
Lord of Mysteries: Starting As A Reader

Lord of Mysteries fanfiction. The unexpected intervention of a real transmigrator, Ebner, would help Klein usher in a better ending. The Lord of the Mysteries would definitely be Klein, not the Celestial Worthy. The main character takes the Sequence pathway of a Reader. note: I'm only editing from MTL and post here so when I don't have a connection I can read it offline. the real author of this book is "Quick Return of the Named Fire"

ordinary_people · 作品衍生
291 Chs

First Tarot Gathering

When his vision was restored, the grayish-white, boundless, cold, and silent world immediately appeared in Ebner's eyes. He looked at the figure sitting in the seat of honor, shrouded in thick fog. He hurriedly bowed his head in feigned reverence and greeted,

"Praise you, Mr. Fool."

At the same time, he secretly observed his surroundings, but he didn't see anyone else. Thinking back to how it wasn't three o'clock yet, he immediately had a guess. Did Klein summon me ahead of time?

Seated at the head of the table, Klein was very satisfied that nothing unexpected had happened during this "gathering." It appeared that the other party had been intimidated by him and didn't report him.

However, his emotions are very active today. He's not as calm as the last time… Is he confirming that I'm really a kind-hearted 'god', so he's not afraid anymore? Is his heart that big? That won't do. I have to remind him that my status is very high. I have to be respectful at all times! However, what should I do to not lose my status and give him pointers?

Klein quickly thought of a solution and quickly came up with an idea.

"Tower, we meet again," he said with a smile. "The other members still need to wait for a while. Let me confirm something that I didn't mention last time."

Ebner vaguely guessed that Klein was planning on pretending, so he cooperated and said,

"I'll listen to your teachings."

Why do I feel that you might be cursing inwardly while saying such humble words? Klein observed the color of Ebner's emotions with his Spirit Vision, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitch. He reached out to pinch his temples and said solemnly,

"I allow you to recite my name and remember the following title."

"The Fool that doesn't belong to this era, the mysterious ruler above the gray fog, the King of Yellow and Black who wields good luck."

When Ebner heard this familiar honorific name, he didn't pretend to be shocked. After all, he had already confirmed Klein's identity as a deity the last time he came to the gray fog. Wasn't it natural for a deity to have a three-part honorific name?

"You don't belong to this era… So you are a resurrected ancient god. It's no wonder that the one in Antigonus's family was only half a step away from stopping you from ascending to godhood!" Ebner held back his laughter and flattered him.

He's very happy now? What's there to be happy about? Happy that my 'strength' can bring him opportunities? And this Mr. Tower really does know a lot of mysticism knowledge. Unfortunately, I have to maintain the image of The Fool and can't ask.

Seeing that three o'clock was approaching, Klein pressed his hand towards the crimson star representing Justice and The Hanged Man.

Ebner watched this scene with a smile. He saw light erupt from the opposite side and two blurry figures stretching out.

Audrey Hall looked around and was suddenly stunned. Then, she heard Mr. Fool's forever calm voice.

"This is a new member, named Tower."

"This is Miss Justice, and this is Mr. Hanged Man."

A new member has appeared at the gathering? Audrey was first alarmed before she was filled with joy.

She was very happy to see the Tarot Club develop and grow. It had the spirit of a master.

Alger carefully observed Mr. Tower, who stood up, and judged his background.

He didn't seem old, but he looked very confident. He didn't have the fear of being in a mysterious place at all… Was he being foolish or was he confident?

Ebner was also silently observing Justice and The Hanged Man.

Audrey was indeed as described as a cheerful and optimistic girl like the sun. Even though her face couldn't be seen clearly, he could tell that she was in a good mood.

As for Alger, his only feature is his seaweed head… Alright, I admit that compared to Justice, The Hanged Man doesn't attract much attention.

After the three of them exchanged greetings, Audrey happily bowed to The Fool and said with a faint smile, "Good afternoon, Mr. Fool. It's a pity that there's no good wine here. Otherwise, I would have been able to give you a successful toast."

At this moment, she should be referring to the matter of using ritualistic magic to obtain the Good Dream Blessing, right? It's also a matter of whether Klein's experimental honorific name is useful, Ebner thought as he watched this scene.

"Your strength far exceeds our imagination," Alger Wilson praised.

Afraid that Ebner wouldn't understand what they were saying, Audrey kindly explained the experiment that The Fool had previously done to him and asked if there was a need for her to inform him about the ritual.

Ebner shook his head and declined with a smile. "The Beyonder pathway I'm from is very good at ritualistic magic. I know how to pray for such rituals."

Expert at ritualistic magic… Which pathway is it? Mystery Pryer? Seer? Klein and Alger simultaneously had this thought.

Following that, after watching Klein's awkward performance of the mysterious existence, Audrey handed over the conjured Roselle diary.

"This is Mr. Fool's reading time. Mr. Tower, please wait." Seeing that Ebner was a little distracted, Audrey kindly reminded him.

