
Memoir of a nameless solider

Dune was finally out of the hospital, just a few days before our next campaign. Athena's words stuck with us so we planned multiple strategies around whether the enemy had come into contact with any gods or not. This would also be the first campaign that retreating back to the city would not be a viable option due to far we could travelling, the Ador plains where we would be setting up our base was open for easy sights to avoid ambush and close to a forest for hunting. Its the perfect place to hold but before we could get there we had to through the Ivad mountain range. The path is narrow with cliffs and covered in ice making travelling in large groups almost impossible. The trip to the plains should take four days in the best conditions, so we planned for a six day travel. The first day, we traveled smoothly with the advance group of 1500 men in five groups. The second day had a few delays due to a festival happening in a town and as men we had to help the locals with their alcohol problem. We partied throughout the night drinking, dancing and at the end throwing dye on a bonfire. Partying so long didn't delay our early morning departure even this all the tired and hungover men, we continued to march until we came to the base of the mountain range. The third day started with a slow and dangerous trek up the range through the fastest path. The path was too narrow for our normal four man formation, so we formed two man groups with Dune and general Nale, the two strongest men in front. The further we climbed the range the colder it became even with the winter coats we were given but we couldn't stop, stopping on such a narrow path would leave us open to attacks by animals looking for an easy meal. Just before the sun had set we found a plateau that hold most of the men. The plateau had a wall blocking most of the wind that was blowing around the snow wildly giving the men and easier time setting up the tents. The first casualty occurred in the early morning of the fourth day, two guards were attacked while patrolling the path. The men's bodies were found with massive scratches and bite marks, it was clear that they were attacked by a large beast like a snow bear. We packed an left as quickly as possible because the area was marked and more beasts will appear again for a midnight snack. The cold didn't let up and the snow came down heavier, leading some men walking off of cliffs or getting lost. By the time we found another place to make camp, 59 men had either died or gotten lost which was as good as death. At the new camp Dune, general Nale and general Roca stood guard and watched for beasts that could attack. A loud growl could be heard from the path we came from at it sounded like a snow bear, then even more growls appeared afterwards signalling a pack.

"Lion squad, on me." shouted general Nale

The lion squad was a squad personally trained by the generals using the old Tor pact, a brutal training regiment by the first general. The men took up their formation and attacked following Dune's lead. After a few minutes of fighting, the bears left due to the number of losses on their side while only one man was seriously injured. The dead beasts were skinned and had their meat taken to replenish food supplies. We were finally starting the climb down on the six day and this was where we ran into the most problems. The path was yet again narrow but also had steep declines and thin ice that could end us all in an instant. Our slow travel was made even slower by those factors and it wasn't getting better as more snow bears and even a pack or wolves started attacking frequently. Six days was not enough to traverse this godforsaken mountain but it had to be done, our squadron was needed to help turn the war in our favor. The morning of the seventh day was the worst with three separate attacks by wolves, the lost of twenty men and a small avalanche but by the evening the snow was letting up and we could see the edge of the forest before the plains.

"Men, after all the hardship we had climbing this mountain, the end is just in sight." general Roca shouted "Don't give up this is all for victory."

The speech was well received by the men but to avoid another avalanche they only tapped their shields. We started the march with renewed enthusiasm and headed towards the base of the mountain but our seemingly last big trail was facing us. A snow bear was blocking our path and it didn't seem happy. This snow bear was massive, at least three times bigger that all the others we faced, it was probably the leader of a pack. Without any hesitation, it raised its paw and swiped at the person leading the group, Dune. He dodged the attack and countered by slashing at its arm but it's hide was too thick. That attack made it angrier and it swung the back of it's paw at Dune, but he blocked most of it using his shield. He was pushed back and he could his shield was dented but we could see that he was enjoying the fight. We tried to back him up but there wasn't enough space for any of our formations so we could only leave it to Dune. He throw his shield and ran at the bear at full speed, staying low and watching its movements. If they bear wasn't intimidating enough, it stood up and growled the loudest it could but he wasn't fazed in the slightest. The bear used its entire weight and attacked straight on but Dune dodged and ran up its arm, heading for its face. He jumped and gouged out its eye but it opened it mouth aiming to bite him.

"Spear." he shouted with general Nale throwing his shortly after. Dune started to glow when the spear got close enough, then he let go of his sword and caught the spear plunging it in the bear's chest.


Each man threw a spear with Dune catching them and stabbing the bear while avoiding it's attacks. With each spear, the bear started bleeding heavily slowing down its movements until it dropped to its paws pushing the spears seeking in its chest. The bear let out a few whimpers before it died from blood loss. Dune stood triumphant over the bear but didn't celebrate, showing respect to a strong opponent. The men retrieved their weapons and skinned the bear seeing the strength of it's hide while Dune cleaned his sword. On closer inspection the hide was covered in scars, probably from years of fights but there was one spot on it's back devoid of damage. The bear was skinned, meat taken and was buried before we continued down the mountain, finally reaching the forest during the night of the same day. This was the end of our dangerous march up the mountain but the beginning of our mission, establishing a second base to fight the enemy on two fronts. This mission could end this war or kill us all and we were only aiming for victory.

I really wanted this to be a shorter chapter because of the last one but that didn't happen. I got to much into the details and city delayed me, Hope you enjoy anyway. Also drop some gods or heroes you'd like to see.

Ryanburnermancreators' thoughts