
320: Davids is......

Why didn't you explain about the sperms to me, I thought you were being sincere with me, why didn't you tell me, Mrs. Smith? Now she wants to take the kids away from me because I lied and confessed late, you see the way things are hard for me, I can't even focus, I am confused about what she is saying. She is not even talking to me. 

"Daniella, calm down, please don't get mad but when you said that you wanted someone you didn't know, I couldn't just give you anybody else's, Davids put an effort to make sure that I stored hers though it was a hard thing to do because at the same they were premature so I didn't know if they will work much. I am sorry but, if a patient doesn't want to know about the identity of their donor, we can't tell them.

I am like your daughter, Mrs. Smith, you could have told me, I know it's hard but you could have told me about me. Imagine the shock I receive when she told me that she wants to take the kids because she was the donor? I need to talk to her parents, I don't know where she went to, she that and stormed out of the house.

I can't believe that all along Davids was the father, how could this have happened? I thought it was growth then maybe it was a serious growth that could have done a lot of things. Why did she have it chopped off? Where is she even now?

Walking out of the room, I found the kids all sitting in the living room looking at each other while sipping coffee. Ashley was on her phone screen busy tapping away. 

       "Ashley, can you come over here for a minute?"

The other kids looked at Ashley then at their mum who was calling Ashley. They thought maybe she was going to help their mother with something in the bedroom that she can't. Like pushing the bed or maybe arranging the closet though they sometimes help with that.

Ashley quickly stood from the chair and asked them to go on watching, she will be back.

                       "Are you okay, where is Davids?"

I looked at Ashley, she was worried too. She has been worried ever since Davids started acting out. She looked at me and I wanted to know if by any chance she knew about the father thing and didn't tell her.

"Look, when I found out, I told Davids, she said she will talk to you guys, and I thought it was a good thing you hear from her than from me, what good will it make?"

No, Ashely, what bad will it make? She is threatening to take the kids away from me and throw me out of the house? I need to call Brian to come over. I can't take this Ashely, I can't even get anything straight, I still hear his words ringing in my head. I don't know what has gotten into her but really out it out of my head. She can't take my kids, I love her but she can't take my kids away from me.

Ashley walked towards me and patted me, I didn't know what to do. I quickly called Brian and asked him to come over. Luckily he was driving from work and said she will be here in a minute.  I waited for him. Though Ashely was by my side trying to make sure that I didn't break down. I was already broken to see the way Davids was hating me, the way she did she doesn't want to speak to me made me run wild. I wanted to listen to her say anything else but what she was saying without talking is, ', I hate you!'

Hey, go back so that the kids won't know that I am crying here, if Brian comes by please tell him I am in here 

Ashley was hesitant but she had to go. Nimo might come in any minute and I didn't want them to know of anything This argument is something sensitive and Nimo was already sensing that I was going to be thrown out of the house and something was not right between Davids and me.

Ashley agreed and she went back into the living room the good thing, was the room was soundproof and the only thing that you can hear is muffling. Someone can hear when I talk when the door is opened.

I sat by myself looking at the picture on my phone. The screen saver that was staring at me. It was a picture of our camping. Davids had noticed a good place for us to go camping and she invited Nimo's friend and Clara too. That was another happy moment in our lives. Damien took the picture of us when we were done packing and wanted to head home.

 Looking at that picture. Nimo had her basketball jersey while the boys had matching camp t-shirts like twins. For Davids, she had a T-shirt that was hugging her features while all I had was a tank crop top. With Davids hands on my waist.

I didn't want to think of the sad moment. I know I am at fault too. I should have come clean before anything else, I should have told everyone before they took us in. Now, look at what is happening. I wanted to shed a tear but I was interrupted by Brian's bursting into the room.

         "Ooh no, poor baby, are you okay darling?"

I opened my hands and cried on his chest. This is the other place I can lay on and cry as much as I want. I know he means well to me and can't have me drowned up. 

              "Daniella, is everything okay?"

They came with Mum Vicky too, at least I have another mum's chest to sleep on and they hear all about my problems. She won't judge or she won't throw me out of the house.

She hugged and I cried on her chest all I wanted. She hushed me and fiddled with me to make sure that I kept quiet.

"What happened Daniella, what's bothering my baby?"

Mum Vicky held my hands while massaging them. She knows very well Davids is mad at me for everything and she doesn't want to be mad at me now because she understood me and why I had to do that. 

"She is the one, she is the one who fathered the two twins. She just told me and I confirmed it from Mr.s Smith."

"What? Wait a minute, what do you mean by that? What do you mean by, she is The father? She can't do that."

I know they were shocked, Brian sat on the other side trying to listen to my story. Turns out she was the only one who knew that she was trying as much as she could to contain the pain that she had with her growth. It could sometimes shrink and sometimes just work normally and Davids feared it might cause more trouble and had to have surgery to relieve the pain. He even accompanied her to the hospital where they remove them.

Mum Vicky started calling Davids but she was not picking up her phone, I feared that something has happened to Davids. Maybe she got drunk the way she started the night she found out that she was the reason her mother couldn't remember anything.

"She said she is going to take the babies away from me, please talk to her, I love her, I love the kids too and I don't want any of them to be taken away from me, please. I will cry and even die If they are taken away from me. I love them so much."

Mum Vicky asked Brian to call her but he said her phone was now off. We didn't know where she can go. She never goes anywhere or drinks anywhere specific. We talked to Damien but Damien was in the house after work and they haven't talked to Davids ever since. Everyone was worried. Brian called his boyfriend who informed Dominic and they started searching for her.  My heart was thumping and I was shaking. This was not right,  don't know what it is this time. I think something bad has happened.

"Daniella, are you okay, is everything okay?"

I wanted to reply but screams were heard from the living room. We all rushed and went there. The guards from outside were in the room at once. It was the kids. They were crying uncontrollably. Looking around, Ashely was quickly searching for the remote. I focused my eyes on the television and up there, was a picture of Davids and on the screen, there was the biggest headline that everyone would want to see. 

"David Black has been involved in an accident. The Youngest C.E.O is in a critical condition."

I can't breathe, I can't breathe, I need some air, please get me some air. 

          "Mummy, mummy, is dad going to be okay?"

           "Mum, please look at me, is sad going to be okay?"

          "Ashley, close the television, close the television!"

"Daniella, Daniella, look at me baby, look at me baby, Daniella, look at me, you are alright she is going to be fine, look at me. 

              "Hello, Damien, Damien what's going on? "

      "Mummy, look at me, mummy please, mommy is dad okay?."

There are a lot of voices in my head, I can't see clearly but I can hear several voices running around.  I think someone is holding me from falling but I cant see them.

No, Davids is in the hospital, I need to be there!