
Lord of Villain

In the past few hours, I've endured the most excruciating moments of my life. From attending my own funeral, devoid of any emotions, to facing the prospect of imminent death, I thought I had experienced it all. Little did I know that a ray of hope would emerge in the form of a mysterious mechanical voice. [Congratulations, you are selected as a Special-Grade Player.] [As a Special-Grade Player, you are provided with something special that will set you apart from other players.] [Transmigration has been chosen as the form of transportation to the game.] [Completed.] [Starting Transmigration.] At first, being a Special-Grade Player with access to cheat sounded thrilling and enticing. However, little did I realize that this blessing was nothing but a disguised curse, especially for me. In a world where the line between right and wrong blurred, and where the Gods' intentions remained shrouded in mystery, my life as a player was destined to be an arduous journey. A journey from a mere player to the Lord of Villain.

Creator_Destroyer · 奇幻
7 Chs


[Chances are everywhere; you just have to grab them. You might become the ruler of myriad worlds, from the ruler of the Universe to even a..... God.]

[Player Status]

Name: Damerus Noir

Energy Cultivation: 1st Tier

Traits: [Egoist] [Playboy] [Villain] [Calm Mind]

Skills: [Earth Wall] [Lightning Ball]

Manual(s): [Aether Circulating Technique]

God's Game-1: Tutorial

Completion Condition: Be the strongest in this world.

Time Limit: 1 year

Reward: Rewards will be given according to performance.

Penalty: Death

"W-w-wait a minute. A chance to be a... God?? Sylvia, tell me about it," I asked hurriedly, my heart pounding like a drum at the mere mention of becoming a God.

[Well, being in God's Game, the chances of a Player surviving are less than 99.99%. But those who survive will be at a level the host cannot even fathom. As for being a God, it is infinitely close to impossible, but not truly impossible. In other words, there are chances.]

[God's Game might be something no one would like to participate in, but the chances it provides are something that no one will find anywhere else.]


I gulped with a mouthful of nothing, trying to comprehend the enormity of the opportunity presented before me - a chance to be a God. Even though I didn't fully grasp what being a God in this world meant, I couldn't help but recall from my previous life that they were one of the strongest, if not the most powerful, beings.

After some time, I managed to calm down.

My tense muscles started to loosen, and my heartbeat returned to its regular rhythm.

Only then did I proceed to read the other words on the semi-transparent blue screen.

Everything else seemed similar - cough, cough.

'What the f-. Are you serious? A year to be the strongest? The novel told that it was a four-year-long journey, and now it is only one,' I thought, almost coughing blood from the shock of the reduced time limit.

[Host, every piece has been set in its place, and now the pieces have already started to move. It is recommended for you to open the Starter Gift.]

[Would you like to open the Starter Gift?]



"Yes," I said, my temples covered in cold sweat.

[Starter Gift has been opened.]

[You have got:

Special Skill: {Darkness Manipulation} (A/N:- 'Special Skill(s)' will be kept inside {})

Item: Locket (Rank: ???)]

'Out of everything - literally everything, what you gave me is {Darkness Manipulation}. This is inviting the whole world to be against me. You fu*king... Have you ever read the goddamn Novel? This world is literally invaded by the Dark Dimension. Beings with power related to Darkness could already be considered dead. And I don't have the protagonist power related to Light either. I am fu*ked up. huh. Now, I know why Special-Grade Player is a curse and why you told me that I will know soon. Because they know that they are going to be hunted by the whole world in the first few minutes of their new life,' I yelled inside, my eyes bloodshot, my hand clutching the bed, my body shaking, and blood boiling with anger.

I wanted to grab the neck of the one who sent me these 'wonderful' gifts.

'Damn. Why do I even have [Calm Mind] trait?' I asked frustratingly.

I doubted most of the Special-Grade Players would survive even this tutorial. Damn. Now, I pity those Special-Grade Players.

[Ahem. Host, it might not be my time to interfere, but you should read the name of the system again.]

Sylvia's sweet and cute voice, which would melt the heart of any man, resounded in my mind.

'Hmm. Isn't your name Syl- Damn.' I was calmed by the voice of Sylvia at first, but recalling the name of the system, not the AI, I remembered a very crucial thing.

'Lord of Villain System.'

'It is exclusive to me, isn't it?' I asked as I massaged my temples and forehead, my head aching as if it was going to burst any second. I doubted again why I even have [Calm Mind]; it worked fine a few seconds ago, or was I really a psycho to be able to adapt so fast.

[Well, kind of, Yes. Even though Special-Grade Players have to go through the deepest hell, a new hell has been prepared for the host to go through. And also, be prepared.]

"For wha- aakhh."

Before I could say anything more, a sudden crushing pain came from the back of my brain.

And like that, I fainted.

In the same room,

"Damn. I hate these kinds of Night Owls. His eyes were already red, and he was shaking from time to time. Couldn't he just sleep and make my job easier?" A tall and huge man in a black dress that covered almost every part of his body except for his eyes yelled frustratingly, his eyes now turning red from both anger and lack of sleep.

Then he checked the hologram that appeared from his brace on his left hand.

"Damerus Noir.....Tier 1?....This kid is sure to die. Well, whatever, not like I am his nanny." The man said uncaringly as he declared Damerus dead.

Like that, the man carried Damerus on his back and disappeared from the room.A