
Looks Is Better than Stats

Looks Is Better than Stats In the year 2033, humanity achieved an astonishing milestone in the realm of digital technology and interface integration, forever altering what was considered "normal." The Neurochip, a groundbreaking invention by the enigmatic genius "Ilun Mask," swept across the world like a digital tsunami, transforming the very essence of human existence. This transformative technology paved the way for the birth of the world's first Full Dive MMORPG, NEuEarth Online. Amidst the millions of players who ventured into this immersive virtual realm, one particular player stood out. In terms of looks, he is the strongest! but the saying "don't judge the book by its cover" has never been real when it comes to this player. Embark on a journey into this immersive FD- MMORPG, where a grand quest unlike any other awaits.

Ank_Art · 游戏
45 Chs


The sinister forest teemed with grotesque Arcanes, one after another silhouette emerging from its depths. The party was now encircled, their escape route closed off, and their situation had turned from bad to disastrous. It was clear that things had taken a terrifying turn.

Klent, in the midst of this chaos, saw an opportunity to make a hasty exit, leaving the others to confront the growing horde of Arcanes. But before he could execute his escape plan, Trey's wrathful presence loomed.

With no time to waste, Trey's sword erupted with an ominous glow as he lunged towards Klent, a burning hatred in his eyes. "You're not going anywhere!" he seethed, his voice dripping with rage. With a swift motion, he swung his blade horizontally at Klent, the sharp edge cutting through the air with deadly intent.


Klent, quick to respond, leaped backward, narrowly evading Trey's slashing attack. He created distance between them, his hands glowing as he began to conjure a fireball.

But before he could unleash the fiery projectile, Trey's resolve surged. With a powerful kick off the ground, he launched himself forward like a human battering ram. The force of his initial swing allowed him to twist his body sideways, his left shoulder colliding with Klent's chest.


The impact sent Klent staggering backward, the breath knocked from his lungs. Both of them hurtled through the forest, crashing through underbrush and branches, leaving a trail of destruction in their wake. 



Party leader: Klent

[left the party]

Party member: Andy

Race: Dragan

HP: 2300/2300 MP: 500/500

Party member: Naida

Race: Merh

HP: 1000/1000 MP: 1800/1800

Party member: Trey

[left the party]

Party member: Kuonh

Race: Human

HP: 18000/1800 MP: 1000/1000

[Player Naida is now the Party leader]

"STOP, Trey! THIS IS NOT THE RIGHT TIME FOR THAT!" Kuonh shouted, his voice filled with urgency. But it seemed his plea fell on deaf ears.

Kuonh clenched his fists in frustration as he watched Trey and Klent move further away from the group. He was about to rush after them, to intervene and prevent a possible confrontation, but just as he took a step, his sharp ears caught another sound—footsteps, rustling from the underbrush.

His heart pounded as he recognized the telltale signs of a menacing presence. It could only be one thing: another Arcane.

"Trey, WE MAY BE UNDER ATTACK!" Kuonh bellowed at the top of his lungs, hoping to reach his wayward teammates. He knew the situation was growing increasingly perilous, and the distant growls of the Arcane only served to intensify the urgency of the moment.

Kuonh felt a mounting sense of desperation as he stood amid the chaos, unsure of what to do to salvage the situation. But then, a memory surged to the forefront of his mind. He recalled that Andy had a skill capable of drawing aggro away from the party, a potential lifeline in their dire circumstances.

"h-hey I have a plan" Kuonh's voice quivered as he desperately sought to steer his comrades back on course. "Hey, Andy, use your skill. Now!"

As his words hung in the air, Kuonh turned to check on Andy, expecting to find him executing the skill that should have drawn the aggro of the arcanes. However, to his growing horror, Andy was nowhere to be found.

Then an earsplitting scream cut through the forest, and Kuonh's heart sank. He recognized the voice—it was Andy, who had been quiet all this time. But there was nothing quiet about the agonized, terrified cry that echoed through the sinister woods.

"AHHH! I can't take it anymore!"

Andy's voice was filled with sheer hysteria as he careened through the forest, his footfalls clattering through the underbrush as he attempted to flee back in the direction they had come.

"Andy! There are plenty of Arcanes in that area!" Kuonh called out, his panic intensifying. He was on the verge of following Andy's lead, eager to rush to his aid and confront whatever danger lay behind. But in the span of a few harrowing seconds, everything changed.

A second scream, more guttural and agonized than the first, rent the air.



The notification rang in Kuonh's ears, delivering the grim message.

[One party member got killed.]

A heavy silence fell over the forest as Kuonh stood there, stunned, realizing that the nightmare scenario he had feared had just become a horrific reality.


Party leader: Naida

Race: Merh

HP: 1000/1000 MP: 1800/1800

Party member: Andy


Party member: Kuonh

Race: Human

HP: 18000/1800 MP: 1000/1000

"E-expired? He got killed that fast? What kind of Arcane did Andy encounter?"

As Kuonh grappled with the shocking loss of Andy, sadness and regret washed over him like a relentless tide. The realization that he had been unable to protect one of his comrades weighed heavily on his heart, and a profound sense of responsibility for the safety of the remaining party members began to gnaw at him.

With only two party members left in that cursed area of the forest, Kuonh was desperate to devise a plan, to find a way to escape from this relentless nightmare. But just as he was attempting to gather his wits, a rustling in the bushes nearby caught his attention. Hope flickered within him, and he called out desperately, "TREY?"

However, the cruel hand of fate had something far more sinister in store for him. Instead of his comrade's reassuring presence, two grotesque Arcanes emerged from the underbrush, their bloodthirsty eyes fixed on their next prey. Naida's widened eyes betrayed her fear, and she began to slowly retreat from the approaching monsters. Unfortunately, the Arcanes saw her retreat as a sign of vulnerability, and they moved in on her, recognizing her as an easy target.

The situation had gone from dire to utterly nightmarish. Kuonh's mind raced as he contemplated how to protect Naida and himself from this looming threat.