
Lord of Worlds

Trillions of people were transported to a shattered universe of Gragaria. Everyone became lords and gained a way to own territory. The world is shattered and people will now fight for hegemony against all races that have become lords of their own worlds.

ObsidianWolf · 奇幻
33 Chs

The Couple

"ALICE! What did I just say about professional environments?!"

"You can't even tell he is obviously suspicious of you!"

"We were just about to have a conversation! How could you tell if he was suspi-" Seemingly to remember something the Elf coughed and put on his regal-sounding voice that he used before.


"Lord Allen, I apologize for my outburst. My wife here is a bit 'erratic' at times."

Allen could only stare blankly at the pair who claimed to be married, "How in the- Didn't everyone arrive here only 3 days ago? How are you two married?"

Alice looked at Feno and gave him a once over before turning to Allen, "As much as I hate to admit it, this handsome idiot caught my eye and I fell for him at first sight."

Feno sighed before speaking formally, "I believe we should talk about more formal things before talking about personal matters. For example, why have you trespassed onto my territory?"

Allen soon was pulled back to reality as he put off the questioning of the relationships for a bit later. "As I mentioned before, my territory is nearby and I found the Plant Bears nearby which I was in the midst of attacking and discovering where they were, my subordinates informed me of your territory's border. I decided to check out my second closest Lord to me. I also wanted to find out how you planned to live the bear's attacks or if you were worth saving."

Feno frowned before speaking with confidence, "I don't need your help. If worse comes to worst me and my men will be able to escape."

Allen stood waiting for a while but quickly realized that Feno had said everything he wanted. "Is that it? Do you even understand how little that changes things?"

Feno looked very confused, "How would you know anything about my men or camp? I myself can easily reach level 5 tomorrow."

Allen sighed before speaking, "The bears are surrounding this area because this area was likely their territory. If they find what you built in their territory while they were gone, what do you think they do to that stuff? As for your level? That doesn't mean anything in the bear's eyes."

The couple quickly realized what he was saying, "So you are saying we will lose everything if we can't do anything to them?"

"The houses you built are the only reason the bears haven't attacked, and what is your plan when they destroy everything?"

"Then we will just defend it until they give up."

Allen shook his head, "If they haven't given up already when they have been, as the description describes, 'scared away' then I don't think they will give up any time soon even when you all are fighting them. These bears are also very tenacious and would be able to fight a lot longer than you all."

"So what if we start over somewhere else?"

"How can you even do that? You would need at least a summoning circle, or buy one, but you Feno, are you okay not being able to summon your own race ever?"

"Isn't the trade channel selling those things?"

"It's called the trade channel for a reason. You are trading with other Lords for what they want. Humans can be sold because they are easily killed and are more desperate for basic necessities like food. Water Elves like you aren't killed that easily and aren't likely to be sold by their own kind."

Alice spoke up with a sarcastic tone, "So are you the devil offering us a way out? What will you do if we disagree?"

"*sigh* Do you even listen? As I said the first three times, I came here to see who was the second closest Lord to me and who was trapped. I do have a way out for you, but the way out doesn't involve anything you would consider nefarious or even has any tricks."

Feno's frown only deepened as he spoke with certainty, "I will not agree to anything I don't feel is right. I hope your offer includes more than just these wolves. I know they won't be able to defeat those bears alone."

"What I brought with me is my fastest troops to check out the area. The worst-case scenario includes waiting two days for the Earth Giant neighbors to provide support. All I just need to know is when you will run out of protection time and if you are okay being under me."

"Earth Giants? Can't you make a more believable lie? How are we even supposed to wait two more days anyway? You know that the time limit for the house is only two days. How are you going to be able to even protect our territory?"

Allen having already prepared in advance took out the simple Blackstone house crystal he got less than an hour ago, "Well as I said, worst case I will just build another to protect you. As for the Giants, you can go meet them if it is really that unbelievable."

Both Alice and Feno looked at each other and as if they could speak telepathically nodded to each other, "What really are the benefits of being under you? You help us this once and you extort us forever?"

Allen smiled and took this as a perfect opportunity to show them his talent, Subjugation. "Do you, Alice and Feno, agree to be my subordinate? You will get six stipulations each."