"Thank you for your reminder, beautiful Miss Justice." Ebner nodded with a smile.

As for Alger, who was sitting beside him, he sat there silently. His gaze was fixed on the surface of the long bronze table, as though he was facing a true deity.

What was the content of Audrey's diary this time? Let me think… Right, it seems like the emperor was criticizing the Church of Craftsmen for being too weak, as well as Zaratul cooperating with him to tell him the approximate time needed for digestion. He also hoped that he could steal a dangerous relic from the Church of Craftsmen.

Abner recalled the contents of the diary in boredom. Then, he heard Mr. Fool say,

"Sorry to keep you waiting."

"It would be our pleasure," everyone said as they recovered.

Following that, Audrey first looked at The Hanged Man and asked while organizing her words,

"Where can I find the Psychology Alchemists?"

Psychology Alchemists… How much does Alger know? This is my chance to showcase my intelligence and knowledge!

Just as Ebner was wondering how many layers the Psychology Alchemists would reveal, Alger Wilson shook his head and said,

"Miss Justice, firstly, I don't know any clues. Secondly, I don't think you need to be in such a rush to find the Psychology Alchemists. Your current focus should be on digesting the Spectator potion."

Audrey quickly glanced at The Fool and saw that he had no intention of adding anything. Just as she was feeling slightly disappointed, Ebner suddenly said, "Miss Justice, you are an upper-class noble of the Loen Kingdom, right? If that's the case, then it wouldn't be difficult to find the Psychology Alchemists."

The upper-class aristocrat of the Loen Kingdom… Is my performance and accent that obvious? I was clearly hiding it after becoming a Spectator… Audrey's mouth gaped as she was taken aback. However, she quickly snapped to her senses and asked curiously,

"Are the members of the Psychology Alchemists related to the nobles of the kingdom?"

"In the beginning, the Psychology Alchemists was just a hobbyist's seminar. They believed that the mind had infinite power and infinite wonders. Later, this seminar obtained a treasure map and found the ruins left behind by Hermes!"

With that said, Ebner surveyed his surroundings and realized that it wasn't just Audrey. Alger and Klein's attention was also focused on him. Only then did he continue in satisfaction, "The ruins left behind by Hermes finally established the foundation and direction of the Psychology Alchemists' research. It's also the Spectator Sequence that digs out the secrets of the mind."

How would he dare to say so much outside? He was finally satisfied.

"Hermes? Hermes from Hermes?" Audrey asked with interest.

"Yes, he can be considered one of the earliest mysticism masters of humanity. The ancient Hermes language he created has the mystical ability to directly resonate with the powers of nature," Ebner replied with a smile before returning to the main topic.

"The Psychology Alchemists are very active in the upper echelons of Backlund. Many family members of aristocrats or businessmen have been developed into members. They also have spies in various secret Beyonder circles. If you wish to come into contact with them, it's actually very simple. You can directly find a secret gathering to purchase or sell the Spectator potion formula."

"If your family has sufficient power and wealth in Loen, I believe that it won't be long before a lady of status who can be your friend comes knocking."

With that said, be it Audrey, Klein, or Alger, they were all deeply afraid of the Psychology Alchemists. It was obvious how much power such a huge network of connections could mobilize.

At the same time, they had a series of guesses about Ebner's identity. To know such a secret, who was Mr. Tower? Could he be a spy from the Psychology Alchemists? However, he didn't seem to have a good impression of the organization. He even lacked respect when speaking of Hermes.

"But won't the various Churches interfere with the Psychology Alchemists doing this?" Audrey asked hesitantly. She had completely forgotten her original intention for asking.

"Heh heh, the Churches regularly invite the nobles and merchants who support them to attend the Mass!" Ebner didn't answer directly, but it made the three people present to understand what he meant.

So… The Psychology Alchemists don't dare to look for Dad… Uh, they don't dare to look for nobles who often enter the Church, but they develop their families? Like me? Audrey was instantly enlightened.

"That's right!" Ebner first nodded before changing the topic and advising, "I don't recommend you contact the Psychology Alchemists immediately. In addition, it's best if you obtain Mr. Fool's permission and protection before you do so. Otherwise, it's very difficult for you to hide your secret from a Beyonder who's at least a Psychiatrist."

"Is that so…" Audrey looked at Mr. Fool, who remained indifferent, and sighed in disappointment. Then, she realized that this action was a little rude. She hurriedly adjusted her posture and said to Ebner, "Thank you for your explanation, Mr. Tower."

"In fact, you can first digest the Spectator potion while finding a reliable person to bring you into the Beyonder gathering circle. When that happens, you might be able to accumulate enough contributions to request Mr. Fool's protection." As Ebner suggested this, he also thought to himself, Miss Salted Fish Fors, this is all I can help you with. Whether you can get in touch with Audrey will depend on your efforts during this period of time.

As for Klein, who was sitting at the head of the table, his face was covered in fog. He was dumbfounded.

"What? Accumulating enough contribution points for me to provide protection? What excuse can I use to reject it?"