
Ch 13: Stupid Actions

" talking "

' thinking '

[ System ]

{ Author Note }

"Because Eywa told us that you would be coming as well, as no normal Na'vi can just walk into here without being realized," Mo'at says with a wise yet slightly playful tone. She then looks up and hears her banshee scream.

"I believe it's time to leave Mo'at." I look up at Eytukan flying down on his banshee with his mates beside him. "I believe you would be correct, lost child."

"I shall wait outside for you two and will follow once you leave, but please be quick. I do need to meet with the all mother." I say with slight urgency that they should be quick but that I would wait a bit.

"We will be out shortly, lost child, but Eytukan and I should talk quickly," Mo'at says with understanding, wanting to leave as she watches me warp out of the tree and turns to her mate.

'Well, let's see what they talk about,' I say, tuning my ears to their conversation as my eyes wander over the large primeval forest.

(Mo'at's POV)

"Do you truly believe we can trust them, Mo'at? What if he ends up destroying the Tree of Souls instead? While I respect his honesty with us, once you brought it up, I don't want us to be severed from Eywa's' grace." Eytukan says with evident concern but also respect for his mate's decisions.

"We can trust him, Eytukan. We just need to put faith in Eywa. She wouldn't have told us of him helping if he was a cause of disaster. We must trust her grace," Mo'at says with reassurance to her mate's concern.

"I know Mo'at, but I can see this going wrong, like how we trusted the sky people," as Eytukan recalls a memory of young Na'vi children being sick because of the sky people.

"It's just like then, Eytukan; we just need to believe he won't lie to us as they did, and he will be more like Grace; we must hope to believe he will respect our culture like she did and trust him," Mo'at says, understanding his concerns and showing that he can help.

"We should leave now, Eytukan. We do not want to make him impatient after all; he sounded as if he was in a hurry." Mo'at emphasizes that they should leave now as she performs Tsaheylu with her banshee.

"You are right, Mo'at. We should leave now." He performs Tsaheylu with his banshee as well and starts to fly out of Hometree towards the Tree of Souls.


'well, that was quite the conversation, though I do understand the concern from Eytukan as he is just trying to protect his people so that I will give him the benefit of the doubt. And it seems like the RDA is already here as they brought up Grace.' as I then jump off the branch and turn into a Dorado Verde.

'This form is too slow to stay behind them. I need to find a banshee to eat that hasn't had Tsaheylu performed with it,' as I morph back into my normal form and run across the forest floor while keeping track of them.

'This is better, and seeing how they are perfectly weaving between trees, they have definitely done this before, and from what my senses are picking up, we should be there soon.' I then jump off the forest floor and start scaling a tree, which lets me run across the branches.

'A random banshee, how nice.' I quickly make a detour and jump off the side of the tree, snatching the forest banshee out of the sky and knocking it into the side of the tree with its wing in my mouth and sliding down the tree.

[DNA Absorption]

Forest Banshee DNA

Mutations Gained: N/A

'To be expected.' as I finish swallowing the forest banshee and quickly morph into it as I jump off the forest floor and quickly catch up to the two of them in the air.

'This form isn't all that bad for speed, and what's even better is seeing Mo'at and Eytukan's shocked expressions as a random forest banshee flies next to them.' I then let my wings pull me behind them as we emerged from the side of the forest over the stone arches above the Tree of Souls.

'So that's the Tree of Souls,' I say as my eyes lock onto the weeping willow-like tree, entranced by its beauty. I start diving towards it to get a better look, completely leaving the two behind me.

As I land next to the Tree of Souls, I morph into my normal form but into my full size as I stand next to the tree to admire its beauty the best I possibly can.

"I understand why you would worship such a beautiful thing and how it is directly connected to your lording deity," I say to the two behind me. They stared awed at my size and questioned whether bringing me was a good idea.

"Oh mighty all-mother Eywa, please Accept me into your grace." I unwrap my queues from my horns and connect them gently to the tree to not damage it or myself.

As my queues connect, I slowly fall asleep. I wrap my body around the Tree of Souls like I am its guardian. 

"Welcome to our domain, lost child." a brown-skinned Na'vi says with pink tendril-like hairs that look reminiscent of the Tree of Souls with sharp claws that could easily cut through a Tulkun and eyes that both scream empathy and apathy as she is the true embodiment of mother nature.

"Thank you for allowing me here, all-mother," I say with respect as I morph into my Na'vi form and bow my head out of respect. "Why do you hide your true form, lost child," Ewya asks with slight confusion.

"I don't know what you speak of, All-mother," I answer with equal amounts of confusion as I shift back into my standard form. "I don't mean that form of you either; I mean your true embodiment of your soul." She walks forward and taps my forehead.

As she taps my forehead, I feel a small rush of memories as my entire body shrinks and compacts itself into a form I can't seem to remember as my hair looks like a light shade of black, just bordering dark brown, as my eyes are dark green with my skin looking tan as I just came off a construction site after a long day of work.

