
3- Leaving one hell for another

Hey there fellas, gazer here. I have a announcement to make.

You see, I am currently in my final year of college and my break is about to end in a week so I won't be able to upload any new chapters for at least 3 weeks.

Now that that's out of the way, lets get into the story!


On a trash covered beach After hiroki's fight with gun, it's been a few hours.

Gun sat on the remains of a old truck, his eyes fixed at the sleeping boy.

"He looks like a high school student so he's at most 15-16."

"He has a good physique so I won't have to waste much time in conditioning his body like I had to do with 'him'."

"But unlike him or Johan, this boy lacks experience and his arsenal of techniques is completely empty."

"But What scares me is his recovery speed. A few hours ago he looked half dead, but now..."

Hiroki looked as if he just received a beating, nothing serious, which wasn't the case a few hours ago.

His damaged arm was almost healed, broken fingers and bursted blood vessels were as good as new with the torn muscles still in the process of mending back together.

Deep cuts and mild bruises now looked like scratches and shallow marks.

"The only person I have seen with this kind of healing speed was that monster."

"But unlike him whose presence alone exuded perfection this kid has a weird feeling surrounding him."

Gun thought, remembering the boy who broke his arm.

"Break must have begun a day or 2 ago so I have 3 months to turn this boy into someone worthy to become my heir."

Suddenly gun's phone vibrated. He took it out to see a message.

After opening it his eyes widen. His silver eyes shifted to the boy.

"So you're related to 'him' huh. I never expected to meet you like this."

A inhumanely wide and scary grin spread across his face, his unique eyes made him look even more demonic.

"This really must be fate, nephew!!!"

Suddenly his phone begins to ring. Looking at the caller ID his smile became less intense.

He picked up the call and put it on speaker.

{Gun. Are you done with your business?}

The masculine voice from the other side of the call indicated that it was a man and from the tone of his voice, he should be in his 40s

"I am. But something has came up, so I won't be able to return for the next 3 months."

After a long pause the person on the other side said.

{Do you even hear yourself? You know how tense the situation is after James's betrayal, yet you want to stay there for 3 months?}

"Yes. I found someone who can take care of the clan matters if anything goes wrong."

After a few moments, the man sighed then said.

{I came this far because of you so I will trust your judgment. But may I ask who is this person that you chose as your heir?}

As soon as gun heard that his demonic grin returned with full force.

"He's The son of Gin no hijiri tōshi.(silver saint)"

Gun heard the sound of glass shattering from the other side of the phone. After sometime time the man chuckled.

{You really do have a knack for finding interesting people don't you. But make sure this one wouldn't turn out like your other creations.}

After a few minutes of talking gun ended the call as his gaze shift to hiroki who was still asleep.

"I have a feeling that these 3 months will be very entertaining."


At the mori household kaede sat on the couch.

After the incident between kanoko and hiroki, kaede took her to the hospital.

Thankfully her fingers weren't broken but the doctor had prohibited her from using her hand for at least 2 weeks.

They both had spent the entire night and morning at the hospital.

When they returned, the front door was locked. After unlocking and entering the house she called hiroki.

She tried again and again but he didn't pick up and after sometime his phone became out of reach.

Her worries increased from that. She called ayumu and asked if hiroki was with her but the girl denied saying she hadn't seen him properly in the past few months.

She then called nao and asked her if hiroki was with her and just like ayumu, nao denied.

Kaede was getting more and more worried.

"He probably ran away after what he did to me. Don't worry mom, I'm sure he would return when he realized how useless he is without us."

Kanoko said plopping on the sofa, her right hand was in a cast.

"Yeah you're right. He's been a headache ever since his inferior father died."

Kaede said putting her phone down and began rubbing her belly.

"But we don't have to worry anymore since we're going to give birth to our superior master's child."

Kanoko smiled and gently touched her own belly with her unharmed hand and said.

"Yeah. It would be better if that brat didn't come back, then We can be a proper family with master."

Kaede nodded and had an idea.

"Even if he came back all we have to do is kick him out."

Kanoko grinned and agreed to the idea, not knowing what kind of monster they have unleashed.


A black haired man sat on a chair inside a room that looked to be a study. He was pale as a ghost with bags under his eyes.

A young blonde haired boy, at most 7 sat in his lap. He had a few bruises and a swollen eye but even with all those injuries he was smiling as he excitedly talked to the man.

"-and after I beat those bad kids, kana gave me a candy for saving her!"

The man chuckled and ruffled his hair. The texture was different from his original hair due to the dye, as he said.

"Good job protecting your classmate hiroki, I'm proud of you. How about ice cream for your bravery."

Hiroki beamed and hugged the man.

"Thanks dad!!!"

The man looked at hiroki with a small smile and said.

"Hiroki, dad will be leaving soon. In the future you will have to face many problems in life."

his smile became warmer as he held the young boy's shoulders.

