
Lost and Found: Wealthy Son Comeback

In three months, Jack's life changed drastically. He found out that his parents weren't his. Then the true family found him. Because of pure luck. Will they accept him? How his sisters and parents will react to his comeback? What future is in front of him? Will he be with his crush? How his school life will change? All is in front of him. Will he grab all or pass? Who knows? -------------------- Cover not mine Upload 1 or 2 chapters a day (1POV)

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473 Chs

Not this summer

With it, time passed. Who knows when? As all kept being talked about, I looked at Megan.

When she saw my look, she pointed out that we should talk in the back. Seeing it, I nodded, and when we got there, I could see Sophia and Joanna walking toward us.

"Oh, Jack, it will not be hidden."

"I know. From what I heard, it will be a huge one. Good, that's not for many people," I said to Joanna.

Hearing my words, she nodded, and I said, "So, Megan. When do you plan to have yours?

"Oh, not this summer. We need to discuss this with Adam. It will be hard for us. Especially hearing what is happening here."

"For you, it's easy. I hear my parents talking about this daily," Jim's voice comes on. As he looked at us, he added, "So, as this will be closer. It will only get worse."

"Oh well," I said only. When Paula came to us, she asked, "What group had formed here?"

"Oh, we are talking about how it has come."

"Not only have you thought that it is too early?" Paula said to Joanna. Hearing her words, Joanna shook her head and said, "Jack is the youngest of us, and having the wedding is first."

"Oh right, I forgot. This will take them long for the next one."

"No. Megan will have one with Adam sooner than later," I said. When Paula nodded and hugged me, she asked, "Will you invite your grandpa?"

"Yes. Him for sure. I do not know about grandma. I will see."

"Who?" Joanna, Sophia, and Megan asked at the same time.

"Grandpa Smith. I still have contact with him."

"Oh, right. Then you shouldn't," Megan said. Hearing her words, I nodded. As she smiled, we talked for some time until we were called to come back to the table. After sitting, more food had come.

I could see that alcohol had shown up.

Paula's dad wanted to have a drink with me. After telling him that I was not drinking, he looked at me. When Paula nodded, he passed on drinking with me.

Seeing it, I smiled, and the talks kept going about the wedding and party after this. While doing it, I just wished I could go with Paula to put our signatures on all.

As it started becoming bigger and bigger, I said, "Can we just put signatures on paper? All this can be after we come into place."

"Jack," Paula said. Hearing her words, I nodded and said, "Sorry."

"No problem," Paula's grandma said. When I smiled, and they came back to all, I mostly kept sitting here. With time, passing on mostly sitting, and from time to time eating something, Paula said, "We will be going."

After she smiled, and we said goodbye to everyone, we took everything and came back into the car. While there, I looked at Paula. When she smiled, she said, "I agree with your idea. They will not let us do this."


When Paula smiled and kissed me. I nodded, and our drive back home had become. When we finally got there, I looked at Paula. Seeing her smiling, I nodded, and we walked out. After taking everything from the car, I walked after her inside.

While there, I smiled, and as Paula sat on the couch, we started checking gifts. Mostly, which we received from my family.

While doing it, Paula smiled and said, "Nothing."

"Good. Will you check it?" I asked, and as she shook her head, she said, "What they can hear? My moaning."

"Oh, come on," I said. When Paula smiled and moved closer to me, she sat on my lap. While being like that, I could feel that she bit my ear a little and said, "Let's realize the beast in you."

"Oh," I said. When Paula moved her head, I smiled and started kissing her. While doing it, all the time passed. We moved from the couch to the corridor and the bedroom. All there had ended.

After all this, we took a shower, and after ending it, we changed and came out. While looking at Paula, she said, "So I let you realize him."

"It was good. So something to eat or drink."

"Oh yes. Coke," Paula said. Hearing her words, I nodded and walked to make tea for me. While having it, I came back to her, and while watching the series, ready to watch, I smiled, and we started watching it.

While doing it, we made a quick break for supper and came back to watch. While doing it, we finished around midnight. After it, we all walked to bed. As we changed after having a shower and while hugging, we fell asleep not long after.

After waking up, I looked at Paula sleeping on my side. While looking at her, she moved to bed.

Seeing it, I started thinking about whether she would wake up or not. It is only to move during sleep. Seeing it, I smiled and moved up. While looking around, I smiled and walked to the bathroom. After ending it all there, I smiled and crawled to the kitchen.

Time to make breakfast. After this, I will need to think about what to cook for my godmothers. While thinking about this, I smiled and fully focused on making breakfast.

When I had done this all, I smiled and crawled to the bedroom. Seeing Paula being awake, I smiled and said, "Breakfast to bed."

"Oh. thank you."

Hearing her words, I smiled, and after sitting on Paula's side, we started eating.

With time passing, we had done it all. As I looked at her, I took the plate and said, "Go to the bathroom."

"Ok," Paula said. When I smiled, she walked to the bathroom. Seeing it, I smiled and walked to clean it all. When I had done this all, I waited for Paula to come back.

When she looked at me, I smiled and looked at Paula. Seeing her look, I smiled, and said, "So for godmothers."

"Oh, right? Let's all prepare," Paula said. When I nodded, she smiled, and we started preparing it. After finishing it, I smiled, and we moved to the couch before starting to cook.