about 2 or 3 weeks ago (I think) when I visited my grandparents in one weekend and, despite the fact that some people organized a party at some neighbors' house, I just fell asleep, probably from the fatigue accumulated in the previous week. I missed a hell of a party and I knew it, been told by some people that attended and mate that was a good party indeed... and then I was scolded by a good friend who lived in the area because I had not shown there to be her companion in fighting against bottles. U know, the usual being youg and free, do stupid stuff and regret maybe. Me and her... we share some history sort of speaking....Every time we met, we ended up sharing interesting things, talking about the past, present and future. An extraordinary person that always manage to make my day better.

If my instant tought plan could work and I could evade the room that is so unknown to me. wouldn't it be great? Yes! This is the first step and then I'll find the bathroom. Usually that bathroom door is smaller than the ones from bedrooms or living room and there are 2 possibilities either the bathroom or the kitchen. That much I knew from my prev. experience. a brilliant lerner would you think.

Hell, I feel like I'm exploding, literally. I think it's due to excessive beer consumption or just getting pissed from too many pints. Ah, yes ... "I think?!?" How dare I ask myself such a thing? There is no question more stupid. Of course that was it. I quickly made some math based on the speed with which the room rotated and I reach a result of at least 10 beers. I like beer and I'm not too picky. I drink beer for its taste and for the fact that it gives you a long-lasting drunkenness, meaning you can stay drunk for a few days without ducking or falling unconscious god knows where. I am not that stupid to make a shame of myself. So beer for me is like: You go to bed drunk, you wake up drunk, you stay drunk all day and so on until the liver drops you a message: chill the f*ck would you?. That reminds me of high school trips we use to take a few years ago... what a beautiful throw back... I think I ended up in fallin in love in one of them..

"Shit... I get cought up in memories again."

I sit for for a few good minutes with my eyes fixed on the ceiling and despite the fact that I have an everyday hangover, my sensation is so familiar that there is no more vomiting involved. I haven't felt this for a long time and I'm somewhat happy that I don't have to live constantly with the fear that I'll wake up with my clothes wet and smelling like a gutter. How lucky I am to have developed a high tolerance. What bad luck on my liver though.

"Am I an alchoolic? My mind just wonders sometimes..."

I knew that I was not alone in bed and the numbness of one of my hands gave me certainty, in addition to the warmth emanating from that person. We were covered with a thin white sheet, at least that's what I was able to notice after 5 minutes in which I was already awake but lost in thoughts like every morning anyway.

I look curiously to my left and remain focused on the image that the young lady offered me (or so I wanted it to be). Struggling images make sense in my mind, vague memories of last night's events but nothing. I didn't remember anything after I changed the pub, although I had done practically nothing apart from crossing the street, but it seems that with this I also crossed the alcohol limit and had, again, a blackout. It's that part of the evening where you no longer control what you do and switch to autopilot. I knew I would remember details but it will take me about 2 days to put together the events of that night. Nothing new under the sun...

I make a short recap and try to regain my feelings: Me, unknown room, cruel beer drunkenness, big bed, 2 people in it, long, brown hair, dripping over the frail shoulder of the young lady. She puffs a little, takes a deep breath, and continues her beautiful sleep.

"This shit makes me think about the books I use to read back in the days." You know, the ones where an Idiot gets to wake up each morning near an amazingly-perfect women? Yes, those ones...

Curious by nature, I grab the sheet with my right hand and pull it lightly, revealing the frail body. I was out of breath when I noticed that next to me was a being (celestial I might add) whose body was worthy of fashion magazines, as far as I was able to see. She sleeps with her back to me. I remember me hugging her or something? my memory is still blurred . She's a little tanned, seems to have had some fun this summer, maybe traveling?.Yeah, that's definitely what interests me, how long she's been at the beach. I am amused by this thought and I told myself that, if it turns out that she is someone to have a conversation with, I will ask her in which country or resort she was.

I am somewhat afraid to find out with whom I finally spent the evening with, so I take advantage of the fact that my partner im crime is still in the realm of dreams and I intend not to wake her up. Besides the fact that there is a possibility that I don't know her name (which would most likely have been) how could I be so insensitive as to wake her up? I give up the idea of ​​going to the bathroom and gently lift the sheet from the bed, cover both of us and do not hesitate to hug her in an attempt to rest for a bit more. I kiss her on the shoulder and fall asleep.

"I wonder what colour sparkles in her eyes"

Well, that went... interesting? clearly he is nor stupid nor he wants to be mean or a prick. at the end I guess he might end up in being one?

lostwithincreators' thoughts