
Lost Path

lazyape · 奇幻
46 Chs

Saber mammoth

Throughout his journey hubert did not forget to reflect and learn from each of his fights.

A week has passed and during those times, he mastered the ancient dinosaur form and his footwork; lightning ghost movement. Hubert was now attempting to combine his ancient dinosaur form with his saber mammoth form and was unlucky with his experiments.

He was thinking of what were the problems why he can't combine the essence of the forms. So he tried again and again but failed. He forgot about his attempts for a moment and went for a little walk to relax and refresh his mind and body.

While hubert was walking, he heard some clamor and noises, afterwards he followed the sound of the clash and saw 2 different beasts fighting and trying to kill each other.

He concealed his presence and went to the side, then observed the fight that was going on. Hubert learned to conceal his presence by mastering the lightning ghost footwork.

The fight was going for about 2 hours now and yet no one was winning. He waited for another hour and got an inspiration by watching the monsters fight each other. Instead of trying to mix the essences together ( saber mammoth and ancient dinosaur form) why don't I try to let the saber mammoth devour the dinosaur essence. Hhmmmm hubert was thinking. But how can I do this?. And a ridiculous idea popped in his head, there is the giant crystal on my sea of consciousness which gives a great amount of life force. So why don't I create a pseudo soul and let the saber mammoth eat the pseudo soul.

But how can i do this?, the chances of creating a soul is really hard, i was just lucky to form the saber mammoth soul. He thought and went back to the time where he formed his second soul and got a little clue of what he needs to do.

Next he also thought about his war guardian. On how his war guardian was formed and was created, then born as a new life form. He thought all about it and got some clues. He also went to his manual " the book of life" and saw a lot of forms and stances written in the book.

An absurd and a fanatic idea came to his mind, " why don't i try combining all of this form written on the manual and master their essences, wouldn't i be a winner by then?" he thought of it, But he shake his head. This is far from the truth. If I can really do that, then it would be a miracle by itself, let's just concentrate on what we need right now and check if there are things present in the manual which can help me in creating a pseudo soul.

Hubert was reading and trying to understand his manual. He also got a deeper understanding about life. Birth, growth, experience and death. Seed, nurtured, grown as a plant, produce flowers, and create a seed. A planet would burst, create dust, from dust comes stars, stars develop to planet, planet gives birth to life, and life form would devour the planet.

All of it was playing in Huberts mind, he suddenly got enlightened. So it was like that he said.

First, I would need to compress the essence of my ancient dinosaur form, afterwards i will try to put some energy from the atmosphere in the essence. Then surround it with the different types of elements. Next shape the soul with my imagination. Lastly it must be injected with my own life force to create a soul without its own consciousness.

OK. Hubert said to himself, he went and found a quiet corner and dug underground, then created a good place to meditate and try to create a pseudo soul. He took a deep breath and gathered the essence of his ancient dinosaur form in his dantian, while in this process; Hubert needs to think like an ancient creature roaming in the world where survival of the fittest is the only law.

The essence of the ancient dinosaur form was successfully created, then a savage roar was heard coming from the essence.

Next, Hubert absorbed the energy in his surroundings and directed it to the essence, it became the shell of the ancient dinosaur essence, Afterwards he went to his sea of consciousness and brought the essence near the crystal and directed the elements surrounding the crystal to that thing, it became the third layer of the essence. Now it formed 3 layers where the core was the ancient dinosaur essence. Next was the energies directed by Hubert, they became the 2nd layer. Lastly, were the different elements pushed and combined with the ancient essence. It became the last layer of the pseudo soul.

When the ancient essence was done combining with the energies and elements within the surroundings, next would be the time for it to take a shape. Hubert imagined it to have wings made of skin, then claws that are sharp, pointed and long; that can tear and cut any flesh of any kind of living being.

Next were teeth that were sharp and menacing, where it can devour anything in the universe without worries. Then came the tail, the tail could be used as a weapon to kill or strangle its enemies. After that, he imagined a body so tough that it does not care about being attacked or being injured. And lastly he gave the creature an aura of a beast which is barbaric, savage, brutal and vicious. With that, the shape of the soul was now done.

When the ancient dinosaur essence was done forming its shape. It floated besides the crystal and tried to absorb what the crystal was emitting. It made Hubert's his eyes open wide, it made Hubert curios and thought, why would that soul without consciousness be attracted to the crystal. He observed for a moment but nothing happened, so he continued with the last step in creating a pseudo soul. He went out and tried to get the ancient essence out of his consciousness but it created a problem. The essence was to attach with the crystal that it doesn't want to separate with it.

This made a complication and disturbance with his plan.

After a few minutes of thinking he sigh and got no more idea how to bring that thing out. But a simple thought went to his mind, my 2nd and 3rd soul can go out and be present at the realty. Why don't I try to let either my 2nd or 3rd soul hold that little thing and come out from my consciousness. He executed his plan, but the pseudo soul was like a glue sticking to the crystal. So Hubert inverted his plan and let the his life essence go inside his consciousness.

Hubert pierced his finger and put his life essence into it, then a reddish gold blood dropped from his thumb. It created blood droplets who were now floating in the air and was emitting a great amount of life force. After imbuing his life essence in the blood, Hubert's face became a little bit pale and was a little bit out of pace.

Next, Hubert summoned his war guardian and let his war guardian carry his blood essence to his consciousness. Hubert's plan became successful, with these Hubert went back in his consciousness and let his blood essence combine with the ancient dinosaur essence near the crystal.

After Hubert directed his blood towards the pseudo soul. It suddenly went alive, then it moved towards the blood essence and devoured it like a hungry beast. Reddish gold and savage blood was now emitting from the soul, and it formed a creature which is laying down next to the crystal. Hubert made a deep breath and was happy with his success.

Later on he called the saber mammoth and asked his second soul to eat and devour the newly created object. The saber mammoth went and engulfed the pseudo soul. After its consumption, the saber mammoth created a cocoon that covered his entire body .

In the process, Hubert's soul skill suddenly activated. The creation and destruction skill suddenly went out of control and poured a lot of energy going to the cocoon. The energy that was being poured was coming from the Gigantic crystal hovering in his consciousness. After the skill was done pouring the energy, it deactivated and went silent. The crystal's color dimmed a little bit and suddenly, it started spinning collecting energies in the atmosphere.

This made the surrounding areas in Hubert's vicinity to produce an energy so thick, that it created mist and dew's which would be beneficial to anyone who would meditate in those areas.

What came next was his other soul skill, "Verbosity of life" this fastened the evolution of the saber mammoth which is now covered with a bloody cocoon. And after 4 to 5 day of waiting, the cocoon solidified and became a gigantic crystal egg with the color's of savageness. Hubert observed the egg and knew that the saber mammoth was in its incubation period.

While Hubert was doing his thing, a large number of monsters were attracted by the life energy coming out of Hubert. They dashed towards his area planning to digest the thing which produced an attractive energy. The energy emitting from Hubert made the monsters in the surroundings go berserk. Their eyes went red and their minds was dulled, also the monsters did not care if there were higher ranking creatures mixed with them. They only cared about devouring the thing which produced a great amount of life essence. This created a beast tide, where the monsters were searching for the origin of the life energy.

The mysterious woman noticed what was happening and converged a spell which hid the area where Hubert was executing his plans. She also casted another type of concealment spell, this masked the energy coming out of Hubert and change it to the normal energies present in the atmosphere.

The mysterious woman also went and killed all the monsters that were acting based only on their instincts and frightened them to death. When the higher ranking beast saw what was happening, they got scared and went back to their territories and just hid.