

"Thanks for bringing my girl back, I have been looking for her everywhere," said the woman who was hugging Ashley.

"It. It's okay mama, no problem," Daniella stammered as she watched Ashley tightly hug her mum's leg.

She wanted to ask Ashley if the lady was her mum but she didn't need to do that because the resemblance was that of a coin to its partner. 

What are her mind was the statement she said about someone complaining of her stubbornness. She knew that was her character and she can't let it for that easily what she wanted right now was to get Davids and pinch her pretty cheeks for leaving her behind.

"I am Mrs Smith, this is my daughter," greeted the lady.

She had even forgotten about their presence before yer. She stretched her hands to meet hers.

"She is Daniella, like the boat mum," shouted Ashley beating Daniella at it. 

Daniella smiled at her and Ashley winked. 

"Mum, can she please come with us, we can share the upper room with her," nagged Ashley as she grabbed her mum's dress. 

Med Smith looked at Ashley and smiled at Daniella. Daniella knew she was going to ask her to join her because their little girl is so sweet and very good at using her puppy eyes to convince people to accept her grievances.

"Okay, I am going to join you little munchkin," Daniella told her as she pinched her cheeks playfully. 

Ashley higher her and Mrs Smith led the way towards the upstairs. The upstairs had fee people because it was reserved for the VIPs. Daniella was excited by the beautiful designs of the ferry. The gold coated rails that led you upstairs and the mahogany seats that were neatly arranged systematically. 

Some travellers were resting on the comfy sun loungers, others were busy swimming and jumping up and down below the ocean and the rest of them were strolling around.

As much as she was enjoying all these fun and amazing views by the ocean, she was still not sure whether she wanted to be here. She knew Davids must be parking somewhere and she needs to find her and take her home or back to the restaurant. 

She walked around look g for Ashley who was busy in the kitchen being chased by staff after stealing a dozen if chocolate cakes.

"Run!" Shouted Ashley as she knocked her over with her little body, Daniella we still looking at her and the chef who was coming after her, she just decided to run after Ashley until the chef was not running after them again. 

"Why are you puck8ng things that aren't yours?" Shouted Daniella as she grabbed the cakes from her hands.

Ashley frowned as she avoided her eyes. Daniella felt bad about the way she was behaving. She knew her parents are capable of giving her anything she wants but still couldn't understand why she was stealing.

"I am telling your mum about this, you can't he stealing from people," told Daniella as she walked towards the ferry's patio.

Ashley lif5ed her head and she knew Daniella was not lying about it.

"Stop!" Shouted Ashley from behind. 

Daniella smiled and looked at her. 

"I just wanted this to be fun with you okay, I didn't want you to be bored when you are around me, okay?" Asked Ashley as she walked slowly towards Daniella. 

Daniella walked towards her and hugged her tightly. She didn't know that what this young girl wanted was to be happy.

"I am grateful Ashley, but you can't make this fun when stealing from people," explained Daniella before pinching her cheeks playfully and Ashley smiled back.

"Sorry, are you going to tell my mother now?" She asked brushing Daniella's hair while sue was kneeling before her.

Daniella shook her head and looked at her baby cite face, "no, but I will if you don't tell me where my friend is,"

Daniella faked a growl as she talked to her, this was the only way she was going to get answers from her.

"Is that a way to get an answer from a kid?" Came Davids' voice from the entrance of the ferry.

Daniella quickly jumped to Her and hugged her tightly. 

"What the hell babe, I thought it was just running here and there not in here!" Shouted Daniella as she picked her cheeks.

"I told you she is aggressive and dramatic," said Davids as she pointed at Daniella.

"Trust me, just five minutes and I wanted to leave her at the dock," said Ashley bossly. 

Daniella looked at both of them and pouted in anger, " aha, look at this pretty little liar trying to convince you, she is the annoying one, can you imagine she stole berries, cookies and now we are running from the chef because she stole a dozen if cakes!" Said Daniella with her hands akimbo.

"What? I didn't steal them it was meant to stay you before your prince charming here finds you, look at you," mocked Ashley.

Davids was watching them argue for nothing. She knew this might lead here or one of them will throw tantrums and she was surprised that both of them are acting so baby-like.

"What about we leave this here and watch the little island that is drawing near, come," she called as she grabbed Ashley's hands.

"So you are going to grab her hands and not mine?" Asked Daniella as she remained stagnant in her previous position.

"I am the baby, you are a grown-up, what's wrong?" Asked Ashley beat Davids to her response.

"Did you hear her calm you, babe, I am the baby, and you my friend is Ashley!" Said Daniella.

Ashley rolled her eyes and removed the strand of hair that was blocking her vision.

"Girl, move, I am the baby, you are Daniella!" She said.

"Okay, I love you both, can you stop it now," asked Davids as she went to hold Daniella's hand and helped her upstairs.

"Is this how you will behave when we gave kids?" Asked Davids as they walked to the patio.

Ashley was long gone to him with the other kids. She didn't bother to bid the goodbye because they are still staying on the ferry for some time before heading to the dock tomorrow.

They stood and watched the beautiful island that was growing bigger every time they moved closer to it. Daniella stretched her hands painfully trying to catch it and Davids was busy taking some beautiful pictures of her. 

She always loved it when she was happy, carefree and jumpy all at once. These are the little things that she wanted to see her do every day.

"Did you know we are going to be coming here?" Asked Daniella as she let the wind blow her hands.

"No, I was just running here and I saw your name on the ferry, a funny coincidence don't you think?" Asked Davids while picking the glasses of drinks that the waiter was passing.

Handing one to Daniella, she sipped hers slowly while watching Daniella through the brim of her glass. 

Daniella stretched her hands and placed them on Davids lap, caressing her lap slowly she looked into her eyes, "are you serious about kids?" Asked Daniella in a whisper.

She had been thinking about what Daniella asked, she knew at some point Davids and she will be a couple, married, settled somewhere and the society won't be a bother but she didn't know whether she is serious about kids.

They have never talked about that subject let alone talking about being serious. 

Davids placed her drink on the stool next to her and clasped her into Daniella's. 

She knew it was going to be hard for them to have kids and the uncertainty of how their life will end up jas been eating her up for some days now. 

But right now, listening to her talk about babies, she wanted to hug her so tight and tell her that she is willing to do that, having their mini faces walking around would be much fun.

"If you want even now, I won't mind, I will gladly do that even now!" She said while looking at her.

"Are you serious, too bad you can't get me pregnant," she said sadly. 

Davids frowned and looked at her, "I can get you pregnant who said I can't?" She asked while grabbing the lower part of her jeans.

Daniella had to slap her hands because little kids were playing around.

"What if we get a boy to donate her sperms then we will use them, one egg from you and another one I will give out?" Asked Daniella and Davids nodded her head.

Davids knew this will be a huge thing for them, but if it's with Daniella she was willing to do anything just to make sure that she was happy and smiling.

"Can we pass by some hospital and look for handsome men who want to donate their sperms?" Asked Daniella.


Thanks for reading😍