"There will be people who would wish you harm. if it gets too difficult and there's no way you can handle it."

Hiroki looked up at his father.


The warm and gentle smile morphed into demonic grin. His sclera turned black with silver veins, his irises turned silver and the pupils disappeared.



Hiroki's eyes flew open as he sat up and winced from the bruises which had yet to heal.

"You're finally awake huh, Sure took a while."

Hiroki's neck snapped towards the voice only to see gun standing on a pile of damaged electronic appliances.

Hiroki looked around to find himself surrounded by mountains of trash and junk.

"W-where am I?!?!"

Hiroki yelled looking around. Panic was evident in his voice.

Gun had the feeling of deja vu, the boy reminded him of how he met his masterpiece.

"This is the place where you will be reborn. I will turn into someone worthy to be called my successor!"

Hiroki heard him and before he could question, a Ding sounded.


[A Awakening quest has arrived]

[Path to the throne.]

[Become the heir of Yamazaki gun, the current head of Yamazaki clan]

[Rewards:(1) +1 Title

(2) +1 Awakening token

(3) +1 armor draw ticket(rare)

(4) +25,000 credits ]

[Penalty upon failure: Death]

Hiroki's eyes widen as he saw the Penalty.

'D-death? I-i will die if I d-don't accept this quest?'

Hiroki thought as his heartbeat became faster, but suddenly a cool feeling enveloped his entire being as he calmed down.

[Gamer's mind has been activated.]

Hiroki took a deep breath then looked at gun who was looking at him expectantly.

"So... where do we start?...master."

At his words the smile on gun's face widened.

"You won't have to do much since you already have a good enough physique. So, all you have to do is..."

Gun suddenly flipped him in the air. While mid air hiroki's eyes met gun's.

"...fight me!"

Hiroki was slammed into a rusty car causing it to cave in from the force.



Hiroki laid on the ground panting and covered in bruises as gun stood over him, a approving grin on his face.

"You lasted 16 minutes. Not bad, I'll give you 54 points. Now rest up, we'll begin after 5 minutes."

Hiroki looked at gun who was walking away from him while looking at his phone.

After confirming he's alone, hiroki opened his status window but what he saw shocked and confused him.

[Name: Hiroki mori/yamazaki

LV: 8(76/800)

Title: Holy spawn


HP: 437/1600

MP: 283/470

STR:41 (+)

SPD:49 (+)

END:45 (+)

SEN:39 (+)

INT:47 (+)

Grade: Awakened

Enchantment token: +12 uncommon (?)

Experience token: +5 uncommon (?)

Awakening token: 0 (?)

Fortune token: +2 (?)

Rejuvenation token: 0 (?)

Credits: 5850 (?) ]

What shocked him wasn't the stat boost but his name.

"Y-yamazaki? Am I related to gun? Is that why he chose me as his successor? But how?"

Suddenly the realization hit him like a truck as his father's face appeared in his mind, specifically his eyes.Those eyes resembled gun's but at the same time they were different.

"Kill them all."

Those words swirled in his head, his father was a related to a yakuza, but something didn't add up.

His father was always sickly and tired. How could a man like that be connected to a yaku-!!!


Gun's words hit him like a ton of bricks as he glanced at the new 'title' option. It wasn't there before.

"Show title."

[Title: holy spawn

Grade: mythic

Type: growth

Info: you are the child of a legend. His blood flows in your veins and rages with power, ever growing. The blessings of the warriors protects you.

Effect: +50% stat growth

+50% skill growth

+25% luck on using the draws ]

Hiroki read the information in stunned silence. It all felt like a dream.

But he knew, it was the reality and now he has become the heir of a monster. He let out sigh thinking.

"Well at least it's better than that hell hole called home. My only worry here is if I'll survive this monster's training."

Suddenly Hiroki felt his instincts screaming at him as he rolled out of the way in a crouch position as gun's foot slams into the ground where his head previously was.

"Good instincts! Let's see if you can last longer than last time!"

Gun shouted as he dashed towards hiroki ready to pummel him in the ground.

"Did I leave one hell for another? Heh at least I can gain something from this purgatory."

Hiroki thought smirking as he watched gun's movements, copying them.

"Lets do this!"

With that, hiroki dashed at gun, both of their fists were about to collide.



Aaaannnd cut! That's where I'll stop, hope you enjoyed it and I would like to thank you for reading until now.

I have one request tho, can you give me ideas for what the title for the quest should be and what should be its effects.

It can't be better than his current title since its related to a legend.

Speaking of legend, I will explain more about his father in the future chapters, and he is going to be a menace.

So back to the title, I was thinking of making it a CC type effect like yang gukja's(questism) diablo but decided against it.

I want it exclusively to influence the yamazaki clan.

So if you have any ideas then please help me out. With that, abyss gazer, signing out.

-abyss gazer