

After a few minutes--

Fugon raised his hand, ordering the army behind him to stop completely, then he looked at the thousand or so Sages around him and chose only twenty of them, including himself and his daughter Ellis.

"Hmm? What's wrong? There is indeed no room for your whole army but the rest of your Sages can come in too, come, come, What are you waiting for?" Elizabeth, who was standing in front of the sole gate of the metal wall, gestured for them to follow

"Sages?" Fugon asked

"Seems like she meant us, the users of the third stage of the Laws." One of the Sages approached him and spoke in a low voice

"Uh...? No, no thanks, this number will be enough, we don't want to be heavy guests hehe." Fugon forced an ugly laugh out of his mouth and gestured for those he chose to come forward with him toward the gate