The couple stared at each other for a while before they both started a long discussion with each other completely ignoring Allen. Allen on the other hand was forced to watch and feel how his subordinates felt when he got lost in thoughts and ignored them.

Nearly half an hour later the couple finished their talk, "So you must follow the stipulations we put? No matter what?"

"Well yes, so long as I agree to your terms I will be forced to follow them."

The couple turned back to each other and kept discussing with each other for another twenty minutes before they finally turned back to Allen. "Alright! I agree! Here are my terms."

[Lord 'Feno' has accepted to be your subordinate.]


--You cannot attack either Lord Feno or Lord Alice.

--You cannot force anyone to do anything they do not want to do.

--You have no control over our subordinates.

--To agree with these stipulations you must truly be friendly with Earth Giants.

--You must agree to Lord Feno's requests.

--You must accept Alice's stipulations no matter what.


[Do you accept Lord Feno's stipulations?]


Allen frowned and looked at Feno like he was an idiot, "What kind of stipulations are these? I understand the first four, but the last two are simply controlling me without giving me a choice in the matter. I am not a fool. I came here with goodwill. You are looking at the situation with ill intentions."

Feno frowned, "I didn't know you could refuse my stipulations. But now in hindsight, it makes sense."

Allen suddenly felt like this couple wasn't worth it, "Orion, Henry, let's go. These people don't see what is good for them. Feno, Alice, I hope you won't be fools like this forever."

Feno suddenly became angry, "Aren't you going to give me the option again!"

"Why should I give more goodwill when I have given you so much only for you to spit in my face? I don't see any reason I should continue this farce."

Alice this time spoke up, "Wait look at this!"

[Lord 'Alice' has accepted to be your subordinate.]


--You cannot attack either Lords Feno or Alice.

--You must treat Lords Feno and Alice with kindness.

--You must maintain a friendly trade with both Lords Feno and Alice.

--You cannot abandon Lords Feno or Alice at any point.

--You must uphold this treaty with the future heirs and subordinates of Lords Feno and Alice.

--In times of war you must come to support Lords Feno and Alice when asked.


[Do you accept Lord Alice's stipulations?]

[Yes] [No]

Seeing a stipulation page of Alice, Allen calmed down as he turned back to the two Lords. "Alright, you have my attention. These stipulations don't have any malicious intent behind them. So, before I accept, Feno, could you explain more about your stipulations and why you put them that way?"

Feno, although still angry explained himself, "Well, the fifth stipulation was so in the future we could have a few things we couldn't think about now. As for the last stipulation, I was also worried you would deny Alice's requests."

Allen thought about his concerns for a while before talking to them civically about what the stipulations should sound more like. Feno also stopped being angry when he realized his fifth stipulation was making Allen a slave which wasn't his plan.

Soon after the three talked for a while both Alice and Feno had put up different stipulations.

[Lord 'Feno' has accepted to be your subordinate.]


--You cannot attack either Lords, Feno, or Alice.

--You cannot force anyone to do anything they do not want to do.

--You have as much control over our subordinates as you do us.

--Lord Allen must attend a meeting Lords Feno and Alice have organized to talk about problems or concerns they have. Both parties must speak truthfully during the entirety of the meeting. One meeting will only end when both parties agree it has ended.

--I cannot attack Lord Allen.

--In times of war you must come to support Lords Feno and Alice when asked.


[Do you accept Lord Feno's stipulations?]


[Lord 'Alice' has accepted to be your subordinate.]


--You cannot attack either Lords Feno or Alice.

--You must treat both Lords Feno and Alice with kindness.

--You must maintain a friendly trade with both Lords Feno and Alice.

--You cannot abandon Lords Feno or Alice at any point.

--You must uphold this treaty with the future heirs and subordinates of Lords Feno and Alice.

--I cannot attack Lord Allen.


[Do you accept Lord Alice's stipulations?]


Allen who had spent the entire time speaking from on top of a wolf got off and got to talk more friendly for the first time he got here.

"So can you both give me a better explanation of how you got married so fast?"

Should fire mages be called 'Beginner Fire Mage' or 'Campfire Mage'?

ObsidianWolfcreators' thoughts