
326: Did You Like It?

"Are you guys sure that we are supposed to go to grandma's house? I mean mum and Dad said that the celebrations are there but some of you are still sleeping."

Thanksgiving day was like heaven in the family of The Blacks. Today it was exceptional. The blacks had invited the Templetones and they agreed to attend it. Nimo and her siblings were busy trying to get the best clothes for them to wear through their uncle, Brian had said that he had their clothes ready. 

Ashley walked out of the bathroom and was still I'm her towel. Her hair was dripping wet. She was busy talking to her 'doctor' as if she was waiting for some shots or a good Dicklophena.

Nimo wondered when she was going to focus on her studies and stop fantasizing about the doctor. She cleared her throat and Ashely looked at her. 

              "Don't start it Nimo, what now?"

"Are you sure he is not married because only married men do that, they make you smile and then they leave you crying?"

Ashley stood from her bed and looked at her. 

"You know maybe you should try and talk nicely to Jade though your parents will chop your head off and you will realize how nice it is to have someone that l....."

           "Why are you guys talking about me?"

Ashley and Nimo turned around me and looked at Jade who was standing next to the door holding a phone in his hands. His other hand was inside the picket and it was not coming out.

"I was asking your girlfriend here to talk to you nicely because next year you won't be here, and she is not hearing my advice."

Nimo turned around and looked at Jade with frowning eyes. 

"Can you tell her for the hundredth time that you have a girlfriend, I hate her though and you won't be looking at my side again. Plus you are my brother and my trainer so no, I am not going there."

"Wait, is that the same girlfriend that you punched for being an asshole?."

"Okay, guys shut up, sorry Nimo, keep it down, we should be hurrying, they brought Noah outside and we will be using it to go to your grandmother's."

They all dressed up and headed to the Noah that was waiting outside. Ashley was still busy on her phone texting the person whom she had invited to come for Thanksgiving. She was excited that she was going to meet her parents though Davids said that he must meet her first before he walks over to meet her parents. 

Davids was on the way to pick up Daniella when Ashley texted her about inviting her doctor for Thanksgiving. She agreed to pick him up before heading home. She first had to pick Daniella. 

Arriving at the school, she saw Daniella talking to a certain man who was standing next to her more closely. She didn't like this idea. She wanted to throw it away but nothing was happening. She still thought that maybe the man tried to shove his mouth into Daniella's mouth because the way Daniella was talking didn't look like they were having any normal conversation. 

She walked out of the car and walked toward them with her hands in a fist. She didn't care about the girls who were looking at her. She was focused on one person and no one else. 

Arrivingmg at the scene, she stood afar and saw the way they were still arguing. 

             "Baby, is everything okay?"

Daniella looked at her and was startled. She didn't know what to tell her but she had to say something.

            "What does it concern you?"

Davids walked to the man and punched him in the face. 

"Baby noo, we were just trying to argue with him about some class stuff nothing serious, please don't hit him."

"I hate his reply and I have seen you two arguing since I came in, what is the argument all about?"

Daniella walked with Davids who was now grabbing her hands and settling her in the car and tied her safety belt like a baby. The man stood up and watched the way Daniella was being treated and wanted to run closer but some men in black stopped him. This doesn't look all well. Daniella knew that next time she will be accompanied by men in black and they will be next to her every second. 

"I love you, Daniella, don't let that man lie, I love you and I will give my everything to love you."

Davids closed the door and moved to the man. Daniella thought she was going to sit in the driver's seat but she didn't see her. When she didn't see her come on the other side, she tried to open the door but it was closed. 

"Hey, you still love your life, or do you want to ruin it? I can ruin it right now if you want me to."

"Try it, you have money and you are using her we all know that you don't love her and you are just using her because you have money. She doesn't look loved, she was saying how love is a scam and she doesn't want to, she accepted my  kiss!"

"Check your phone, after that don't talk about it again. She is married and you should respect that. If you want her that bad, focus and you will get someone your type because you can't get another one like her."

Davids walked away her heart heavy when she heard the man say that Daniella didn't believe in love. She wondered what they were talking about and if Daniella didn't bother to show the ring on her finger to him that she was engaged.

The man ran back to her and was crying asking her to at least ask the university to accept him back. She had taken a picture of the man a d sent it to the administration to expel him. She was just giving him the red flag to back down, with time he was going to ask them to take him back. She was not focusing on his please, her bodyguards were trying to keep him away but they were unsuccessful. She assumed him and went into the car and fled leaving the man all alone.

         "What did you do?"

"I tried and explained to non believer that love is real and anyone can have it. Now that you don't believe in one"

"Davids, I was just trying to keep him off, he was pestering me for long and I didn't mean to sound rude?"

"Did it sound rude when you kissed him because that doesn't sound like someone who was trying to talk someone down? There are usually two answers, Yes or No the other talking I don't know about it. If someone can't understand them they should leave you alone. If they persist tell me I can deal with it."

Daniella looked at her and sighed. She was not planning on telling Davids anything about the man who was trying to fall in love with her. Yes, he kissed her but did she enjoy it? She wanted to ask herself but looked forward. 

"Wait, why should I tell you? So that you can take care of him the way you have taken care of this helpless romantic man? I am a grown-up Davids, please give me a chance to grow up and talk off people"

Davids was burning with Rage when she heard what Daniella was talking about. She felt like she was blaming her fit something that she doesn't know about and she needed to let her be. 

           "Did you like the kiss?"

Daniella was now shooting her glares at Davids but she was focused on the road. 

"You know what, don't answer it. You are not married Daniella and the babies are the only thing bounding you to me, so don't feel the pressure you can't taste the waters. If you feel like my cold rigid stick doesn't turn you on maybe their warm rigid ones will. You can go, fly baby."

They screeched at the airport and Davids looked at the picture Ashley sent her. She walked out of the car and stood near the exit gate to wait for the guest. 

Seeing a blond gentleman walking towards the gate with just a backpack and a suit with two men, she raised her hands  The man looked at his phone and walked toward her. 

"Hello, Davids, you look exactly like the picture Ashley sent only that the cute little chubby sweetheart of yours is not around. How are you doing?"

The guy wanted to do a hug but Davids stretched her hands for him and he was startled. He thought he was going to make Davids happy with a hug? He is wrong.

"Richard, the vehicle is there, I was told you are the only one allowed. Who are these two clowns?"

Richard looked behind him at the men standing like they were about to hit someone. 

    "They are my bodyguards they are coming with me "

"If they are bodyguards they can walk or they can look for a way to get home. Get into the car."

Richard talked some Italian to the men behind him and he walked with Davids. Seems the two men didn't hear what Davids said and they were following him.

Davids turned around and punched one of them in the face breaking his nose. He was down. The other one tried to remove a gun but Davids was too quick, she grabbed it and let all the bullets spread on the floor. 

           "What was that for?"

"I told you, they can't follow my ass and you are here telling them to come. I was not jokings. Follow my rules."

        "You are not what Ashley said you were."

"Baby boy, nothing that you expect. Let's get you to Ashley, then will see if I am accepting your ass or not."

        "Can you be nice, Davids?