"W-w-what did you just do?" I press my hand against my forehead and look at myself, seeing that I look exactly like I used to, but I don't remember anything else.

"I gave you the form your soul represented, your true form, the only one I was told to give you," Eywa says with a clear voice as she looks over my new form with a content face.

"Who told you to give me this form?" I ask, needing answers and slowly rising anger. I am not allowed to say lost child, but I can point you in the right direction. I was told to help you, and I was told you would help me in return."

"I will help you, but tell me something about this. How did you know?" My form starts to shift slightly, my horns start to grow on my forehead, and another set of arms grow in. My form becomes as big as a Na'vi, and my nails become like those of a Thanator, and they start to heat up like a Scythefish.

My back starts to change as two sets of wings grow in, looking like those of a forest banshee but also covered in plating like that on a sea dragon leviathan. My elbows, knees, and shoulders now covered in ice crystals, and my eyes become like those of a crescent, becoming red in rage.

With my back covered in spikey barbs between my wings, electricity jumping between them as my teeth sharpened, elongated, and became serrated.

"While I may be weak compared to the embodiment of nature, I believe telling me might be a good idea as I am quite literally known as the Apocalyptic Leviathan and the one who devours." as I step forward, my eyes filled with anger and a small glint of desperation for answers.

"You can calm yourself, lost child. I will not fight you as you can help me, and I can help you, so stop." she dashes forward, punching me in the gut with her claws going through my stomach, causing me to be knocked out as well.

(Eywa POV)

"What they see in you, I don't know, but they said you could be useful." I pick up the fallen body of the lost child and insert a memory of telling him what I want in exchange for helping him. 

I then dropped him back on the floor and cast him out of my domain so he could go and complete what I asked. "Hopefully, next time we can talk, it will be more civilized, and you won't get as angry from just seeing your old body."


As I slowly wake up from the removal of Eywa's domain, my body stirs as I slowly get up from around the Tree of Souls. "So she wants me to help her children," I say quietly as I think over how I acted within her domain.

'God, I'm an idiot; the first time I meet a god, I let my anger get over me and demand answers from a being that is probably as old as this planet. just because I can't control myself.' as I get up from around the tree and morph back into my Na'vi form.

'oh, and isn't that funny.' I look at my left pec and see a mark of a wood sprite that occasionally glows pink. 'I would be mad, but I can't be. I kinda deserve it for acting like that.'

"Mo'at, Eytukan, Thank you for bringing me here. I will be leaving now." I morph into a Forest banshee and immediately fly straight up as the Tree of Souls is right under the Hallelujah Mountains

'I probably should have given them a proper goodbye.' I continue to fly up and see a mountain banshee in the distance without a rider. 'Well, I guess it's mealtime.'

I then quickly start boosting my speed as I add my propulsion tubes to the side of my body, letting me get more speed as I ram into the mountain banshee, swiftly morphing myself into my standard form and quickly eating it.

[DNA Absorption]

Mountain Banshee DNA

Mutations Gained: N/A

'I truly don't know what I was expecting.' I morph into the mountain banshee and start spreading my senses wide to see if I can find a Great Leonopteryx, as I might as well become the apex sky predator.

'come on, where is one? I just need this last flying guy; then I can go back to the forest floor and get a couple more, and then I'm done.' I sense one that is on the highest mountain.

'there he is.' I warp above him and dive down towards its back, and right before contact, I morph myself into my normal form, letting me eat him in two quick bites.

[DNA Absorption]

Great Leonopteryx DNA

Mutations Gained: N/A

'well, I probably already got everything that was good here besides the quest stuff, so I'm just going to shut up about it.' I jump off the mountain and turn into the Great Leonopteryx.


{A/N Well, I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter and the description of his human form and how it will change when he is angry.

Also, I hope you guys like how I made it so that when he sees or hears the idea that someone knows about his past, he gets angry and becomes more human, with more realistic characters.

Besides all that, what did you think of the description of Eywa? I copied it from another web novel, which was an ARK and Avatar world mix. You guys should read it, as it's excellent. The title of it is Avatar: A Lost Survivor on Pandora.

But I will put the usual below, and I hope you guys have a good day.


Species: Devouring Leviathan

Name: Livyatan

Titles: Lost Child, Apocalypse Levithan +3

Length: 125m (410ft)

DNA Assimilated: 65




1: Remove the RDA from Pandora Permanently

2: Explore


1: unique mutation

2: Memory Influx

3: Knowledge



1: Talk to the ten clans

2: Meet Eywa (complete)


1: Psionic Mutation

2: Blessing of a God

[Eywa's Quest]


1: Help the Omatikaya Clan

2: Eradicate the Ash People


1: Worship of the Clans

2: Army of Ash